Mandurah fishing?
Submitted by RenderedUnsafe on Sat, 2015-04-11 09:56
Hey guys, quite new to this fishing business I guess you could say and very new to this forum! Had been going down to Rockingham Jetty repeatedly, just chasing whatever we could get our hands on, and of course releasing them all.
Went down to Mandurah last weekend and caught nothing but a little blowfish and an octopus that held on for the ride, perhaps we were in the wrong spot? Can anyone shed some light on what area in Mandurah to head around to as we were fishing just off shore next to the Cut. Also some ideas on bait? We were using squid for both the blowie and the octopus.
Cheers guys. :)
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
South side of cut
You could try fishing under the by pass bridge over the cut on the south side. Fish between the shore and the first pillar out from the shore.
Try a patenoster (not sure about spelling)rig and throw it hard up against the pillar base, there is a small channel there. On an incoming tide you can get silver trevally, tailor, herring and the odd whiting.
You have to fish it on the incoming tide never mind the time of day. Hope this helps.
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
Mate I take it in a boat.
Mate I take it in a boat. Just out from the cut look for sand patches between weeds about 2 ks out, either north or south. I prefer north. You are bound to pick up a feed of whiting this way. If there is weeds around float a squid jig out and just let it dangle up and down in a rod holder near the bottom. Freash squid is nice, and the best whiting bait.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Posts: 3
Date Joined: 06/04/15
I'd go out on a boat, but I
I'd go out on a boat, but I have a paper stomach! :(
Heading down to Mandurah this weekend coming around 5am!
Posts: 246
Date Joined: 24/01/13
Try going to the jolly frog
Try going to the jolly frog jetty or along that side of the cut, I've caught herring, skippy, whiting, kgs and bream there and there a chance of tailor as the sun goes down. Go to the tackle store and by those little bait catcher rigs and use shelled prawn. Goodluck
Posts: 3
Date Joined: 06/04/15
Thanks mate, will do!
Thanks mate, will do!
getting bites
Posts: 39
Date Joined: 20/04/14
Went down to Tims Thicket on
Went down to Tims Thicket on Tuesday mid morning caught flounder, couple of herring and 3 salmon. My first time catching a salmon and it was awesome.
I was just using a set of gangs and an unweighted mullie.
You can get there by 4x4 or just park up on top of the hill and walk down to the beach. Thers a fork in the path, take the one on the right.
Getting bites