Reel Obsession - MMMM
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Wed, 2006-07-12 21:04

Reel Obsession, one of the local EGFC boys going out. What a rig!
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Posts: 642
Date Joined: 09/09/05
Bloody nice outfit with a
Bloody nice outfit with a whole heap of toe that big gal eh...
Left us literally in her wake on a mates boat 'bout 6 mths ago. She was right there in front of us one minute, looked back a short time later and she was loooooooooooong gone.
twin 250 verados'll do that....!!!!
Lucky the owner also owns the local servo.....
Bloody nice outfit for plying the waters up there.
Posts: 402
Date Joined: 04/11/09
very nice
my mates dad used to work at leisure cat and he gets to take all the different models out for free
joe amato
Posts: 731
Date Joined: 21/12/08
awsome boat
awsome boat adam ,thats 1 serious cat
Posts: 60
Date Joined: 01/02/09
nice boat , except for the
nice boat , except for the black anchors on the back
Posts: 15044
Date Joined: 30/11/09
HAHAHA yeah the black
HAHAHA yeah the black anchors, like it. I've always had a thing about Mercs since I was a kid in the late 70's and the old man bought a boat with a 90hp Merc. The first run we took on the river, he gave me the wheel and told me to steer only at that moment for the damned thing to blow up (gearbox) been scarred ever since.Give me the Suzi anyday!
Love the West!
Posts: 1621
Date Joined: 28/08/07
leisure pigs
went out on a 7m leisure cat the the day and it was the worst boat i have ever been on , way to much roll when at drift even in flat seas you still had to hold on for dear life and felt like it was going to roll over with a following sea give me a shark cat or kevlar cat any day lot more stable
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
I've been in two and they
I've been in two and they have been fine all day, neither the noosa or kevlar cat I've been in really handled any better.
I reckon that at least half of the FUD about cat brand x comes from brand y.