Who's heading to Jurien
Submitted by Ninety Mile on Mon, 2014-04-14 09:20
Forecast 3-4m swell but ralatively light winds for the Easter weekend.
Is it worth towing a 6m boat up there?
This will be our first time fishing Jurien, any tips?
Posts: 607
Date Joined: 26/04/08
I think
the surfs up through the channel right across on a 3 - 4 meter swell up at Jurien.
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Posts: 486
Date Joined: 10/02/12
The south channel gets really
The south channel gets really hairy at 3-4 meters, but if you head out to the north of the island it should be ok.
Ninety Mile
Posts: 193
Date Joined: 17/01/12
Thanks for the info, cant
Thanks for the info, cant seem to find the south passage on the Auschart, I guess the north passage is just a case of following the leadline?
Any other options in or around Jurien, rivers? etc perhaps land based?
Ive commited with the accommodation so have to follow through now!
Posts: 486
Date Joined: 10/02/12
Yep the north passage you
Yep the north passage you follow the lead lines nw out of the marina.
The south channel has a red and a green channel marker on it.
Posts: 459
Date Joined: 28/10/08
South Passage
South Passage is to the south of Favourite Island and is marked as said above. It is best avoided on a big swell. North passage (to the north of Favourite Island and marked as said above) is a better option. Be wary of the north end of Seaward Ledge when coming back in. Stay well to the north of it.
Ninety Mile
Posts: 193
Date Joined: 17/01/12
Thanks for the info guys.Is
Thanks for the info guys.
Is anyone else heading out?
Posts: 228
Date Joined: 13/05/12
watch the swell in north passage
watch the swell in north passage, on a big swell 3m plus with a low tide it can stack up quiet big
on another note its good fishing at the jetty and marina and also worth a look at hill river
Ninety Mile
Posts: 193
Date Joined: 17/01/12
Thanks for the tip, ill get
Thanks for the tip, ill get to Hill river for a look for sure.
Posts: 1252
Date Joined: 30/05/12
I'm heading another 130k's
I'm heading another 130k's up the road to Port Denison,staying up there until Anzac Day.
Hopefully the swell up there won't be to much of a concern,I'll be on the Ski,mainly looking for some big tailor around the reefs.
Enjoy your fishing.
My Dad taught me how to Fish-Thanks Dad.(RIP)
Ninety Mile
Posts: 193
Date Joined: 17/01/12
Cheers, good luck!
Cheers, good luck!
Ian S
Posts: 71
Date Joined: 20/01/14
Plenty of options in the bay
You can still get around in the bay if there is a swell running, I'm going over for easter and will take the boat.
Even if there is a swell it's usually not bad when your outside the reef, it really depends on the frequency of the swell more than the size.