Nice pic of Northmole bonito
Submitted by tailor marc on Sun, 2007-05-27 12:45

Caught this nice sized bonito yesterday. I was pleased the pic came out mint!
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Posts: 826
Date Joined: 26/05/07
Nice Bonny!
Thats nice size Bonito there! Were you just baitcasting mulies after Tailor and you picked this fella up? =]
tailor marc
Posts: 2979
Date Joined: 27/09/06
Hi Jangles! I was acually
Hi Jangles!
I was acually chasing Bonito. I seen a dude cleaning up on bonito the day before on a baitcasting rig with no sinker.
I also seen a 9.5 kg snapper caught baitcasting aswell.
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Posts: 826
Date Joined: 26/05/07
Gday there Tailor Marc!
Wow, 9.5kg Snapper? Far out I would never imagin that! Thats really great to see that you have cleaned up the Bonny's, were they stragglers hey? Man I go to North Mole and fish near the kiosk and I only get Tailor and Snooks but I really do wanna ping one of these critters someday since I'm restricted to being a landbase fisherman. Thanks for all the rigging tips Tailor Marc, all the best for the future and your fishing!