Nobody said that it wasn't eaten. Sure they had reason enough for it to be hanging, maybe it died boatside or couldn't be swum, just becareful of jumping to conclusions. The pro's are pulling marlin out hand over fist on the east coast, so we should be careful not to cruicify someone for keeping their catch.
Its a great marlin and their choice to keep it, even thou many of us may have liked to see it be released. Lets keep the vibe positive and congratulate the angler on what is a fine catch.
Any finer details on the capture JD? Line class etc?
Fish was caught in PNG. As you can imagine some of the nationals aren't quite as well off as you and I. It was given to the decky for the day and let me tell you his family was more than gratefull to recieve it. Most fish are tagged & released unless of course they're not going to make it, then they are bought back and the locals love you for a lifetime. I can asure you nothing goes to waste.
Yeh sorry about that, i had been sent the picure quite a few months back and had a friendly joke with Ad's (jd's brother... my cousin's) cause the Marlin i/we caught, we managed to get going again and was released.... (Don't get me wrong, it wanted to go straight to the pool room im sure) Not taking anything away from the Angler.... Great catch!!:)
yeah totally agree adam you said that so well.... maybe they think the same to us when we keep a big trout or a red??? if they arnt goin to waste it then yeah but thats not sayin anyone likes seein a beautiful billy hangin at the gantry... hopefully they will be round for a long time yet
Posts: 261
Date Joined: 18/10/05
Flying fish??
Didnt fall outa the sky did it?? We usually let those buggers go.... Nice size though.
Posts: 1079
Date Joined: 12/02/06
bloody put it back for
bloody put it back for somone else to enjoy! if ya not going to eat it release it! nice fish though.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Nobody said that it wasn't eaten. Sure they had reason enough for it to be hanging, maybe it died boatside or couldn't be swum, just becareful of jumping to conclusions. The pro's are pulling marlin out hand over fist on the east coast, so we should be careful not to cruicify someone for keeping their catch.
Its a great marlin and their choice to keep it, even thou many of us may have liked to see it be released. Lets keep the vibe positive and congratulate the angler on what is a fine catch.
Any finer details on the capture JD? Line class etc?
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Posts: 17
Date Joined: 28/05/06
They Taste great too
Don't forget that they taste great too, nothin' wrong with taking any fish as long as it's leagal to do it and you don't waste it .
Posts: 2321
Date Joined: 03/05/06
superb fish Rachel
well said adam...looks like it could have been a competition
Posts: 99
Date Joined: 04/05/06
Everything was eaten (even the eyballs)
Fish was caught in PNG. As you can imagine some of the nationals aren't quite as well off as you and I. It was given to the decky for the day and let me tell you his family was more than gratefull to recieve it. Most fish are tagged & released unless of course they're not going to make it, then they are bought back and the locals love you for a lifetime. I can asure you nothing goes to waste.
Posts: 261
Date Joined: 18/10/05
Only joking
Yeh sorry about that, i had been sent the picure quite a few months back and had a friendly joke with Ad's (jd's brother... my cousin's) cause the Marlin i/we caught, we managed to get going again and was released.... (Don't get me wrong, it wanted to go straight to the pool room im sure) Not taking anything away from the Angler.... Great catch!!:)
Posts: 986
Date Joined: 01/05/07
yeah totally agree adam you said that so well.... maybe they think the same to us when we keep a big trout or a red??? if they arnt goin to waste it then yeah but thats not sayin anyone likes seein a beautiful billy hangin at the gantry... hopefully they will be round for a long time yet
Fear The Spear............!