Today's report

 So after deciding to wag work headed out this morning into the mid 20's before going wider. Managed to drop the Pinky of a lifetime about 3m below the surface, this thing was not going to give up with ball tearing runs all the way up. So he gets to play another day,anyway after the dummy spit punched out to mid 40's for a little more action. Oldest pulls up a nice Bronzie about a metre long followed quickly with the good Baldy. About an hour passes with me twiddling my thumbs when my little Demon blood outfit comes to life and line starts peeling off, set the hooks and knew I had something decent. A good arm stretch and up comes uncle Buck

Another drift and all's quite when my mate comes over the radio to tell us to try his drift, so back into the 30's and as soon as the lines are in both the boys are on with their new light gear, ahhh I love watching this stuff anyway up pops two good Dhuies, biggest kept and the other released.

Next up I'm on with a double header Dhuie and size Pinky. For the next half an hour the boys have some fun catching and releasing about half a dozen good size Dhuies, that's something we've encountered before. Always get plenty of undersize but these were all in the 5kg range.


Looks like the wind's up for the next week or so so am bloody glad we took the opportunity.


Love the West!

Ashen's picture

Posts: 1042

Date Joined: 22/03/13

 Thanks for the update Andy!

Mon, 2015-01-19 20:01

 Thanks for the update Andy! Good to see your boys had fun.


A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

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 That Catalina worked it arse

Mon, 2015-01-19 20:02

 That Catalina worked it arse off today lol


Love the West!

Posts: 1535

Date Joined: 30/12/08

Well worth the day off Andy

Mon, 2015-01-19 20:08

 nice haul there 

Posts: 6265

Date Joined: 26/04/14

 looks and sounds like a

Mon, 2015-01-19 20:08

 looks and sounds like a cracker day, spewing about the pinky

Posts: 6454

Date Joined: 08/08/11

Good day out!  anything in

Mon, 2015-01-19 21:05

Good day out!  anything in the pots?


Fish! HARD!

kirky79's picture

Posts: 1356

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 Looks like you guys had a

Mon, 2015-01-19 21:12

 Looks like you guys had a cracker. They are great rod the Demon Blood eh! 

mullows's picture

Posts: 738

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 Great Bag there Andy. Well

Mon, 2015-01-19 21:14

 Great Bag there Andy. Well done, fishing shits all over work hey??





The Older I get the better I was :-)

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

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 Cheers guys and yep kirky

Mon, 2015-01-19 21:20

 Cheers guys and yep kirky best rod I've ever used.


Love the West!

Cruise Control's picture

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 Hey AndyIs that the Demon

Mon, 2015-01-19 21:40

 Hey Andy

Is that the Demon Blood you picked up from Michael ?


sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

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 Ha ha yes mate, my oldest

Mon, 2015-01-19 21:59

 Ha ha yes mate, my oldest gave it a hell of a work out today. I already had my own.


Love the West!

Cruise Control's picture

Posts: 973

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Good Stuff

Tue, 2015-01-20 13:06

Good Stuff

uncle's picture

Posts: 9507

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Sounds like a good day

Tue, 2015-01-20 05:56

 By all 


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

Paul_86's picture

Posts: 1449

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 Nice one seakem, looks like

Tue, 2015-01-20 06:24

 Nice one seakem, looks like a great day out. Your boys look pretty stoked!

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Yeah they were Paul, got

Tue, 2015-01-20 07:21

 Yeah they were Paul, got some some good video of them both hooked in at the same time


Love the West!

sunshine's picture

Posts: 2629

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Cracker of a day Andy

Tue, 2015-01-20 06:49

I had a similar one last Saturday out from Woodies - good dhuies everywhere and some of the largest blackarse I have ever seen.  Mind you the water was nothing like depicted in your photos and at times it was a struggle just standing up but hell like you the fish were on the chew big time 

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

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 Yeah it was amazing Gordon,

Tue, 2015-01-20 07:23

 Yeah it was amazing Gordon, Never had a drift like it before. probably never again lol.


Love the West!

sunshine's picture

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Clearly demonstrates stocks are recovering

Tue, 2015-01-20 08:09

In a big way - we caught  7 dhuies from 15 cm (absolutely tiny) up to well over 800 and dropped a really big one when both hooked up and the braids crossed  - it was going to be returned in any event as the really large ones flesh gets quite grainy and I much prefer the smaller ones for eating quality and all before 9.30am - the by catch of a 61cm KGW was a bonus.   Would still like to explore off Moore River and Seabird as that really is relatively untouched territory but beach launching a 6.8 without a bloody big tractor is just not on even though the trailer is teflon skidded allowing easy drive on   

sea-kem's picture

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 Sure does, we've noticed it

Tue, 2015-01-20 09:44

 Sure does, we've noticed it the last few years up our way. 61cm KGW is a cracker!!! Ledge would be your best bet if you want to have a crack, just need to check the beach. This time of year it can be hard depending on the tides. I've launched up there a few times with no real dramas, but most the bigger locals boats use tractors. 


Love the West!

sunshine's picture

Posts: 2629

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Got a mate with a tractor there

Tue, 2015-01-20 09:52

Good idea actually Andy as heading SW ensures a relatively safe trip home if the sea breeze comes in - might give that a crack

And yes it was truly a stonker - not my biggest which came from over 55 metres out of the Cut and was foul hooked right through the scone but well up there, was as thick as my wrist and a true kidney slapper  

anypuddle's picture

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Tue, 2015-01-20 10:04

didn't want to open the report,,,knew I would get jealous.
awesome feed there.


Anywhere anytime

grantarctic1's picture

Posts: 2546

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Tue, 2015-01-20 14:39

Nice job Andy, thanks for the report .

Seaquest's picture

Posts: 1132

Date Joined: 22/10/09

 Good stuff Andy. Quality

Wed, 2015-01-21 05:53

 Good stuff Andy. Quality bag.

Markie's picture

Posts: 2154

Date Joined: 06/08/10

 Good work champ definitely

Wed, 2015-01-21 07:02

 Good work champ definitely worth the day off. 

hezzy's picture

Posts: 1521

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seakem glad you boys had a

Wed, 2015-01-21 09:39


glad you boys had a great day out ,and your effort was well rewarded with your bag of quality fish

I don't want to be critical , but iv got to say I disagree with this practice below no matter how well people think they release etc etc

[For the next half an hour the boys have some fun catching and releasing about half a dozen good size Dhuies, that's something we've encountered before. Always get plenty of undersize but these were all in the 5kg range.]

your young fellas are learning from you ,your every move , personally its not a practice id want to teach them as ok
far better once you have got your bag to leave the dhuies alone & move on to something else



OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

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 We were in shallower water

Wed, 2015-01-21 12:49

 We were in shallower water and they were releasing very well. If it was deeper water I probably wouldn't have done it. They were coming up with their air bladders deflated so that's a good sign of easy release. But remember two points the one Gyprock makes below and one where there are guys that just go out for the sport of catch and release. I see no harm in it.


Love the West!

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hezzy, while I agree with

Wed, 2015-01-21 12:11

hezzy, while I agree with your point...
What if they caught and released lots of undersized Dhu's before catching there bag limit of sized ones... is that same same but different ?

hezzy's picture

Posts: 1521

Date Joined: 27/11/09

gyprock , we release the

Wed, 2015-01-21 13:32

gyprock , we release the undersize because we are required to , so no issues with that , & there imo , is the difference between the two

seakem , i understand the shallow water etc , just i tend to think otherwise on continuing to catch dhuies when the bag limit is full
not aimed specifically at you , as it happens a lot , just i wasnt able to not comment on this particular aspect of your post
i thought it was worth mentioning in a wider view , others may disagree

once youve got your bag limit , move off imo
despite all the good release info etc out there some things to think about below for the average rec fisher

1 dhuies are not a good catch and release species , no one in the science area backs that compared to sambos or pinkies
2 not many boats or crew are set up with the knowledge or skill to achieve the optimum release conditions for dhuies ,
although many think they are ,
3 our habits as rec fishers are observed and absorbed by the younger generation & those who fish with us , we should pass on the best we can to them in all areas

4 lots of regs /rules where changed to improve the demersal fishing , that was based on primarily reducing the catch effort on this species as well as others & to lower the mortality rate /improve the breeding biomass , is it a good thing to possibly put fish at risk of death or interrupt the breeding when you dont need to ??

5 how many fish regardless of the re catch rate of released dhuies will die ,due to this ongoing practice being normalised by us rec fishers ?

my opinion is it is up to all rec fishers to make it best practice to release undersize or the unwanted dhuies we might catch ,
but it is not best practice to normalise catch and release of this species when we drift over a good patch of ground having our limit already for fun or to test out gear etc , that should be done on sambos or something else

no offence intended , just as i see it for the strong future of this species until the science tells us more ,


OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing