Blue ring

Blue ring

Little buggers . Great looking critters . Right near my feet . Wellies tomoz. Cracker photo

BigJevans's picture

Posts: 92

Date Joined: 07/09/18

Great shot

Thu, 2020-11-26 11:00

 Great shot, he looks p*ssed with the blue being so bright!!

Brock O's picture

Posts: 3264

Date Joined: 11/01/08

Would be cool in a small

Thu, 2020-11-26 11:46

Would be cool in a small tank...

little johnny's picture

Posts: 5362

Date Joined: 04/12/11

Funny story

Thu, 2020-11-26 14:38

I had some in small tank . Wife called me up at work ,your occys are dead . Formalhide smell in water . She killed them . Snakes / scorpions all gone . They have no sence of humour( wife’s) Just be carefull guys . This pot have fair few crays in it . And still had this bugger in bait box .

tot's picture

Posts: 1162

Date Joined: 31/01/10


Thu, 2020-11-26 14:05

On cue hey LJ!?  
great pic


Reverse cycle a/c supply and install - Ducted and wall splits

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15053

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Palmfull of grief

Thu, 2020-11-26 14:13

 Palmfull of grief


Love the West!

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

Nasty bugger

Thu, 2020-11-26 17:02

He was certainly lit up and giving out the warning

little johnny's picture

Posts: 5362

Date Joined: 04/12/11

Love my new rubber

Thu, 2020-11-26 19:55

From Bunnings . I got electrocuted yesterday . Had blue ring next to foot .1 more to go .

Swompa's picture

Posts: 3919

Date Joined: 14/10/12

 How did you get

Sat, 2020-11-28 07:25

 How did you get electrocuted?

little johnny's picture

Posts: 5362

Date Joined: 04/12/11


Sat, 2020-11-28 23:42

Power point . Got wacked big time . Felt like having mild case of bends . ( pain in shoulder).for 8 hours . Called leccy out of paper . Sorted now

Rick's picture

Posts: 1119

Date Joined: 22/12/06


Fri, 2020-11-27 08:15

 At least it was next to your foot mate and not on it. Great pic, colours are awesome 


PGFC Member


Scotte's picture

Posts: 1147

Date Joined: 07/12/06

 You get plenty off blue

Fri, 2020-11-27 18:21

 You get plenty off blue rings.

Have fished crays for 17 years and never seen a blue ring, I'm not complaining.