Funny how I didnt even notice that mine was that white. I was more concerned about my acheing back than the colour.I still would have loved to have got a big girl like Adams.
Don't really care if theyre male/female, prob should learn but haven't got that far yet. Got a tag kit, f***n forgot it yesterday, DOH, wasnt sure if they still wanted them tagged or not either? You know Mav, saw something about them not continuing the program?
We spear them for release, don't really bring them up too fast and only on 65lb braid and about 8kg of drag. Use the release weight if necessary, but most are in good enough condition that spear tech works effectively and they swim off for another day.
Tagging / research is still going strong , last trip out I did we tagged 76 and recaptured 1 between 7 fishers ( broke 1 Saltiga 6000 and destroyed a Torium ).
YES they still want the fish tagged , if you can , record the time the fish was captured as well, nearest 15 mins is good, sexing them is a good thing to learn as well we can tag , sex and release within about 10 seconds of it hitting the wet deck , most fish are good to be speared , if you take too long on photo's or their buggered then they need some extra help .
REAL BIG fish have been hitting the deck lately , but you have to know where and how to get them .
anyone serous with Sambo jigging should have a tag kit , even if you havn't got a boat and go regularly on others boats ;) the more tagged the more it helps with research .
Posts: 1079
Date Joined: 12/02/06
go adam
big girl there mate!!
still think that whitey looks the best though!!
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
My Baby
She's big, DA BIG. Definately my PB. Smoked up my spheros big time, must get onto editing up the vid tomorrow.
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Posts: 885
Date Joined: 27/01/06
Funny how I didnt even
Funny how I didnt even notice that mine was that white. I was more concerned about my acheing back than the colour.I still would have loved to have got a big girl like Adams.
Posts: 488
Date Joined: 24/03/06
Noice, very noice. Funny
Noice, very noice.
Funny how you only prefer big girls when it comes to fishing ...
Posts: 1260
Date Joined: 06/06/06
Boy / Girl
Do you guys sex them to see what your got , or is it guess work ??
Any of you Sambo hunter got a tag kit on board ???
Strap yourself in , and feel the GGGGG's
The lying scumbag that I am .
OFW member 088
Sponsored by no one and I work for myself so my comments are my own.
Posts: 2013
Date Joined: 30/08/06
how do you let your sambos
how do you let your sambos go?
do u have a weight release? or just spear them back in?
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
"Smoked up my spheros big
"Smoked up my spheros big time"
Looks like you need a stella/saltiga for christmas Adam.
Jay Burgess
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Don't really care if theyre male/female, prob should learn but haven't got that far yet. Got a tag kit, f***n forgot it yesterday, DOH, wasnt sure if they still wanted them tagged or not either? You know Mav, saw something about them not continuing the program?
We spear them for release, don't really bring them up too fast and only on 65lb braid and about 8kg of drag. Use the release weight if necessary, but most are in good enough condition that spear tech works effectively and they swim off for another day.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Posts: 913
Date Joined: 15/08/05
Well done
Good fish handling as well mate.
your speros might benefit from the Blue upgrade kit.
Posts: 1260
Date Joined: 06/06/06
keep on tagging
Tagging / research is still going strong , last trip out I did we tagged 76 and recaptured 1 between 7 fishers ( broke 1 Saltiga 6000 and destroyed a Torium ).
YES they still want the fish tagged , if you can , record the time the fish was captured as well, nearest 15 mins is good, sexing them is a good thing to learn as well we can tag , sex and release within about 10 seconds of it hitting the wet deck , most fish are good to be speared , if you take too long on photo's or their buggered then they need some extra help .
REAL BIG fish have been hitting the deck lately , but you have to know where and how to get them .
anyone serous with Sambo jigging should have a tag kit , even if you havn't got a boat and go regularly on others boats ;) the more tagged the more it helps with research .
Strap yourself in , and feel the GGGGG's
The lying scumbag that I am .
OFW member 088
Sponsored by no one and I work for myself so my comments are my own.
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
G'day Mav, do you know where
G'day Mav, do you know where we can find information about tagging other species?
Jay Burgess
Posts: 1260
Date Joined: 06/06/06
I'll have to get back to you Jay .
Will ask around , I'll be seeing a few people in the research dept today and will ask .
Strap yourself in , and feel the GGGGG's
The lying scumbag that I am .
And apparently I'm a nob !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OFW member 088
Sponsored by no one and I work for myself so my comments are my own.
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
Cheers mate.
Jay Burgess