Jigs- top rigging vs bottom and using plastic squid on the assists
Submitted by Quobbarockhopper on Thu, 2015-04-16 18:51
What are people's thoughts on rigging assists on the top of a jig vs the bottom?
I know it's probably a case of different jigs/ styles etc but was just curious as to what people's preferences are?
im more interested in slower demeral jigs (fankys/ shouts etc) than knifes. Advantages and drawbacks etc- does running them either way greatly affect thier actions etc.
also, what about using the placcy Squids on the assists? I'm a semi keen jigger as usually run them as a default, but would be interested to know from people who are mad keen on it if they think using them majorly impacts on the jigs natural action?
Lots of of questions I know, just keen to get people's opinions
Posts: 330
Date Joined: 06/09/14
Most only rig assists on the
Most only rig assists on the top (split ring to swivel). If you rig on the bottom as well your more likely to snag up.
As for squid assists I'm neither here nor there. I will generally use them down South and in the deeper water a glowing skirt is always handy. They will slow down the decent of the jig slightly though not to sure about action.
Posts: 1396
Date Joined: 25/06/09
not a jigger myself
But I read somewhere that it has to do with Ansa regulations that bottom hooks are not allowed? Happy to be corrected....
Edit just did some reading on ansa and igfa and im wrong by the looks of it.beau
Posts: 4109
Date Joined: 24/01/10
Posts: 150
Date Joined: 23/10/12
I have been using a tail
I have been using a tail double hook assists lately and have noticed a much better hook up rate compared to just top rigging but I am mainly using slow pitch jigs and as for snagging I haven't lost a jig so far from it (touch wood) I watched a video by I think it was sato sensi from Japan one off the leaders in slow pitch jigging showing you how to de-snag ur jig and all I can say is it works really well for the video I found it on the anglers secret page
Owner and maker of WestCoast Assists ur jigging needs
king chief
Posts: 135
Date Joined: 21/10/13
Lol. Looks sweet. Great
Lol. Looks sweet. Great secret santa prezzy. Come on its not like they are trying to sell you a high end reel.
Live hard fish harder
king chief
Posts: 135
Date Joined: 21/10/13
sorry wrong post
sorry wrong post
Live hard fish harder