Lost cowling cover

It is a long shot but if anyone is heading up north in the next week, I lost a cowling cover off my Yamaha 150 in between Joondalup and Geraldton. Travelled heaps and it has never come off. Happy to reward you with a carton if anyone sees it and picks it up for me. It is a genuine Yamaha one and just checked and they are bloody expensive to replace. Cheers

Swompa's picture

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Date Joined: 14/10/12

 Coast road or inland?

Tue, 2014-04-15 20:19

 Coast road or inland?

dowders's picture

Posts: 112

Date Joined: 23/01/11

 Good point coastal, Indian

Tue, 2014-04-15 20:23

 Good point coastal, Indian Ocean Road

sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

Date Joined: 10/09/06

Hope it did not hit anyone

Tue, 2014-04-15 20:33

You might have more cost if thay see this post

Good luck


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dowders's picture

Posts: 112

Date Joined: 23/01/11

 Cowling cover not the

Tue, 2014-04-15 20:48

 Cowling cover not the cowling itself yshop.yamaha-motor.com.au/products/f150-splash-cowl-cover

big john's picture

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Tue, 2014-04-15 21:09

They're usually a pretty tight fit, any chance someone knocked it off while you were stopped some where?


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dowders's picture

Posts: 112

Date Joined: 23/01/11

 Yeh it was a tight fit. Na

Tue, 2014-04-15 21:11

 Yeh it was a tight fit. Na drive straight from home to Gero and was missing when I got there 

Posts: 29

Date Joined: 23/01/14

 Heading up tomorrow, I will

Wed, 2014-04-16 06:00

 Heading up tomorrow, I will keep an eye out. Btw are you in gero?

dowders's picture

Posts: 112

Date Joined: 23/01/11

 Thanks i'm in Perth

Wed, 2014-04-16 06:14

 Thanks i'm in Perth

Posts: 70

Date Joined: 05/12/12


Wed, 2014-04-16 06:48

How long ago did you lose it? What colour is the cover and the lettering? Does it have anything other than YAMAHA on it?  May be able to help.

dowders's picture

Posts: 112

Date Joined: 23/01/11

 I would have lost it on

Wed, 2014-04-16 12:45

 I would have lost it on Saturday, here is a picture of it, thanks


Moking's picture

Posts: 1252

Date Joined: 30/05/12

 I'm heading up as far as

Wed, 2014-04-16 06:54

 I'm heading up as far as Port Denison tomorrow,so I will also keep an eye out-but by then it will most likely have been picked up by someone?

Hope you get it back.


 My Dad taught me how to Fish-Thanks Dad.(RIP)

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Wed, 2014-04-16 18:27

This one is a different colour, found about 6 weeks a go near Ledge Point turnoff