more out of season salmon

more out of season salmon

 went fishing again on friday on the kayak looking for a few more salmon that are cruising around .. not many herring biting so live bait was hard to come by .. picked up a nice salmon while slowly trolling a livie out the back .. found a school of salmon on the way home but only had 1 herring left and so had some fun then it was home time 

Posts: 9358

Date Joined: 21/02/08

Nice size there Feral!

Sun, 2011-11-27 10:27

Nice size there Feral!


Feral's picture

Posts: 1508

Date Joined: 01/11/06

 one of the pups Jamie ..

Sun, 2011-11-27 10:31

 one of the pups Jamie .. next time i think ill take the tinny so getting some herring or whitting is easier ... there are some monster fish in the school but bait is my issue off the kayak .. then again i suppose i could wake up earlier instead of going fishing at lunch time when the herring shut down :)

Lamby's picture

Posts: 3145

Date Joined: 04/08/09

Nice Salmon mate!dropped my

Mon, 2011-11-28 17:07

Nice Salmon mate!

dropped my phone in the drink so only got your msg today, apologies for not getting back to you mate

crugs1's picture

Posts: 131

Date Joined: 31/08/11

nice fish mate how much is

Mon, 2011-11-28 17:21

nice fish mate how much is one of those kaks worth?

Feral's picture

Posts: 1508

Date Joined: 01/11/06

With the add ons I got like

Mon, 2011-11-28 17:31

With the add ons I got like livebait tank .. turbo fins .. bigger rudder .. not much change from 3k

beau's picture

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Mon, 2011-11-28 18:42



Man Overboard's picture

Posts: 957

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Nice work Clint, I take it

Mon, 2011-11-28 19:54

Nice work Clint, I take it that is down your way ?

Feral's picture

Posts: 1508

Date Joined: 01/11/06

Yeah just around bunkers and

Mon, 2011-11-28 22:16

Yeah just around bunkers and the cape .. usual ground for the residential fish

Seaquest's picture

Posts: 1132

Date Joined: 22/10/09

Nice Clint. Seen any tuna

Tue, 2011-11-29 06:35

Nice Clint. Seen any tuna jumping around Bunkers?

Hit Rocky point for the hezzers. Might even score a wave or two.

Feral's picture

Posts: 1508

Date Joined: 01/11/06

Something scared a heap of

Tue, 2011-11-29 08:34

Something scared a heap of gardies the other day .. but with the sharks around I wasn't going to head deep just to see what it was .. job for the boat :)

Billman's picture

Posts: 29

Date Joined: 11/12/11

Nicelast one's got was down

Tue, 2011-12-13 12:34


last one's got was down south 12 in one day 8kgs-12kgs lost of fun but wow on a kayak Well done ;o)

9 fish went back ......


Life at it's best

MattMiller's picture

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Tue, 2011-12-13 16:16

considering the australian record is 9.4kg that would be the record by a long shot

snappermiles's picture

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Tue, 2011-12-13 17:06

id love to see a photo of that horse!! haha



Billman's picture

Posts: 29

Date Joined: 11/12/11

9.4 kg ?

Sat, 2011-12-31 12:32

at sand patch down south Albany

Some BIG salmon there med/late march

I found an old pic

will post.

Have posted a pic

The one at my feet .


Life at it's best

Posts: 142

Date Joined: 22/12/16

Sorry to burst ya bubble

Sat, 2017-04-01 14:33

sorry to burst your bubble man but that 8-12 measurement would be in pounds not kgs every one seems to do that with scales it's so annoying, but all good now u know, the pics u posted of the supoosably huge salmon is quite small I think, and unless your 8 foot, isn't even close to 7kgs let alone 12! A 12kg salmon would be around 120cms which isn't possible for the species, a 10kg salmon is about 105cms and I've seen 2 and there fkn HUGE! As in, a 10kger in the photo of yours would be longer than your legs and three times as fat!. Cheers man good luck for da future:) 



one day a mulloway! 

Grey Ghost's picture

Posts: 183

Date Joined: 12/10/15

Back in the old days....

Sat, 2017-04-01 15:10

 Nice work 458Italia - responding to a post from 6 years ago. (lol)

The salmon were much bigger in the olden days...


 "Grey Ghost",  670HT Barcrusher with 150 Yamaha, based at Cockburn PBC.