Mate, the "low wind" period is only for a couple of hours. Before and after that, you're looking at strong winds! Don't just look at swell, look at seas as well. 1.5-2m seas together with 2-3m swells is nothing to joke about. Fken very very uncomfortable... and if the high winds come in that!
Stay home and have some beers. Always better weather next time.
it'd be foolish to rely on a 4 day ahead forecast that purports to predict such a small window, sorry to say. Best bet, look with your own eyes, or the forecast the day before
I notice also you are quoting both knots and km/hr, not sure if deliberate or not. For reference, one is roughly double the other.
Its a mistake I hear constantly on AM/FM radio station weather reports, they read out the marine weather quoting "kmh" when you know that BOM does no such thing.
For the record though, Meteye is my go to. I do look at the others though mainly because Meteye is so hard to use on a phone
I use meteye to get an idea of what's going on. You will also see on Meteye that there are distinct patterns about where they forecast stronger or weaker winds. Sometimes over land or the very edge of the coast there are low winds predicted but 30 knots just offshore. Seabreeze seems to have gone back to it's origins as a surfer site so their graphs are for the shoreline mostly.
On the day I look at what Meteye is forecating and then check the actual wind measure on willyweather. Since I fish out of Hillarys I check ocean reef (hillarys seems to always read low) and Rottnest live wind traces to see if they roughly agree with Meteye. None of this helps if unpredicted fronts come through.
Agree with you Zoom.
Hillarys always seems to under read by 5-10 km/hr for some reason. Maybe the location is effected by surrounding infrastructure, I don't know, but not reliable at all when compared to nearby stations. was standing at trig island recently and a howling SW @ 20-25 k blowing and hillarys says actuals are 3-5 km?? The penny
Seabreeze isn't useful at all imo, possibly for the reasons you give.
Have started using Fishranger which I actually quite like. It provides a bit more useful info as well and works well on the phone. tracks actuals when you go into day data. Worth a look but agree also to check all the sites when its a bit iffy...
I'm also finding Fishranger to be pretty good and you can get a reading for Hale Reef which is more accurate than Hillarys Marina. I used Seabreeze yesterday and it was off by a good 8 knots mid arvo.
After studying every site we thought lets go anyway, decided to stay in close just in case left Rockingham at 6:30 turned out mint morning big swell low wind. 1st drop Decky land 57cm Dhu on white soft plastic within 3 min of dropping pick , thought this was going to be the clean up day, with burlly bringing in fish on sounder not sure if lowrance have a keep your hope up funtion cause nothing getting caught. 45 mins later tried a whole whitting 2 hook snelled loaded up, amature that i am loose drag then turned wrong way (first time using an overhead reel) got snagged and busted off what could have been my fish of a liftime ha ha. moved spot and caught heaps of whiting. All in all great morning.
Posts: 1042
Date Joined: 22/03/13
Don't go
Mate, the "low wind" period is only for a couple of hours. Before and after that, you're looking at strong winds! Don't just look at swell, look at seas as well. 1.5-2m seas together with 2-3m swells is nothing to joke about. Fken very very uncomfortable... and if the high winds come in that!
Stay home and have some beers. Always better weather next time.
A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!
Posts: 2497
Date Joined: 26/09/06
I wouldnt rely on the seabreeze graphs for the weather
Have a look at meteye
Posts: 4109
Date Joined: 24/01/10
Pinkies will be on in the
Pinkies will be on in the sound
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
I think like Beau says the
I think like Beau says the sound would be ok but outside of that the swell will be cranking.
Love the West!
Posts: 449
Date Joined: 21/11/16
Sea breeze is never right.
Sea breeze is never right. Willie weather heaps better imo
Rob H
Posts: 5823
Date Joined: 18/01/12
sorry to say but...
it'd be foolish to rely on a 4 day ahead forecast that purports to predict such a small window, sorry to say.
Best bet, look with your own eyes, or the forecast the day before
I notice also you are quoting both knots and km/hr, not sure if deliberate or not.
For reference, one is roughly double the other.
Its a mistake I hear constantly on AM/FM radio station weather reports, they read out the marine weather quoting "kmh" when you know that BOM does no such thing.
For the record though, Meteye is my go to. I do look at the others though mainly because Meteye is so hard to use on a phone
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Another good link I use as you can kinda guage what's coming in
Love the West!
Posts: 670
Date Joined: 05/01/12
I second what Rob says about
I second what Rob says about meteye, I compare meteye and willieweather.
Posts: 1086
Date Joined: 10/05/14
On the day
I use meteye to get an idea of what's going on. You will also see on Meteye that there are distinct patterns about where they forecast stronger or weaker winds. Sometimes over land or the very edge of the coast there are low winds predicted but 30 knots just offshore. Seabreeze seems to have gone back to it's origins as a surfer site so their graphs are for the shoreline mostly.
On the day I look at what Meteye is forecating and then check the actual wind measure on willyweather. Since I fish out of Hillarys I check ocean reef (hillarys seems to always read low) and Rottnest live wind traces to see if they roughly agree with Meteye. None of this helps if unpredicted fronts come through.
Posts: 23
Date Joined: 15/01/17
Agree with you Zoom. Hillarys
Agree with you Zoom.
Hillarys always seems to under read by 5-10 km/hr for some reason. Maybe the location is effected by surrounding infrastructure, I don't know, but not reliable at all when compared to nearby stations. was standing at trig island recently and a howling SW @ 20-25 k blowing and hillarys says actuals are 3-5 km?? The penny
Seabreeze isn't useful at all imo, possibly for the reasons you give.
Have started using Fishranger which I actually quite like. It provides a bit more useful info as well and works well on the phone. tracks actuals when you go into day data. Worth a look but agree also to check all the sites when its a bit iffy...
Posts: 8156
Date Joined: 07/05/12
I'm also finding Fishranger
I'm also finding Fishranger to be pretty good and you can get a reading for Hale Reef which is more accurate than Hillarys Marina. I used Seabreeze yesterday and it was off by a good 8 knots mid arvo.
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
Posts: 249
Date Joined: 25/08/15
Well Sam
what an awesome day it turned out to be
Posts: 104
Date Joined: 17/08/14
After studying every site
After studying every site we thought lets go anyway, decided to stay in close just in case left Rockingham at 6:30 turned out mint morning big swell low wind. 1st drop Decky land 57cm Dhu on white soft plastic within 3 min of dropping pick , thought this was going to be the clean up day, with burlly bringing in fish on sounder not sure if lowrance have a keep your hope up funtion cause nothing getting caught. 45 mins later tried a whole whitting 2 hook snelled loaded up, amature that i am loose drag then turned wrong way (first time using an overhead reel) got snagged and busted off what could have been my fish of a liftime ha ha. moved spot and caught heaps of whiting. All in all great morning.