QLD Noosa River flathead
Submitted by Paul H on Fri, 2010-01-08 11:16

Caught on a cheap lure on a cheap hire rod in front of the apartment where we were staying at noosa (gonna make sure I take my rod next time). Had a hookup and dropped it on the first cast nailed him again and got it to the bank on the second. Ate it for dinner the following night - tasted beautiful......
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
Posts: 1556
Date Joined: 07/08/05
What did that one measure?
What did that one measure? It looks decent.
I was there last year with a rod and only managed smaller specimens(big by Perth standards) but I've seen massive ones in photos. Heaps of trev's in that river too. We fished near the caravan park.
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
Was caught just near the
Was caught just near the boat hire place (where I hired the crappy rod) a little more inland from the caravan park just after dark. Was berlying up heaps of small bream etc with bread near the pontoon at the time. I would estimate it was around 45-50cm.
I remember fishing on the gold coast seaway when I was about 14 and an old bloke was teaching me how to catch flathead on bait. Saw him catch two crocodilles (flathead) of about a metre each on ox liver baits which he swore by. I caught a few small ones after that on the ox liver.
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions