These little buggers have caused more pain and I have treated more people with nasty strong medicine because of these swines.(apart from "happy moments").
Dont touch, sometimes people havent even had noticeable punctures and was screaming.
Havent bothered keeping one, but I hear they are good eating (poor mans crayfish was one description). The speicies name, Scorpaena sumptuosa might give their taste away. Would probably do it the same way scott said if I did. Seems too much effort for the small sized ones though (but then I havent tried one).
The skipper used them for bait (bashed them on the head first). I usuually lip grip them and then used long nosed pliers to get the hook out while the fish is still over the side of the boat (though this one I wanted a photo first).
i think the top ones are the poisonous spikes. but not 100% sure.
ill be keeping the next one and get my gf to cook it (shes a better cook) but we both enjoyed it, only kept it because i keep hearing there good eating. this one was about 30cm. caught amile out from triggs.
Igot spiked by one recently.It is bearable but bloody painful. starts slowly and builds after 5 minutes to become really painful and stays like that for 30 minutes before slowly subsiding. put it this way , it wont happen again in a hurry cheers Pete
Colin Hay
Posts: 10407
Date Joined: 23/10/07
Dangerous ugly buggers
The jig is almost as big as it Matt.
Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime
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Date Joined: 16/10/08
Bloody be carefull all
These little buggers have caused more pain and I have treated more people with nasty strong medicine because of these swines.(apart from "happy moments").
Dont touch, sometimes people havent even had noticeable punctures and was screaming.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Posts: 236
Date Joined: 17/03/09
caught one of these on
caught one of these on sunday, ate it.. over cooked it a little bit so it was bit to dry but stil tasted really good. did you keep this one?
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
You lucky bastard
They have toxins that would scare you.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Posts: 236
Date Joined: 17/03/09
put it start into a seprate
put it start into a seprate bucket and cut the hook off the line.. used a long blade to cut its gills. waiting until we were home before handling it.
ive heard storys of pain these little buggers cause and didnt wanna take a chance.
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
Havent bothered keeping one,
Havent bothered keeping one, but I hear they are good eating (poor mans crayfish was one description). The speicies name, Scorpaena sumptuosa might give their taste away. Would probably do it the same way scott said if I did. Seems too much effort for the small sized ones though (but then I havent tried one).
The skipper used them for bait (bashed them on the head first). I usuually lip grip them and then used long nosed pliers to get the hook out while the fish is still over the side of the boat (though this one I wanted a photo first).
Which spines are the poisonous ones?
Posts: 236
Date Joined: 17/03/09
i think the top ones are the
i think the top ones are the poisonous spikes. but not 100% sure.
ill be keeping the next one and get my gf to cook it (shes a better cook) but we both enjoyed it, only kept it because i keep hearing there good eating. this one was about 30cm. caught amile out from triggs.
Roger Knife
Posts: 710
Date Joined: 12/01/09
Looks evil that does,
Looks evil that does, wouldnt what that stuck in me finger!!
Honorary Aussie and "foreign correspondant" for fishwrecked reel time. Make sure you have subscribed to:
piston broke
Posts: 776
Date Joined: 05/11/08
Igot spiked by one recently.It is bearable but bloody painful. starts slowly and builds after 5 minutes to become really painful and stays like that for 30 minutes before slowly subsiding. put it this way , it wont happen again in a hurry cheers Pete
Posts: 355
Date Joined: 07/07/11
keep some scissors in the
keep some scissors in the boat cut off the spikes and put it in a seperate bucket