Waypoint manager

 I have been using expert gps on the computer to manage my waypoints and it is a piece of crap.It gets things about 80% right when you upload a file to the GPS and the I have to manually correct the other 20%.

It is not a problem with my GPS as I run two of them and have problems with both.

I was wondering what other wreckers are using and what is good without spending a million dollars.

slam's picture

Posts: 168

Date Joined: 09/09/09

expert gps

Wed, 2015-04-15 16:34

 I used expert gps to transfer waypoints from raymarine to lowrance but with a lot of help from an IT guru. Didn't buy it just used the free 5 day trial. Used to used raytech planner for raymarine but would be keen to hear of a system that lowrance can use?

Belly Fish's picture

Posts: 499

Date Joined: 09/03/12

If you are only talking transferring/converting waypoints....

Wed, 2015-04-15 22:03

...then GPSBabel is the way to go. It's free


I used this to convert waypoints to a Lowrance GPS, and to convert them to Excel to backup on my computer

slam's picture

Posts: 168

Date Joined: 09/09/09


Thu, 2015-04-16 16:25

 I used gpsbabel to try & convert my points. It converted them to .usr for lowrance but not to.usr5 which the gen 2 series require. It would only convert to .usr4.