dampier queeny

dampier queeny

caught this queeny off dampier today.  Put up a pretty good fight.  Couldnt get out to wide because of the winds but still managed a feed.  Spanish flag, Blue lined emporer and one bluebone.  Back to work tomorrow :( 

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15656

Date Joined: 29/11/05

Back luck

Wed, 2009-01-07 21:52

Bad luck Mick, did you get the queenie on lure or bait?


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Posts: 184

Date Joined: 09/08/08

Got him on a mulie floating

Thu, 2009-01-08 17:06

Got him on a mulie floating out the back.  We dragged lures for a while but got no hits.  The water was pretty stirred up.