fish id
Submitted by aussie_breamer on Mon, 2012-07-23 11:45

Not often do i come across a fish that i don't recognize... anyone have an idea of what it could be?
Caught a few of them in holes in reef holes up at Exmouth.... about 20 - 25cm long
Cheers, Tom
bream slayer
Glenn Moore
Posts: 228
Date Joined: 13/02/12
Darwin Jawfish
Darwin Jawfish Opistognathus darwiniensis. They live in vertical burrows in the sand.
Glenn Moore
Curator of Fishes
Western Australian Museum
twitter @WestOzFish
Ben Derecki
Posts: 1926
Date Joined: 10/10/07
Vertical burrows for a fish
Vertical burrows for a fish that size - very cool.
Posts: 359
Date Joined: 24/08/10
Cheers Glenn, yeah the holes that i caught them in were very interesting, thought there might be an octopus in them, so was surprised when this came up.
bream slayer
Posts: 572
Date Joined: 31/03/10
no idea.
looks cool tho :P
Posts: 730
Date Joined: 03/02/12
Interesting similarities between the colours of the lure and the fish.
Posts: 1322
Date Joined: 23/02/11
does not appear to have
does not appear to have pectoral fins? -correct? - thats a mangrove leaf at the bottom yeah?
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
Found a photo of one of their
Found a photo of one of their holes:|
Ambush predator!
The "mangrove leaf" is the pelvic fin. The pectoral fin appears to be quite translucent from other pics, but I still cant make it out in that one. E.g. in this pic it blends in but you can 'just' make it out:
Posts: 402
Date Joined: 06/01/12
Can you eat them
Can you eat them
Six Fish Dunsborough
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 21/03/11
looks cool
Posts: 203
Date Joined: 08/06/13
leopard or darwin jawfish
leopard or darwin jawfish. Very cool looking fella.