Somebody is gonna get hurt one day
I have seen it for years now but today I seen it all. We were fishing landbased for salmon at Eagle Bay. There were boats everywhere with keen landbased fishos at every point and every beach waiting patiently for fish to swim past. Why do so many skippers need to drive so close to shore to spoil it for the lb fishos. I have written a post in salmon thread with my run in with them today(please read if interested) but this thread is about what I seen today by others.
First of all I do not condone what your about to read. A group of Landbased fishos were so frustrated with the dickhead boaties that they were casting sinkers at the boats. If one of those sinkers hits someone in the head there will be a possible death. Nobody wants this but imagine when this happens.
Why do boaties show no consideration for lb fishos? What are the laws with driving boats near coastline?Why would you bother with salmon off your boats anyway. If you want to catch salmon why not do it landbased it's so much more satisfying. I do own a boat but am not interested in catching Salmon in it.
What's everyone else's opinion on this. I would especially like to hear from boaties who do this and what they have to say. I am not saying all boaties do this but there are a lot who do and you know who you are. I reckon I would have seen over 100 boats today within casting range of a star sinker for someone with a good cast.
looking forward to hearing people opinions on this one
Posts: 1118
Date Joined: 22/12/06
rules v consideration
As far as I know, there is no ruling as to boats approaching the coastline. Happy to be corrected if I am wrong.
That does not mean it is the right thing to do.
You would like to think that skippers would be considerate of land based fishos, and I am sure most of them are. On the other side, it does not mean land based fishos can cast sinkers at boats.
Where has common sense gone ?
My $0.02 worth
PGFC Member
Posts: 42
Date Joined: 03/12/07
Like I said
Like I said I do not condone this behaviour at all. What's more scary was the people casting the sinkers were only teenagers with no consideration of the consequences at all
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
All rules go out the window when duns/busso/margs salmon are on. Too many one-hit-wonder fisherfucks that Don't even know the general rules, let alone follow them anyway, as long as they land a (shit) fish.
If you dont want crowds, head to a more isolated spot. There might be a few people there, but odds are they are genuine fishers that will give you more of a chance of gettin a fish.
Posts: 1901
Date Joined: 03/05/08
I suppose the REAL question... many boatowners do any sort of landbased fishing at all? I personally do both but I'd guess I'm in the minority...and it's unrealistic to tell someone who's forked out $30k/$50k/$80k for a boat/rego/FBL/fuel/insurance that he/she can't go salmon fishing with it.
On some levels the salmon I've caught from shore have more merit than the one's I've got from the boat, but when boat fishing for them you can use, and I quote Matt Miller ..."stupidly light gear". Don't know how many people chase them from the rocks/beach with a bream outfit but it couldn't be more than a handful. On the other hand, when they're running at West End and folks are trolling them up on 50 lb mackerel gear...well, go home and put Jerry Springer back on, rock apes!
Having said all that, it's just not on for the boaties to come into the shore-based zone...all you can do is chuck a sickie and go on a weekday!
Posts: 42
Date Joined: 03/12/07
I totally agree. They have every right to go salmon fishing in there boats. But why so close to the shoreline. Don't they realise they spoil it for the lb fishos
Posts: 1200
Date Joined: 05/10/07
Easy message there.
Boaties should consider staying 200 meters away from land based fisher people.
Pretty simple really.
Posts: 3912
Date Joined: 14/10/12
Rules won't prevent
Rules won't prevent assholes.
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Before changes
Before they changed the rules , it was a declared fishing zone from the old Dunsborough ramp through to the Quarries or Cape Naturaliste, not 100% sure which that unless you were going to beach a boat there was a 400 metre exclusion zone. That was to stop boats braking up the schools and allow pros to have a chance of netting them, didn't stop one clown who found his boat inside of one of our shots in Eagle Bay. The wanker then tried to drive over the net to escape the wrath of us on the beach, only to wrap his prop up and do the rubber in it. Shane who's net it was had to be held down to stop him giving the prick the biggest flogging of his life. Cost him many hundreds of dollars to repair the damaged net plus for us to retrieve his boat off the beach for him because only pro fishermens vehicles are or were permitted to drive on the beach.
Even though we complained nothing was done to stop the boaties coming in close, many windshields have been smashed by sinkers and lots of people hit but it doesn't deter them. Really if they want salmon from a boat why not travel a little bit further to Wright's Bank just north of the Cape Naturaliste where the schools turn the corner and start the big loop coming back in around Castle Rock or Meelup before heading north again. plenty of room to manoeuvre and possibly more fish with tuna also available.
Posts: 42
Date Joined: 03/12/07
Yeah in the days of pro
Yeah in the days of pro fishing in Eagle bay I remember seeing John and Nick wanting blood for people driving in on the schools they were about to net. So these laws no longer exist. I remember them telling me there was a exclusion zone but didn't know the laws were changed.
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Sign posted
It was sign posted at all the boat launching ramps and on all approach roads to all beaches from Quindalup to Bunkers carpark. The law allowed for pro boats to cruise along in close because in the earlier days, Jack Couch, Noel Wright and a few others used to travel in close, net the fish and empty the pocket of the net in to the boat, then take the fish by sea to the factory in Busselton. With the opening of tracks and better 4x4s it proved cheaper to be land based, hence old Nick Soulos's camp in Eagle bay [spent many months camped up there and for those that came later, its where the post and concrete block is half way along the shore at Eagle bay car park]
Didn't apply to Smiths or Hamelin because you didn't have the sheltered waters that allow the boaties to come in close.
Posts: 472
Date Joined: 15/11/11
I own a boat but I'm with
I own a boat but I'm with the land based boys on this one!!! Get within casting distance at your own peril
Posts: 130
Date Joined: 16/01/13
I was lucky to have a cast at
I was lucky to have a cast at the salmon Friday week ago before the crowds started hitting the beaches big time, and with the numbers of Facebook and forums postings about their presence the weekend was always going to be crowded. It was also the first time the surf rod had been out in four years and I did surprise myself with how far I was casting with a lure and made me think twice as a boatie.
I'm someone who like my space and try and avoid the crowds - someone will always be a knob unfortunately. There was a great vibe on the beach prior to the crowds getting there with everyone happy to have a chat and work together to locate the schools.
As a boatie it would be pretty frustrating to sit outside the casting zone and not get a cracker but I'm with others that common sense "should" apply and stay far enough out of reach. No different than having someone turn up late on the beach, plonk themselves right next to you, then proceed to cast over you all night...
Posts: 98
Date Joined: 19/01/13
Salmon madness
I lived in Busselton for years and would occassionally fish for salmon from my tinny off Canal Rocks or sometimes off Rocky Point. Most boat fishers never entered the canal and stayed mainly near the point. The water conditions ensured that mostly only experienced skippers, who respected other people's rights, fished that area. Even so, the arrival of salmon seems to bring every inconsiderate, and sometimes half p***ed boat owner into the fray. The boat ramps become a war zone where might is right. Stuff you small boat skipperss who have been patiently (or not) waiting to get back into the ramp after a fishing trip. The attitude of " I've got a 20 footer and I'm not waiting" was often displayed. This was particularly bad at Old Dunsborough ramp. It has been many years since my last salmon fishing trip. It's simply not worth the agro that goes with it. Mores the pity.
A pessimist is never disapointed
Posts: 3145
Date Joined: 04/08/09
Salmon Fever - a huge dose
Salmon Fever - a huge dose of tourists add a splash of locals mixed well with Land Based & Boaties, combine differing skills of anglers & skippers with a hot oven of aggro, ego's & acrobatic fish!
Had some good sessions when the above was not an issue, the key to it all as mentioned is less people & common sense / courtesy. Some years ago at Boranup I was able to push a school in close with the tub for the LB guys & we shared the action either side, then some pocket boxers motor over with their fly rods wanting to use the offhsore wind pushing the school out.... cue abuse, flying lead etc.
Back home here I CBF when the crowd factor is up
Posts: 1490
Date Joined: 07/10/11
Have to agree,i own a boat
Have to agree,i own a boat but wont fish for salmon with it, it seems to easy even with bream gear.Much more of a challenge from the shore.I fished just south of Meelup a couple of weeks ago before the salmon had turned up in any numbers and noticed yellow markers that had been placed just offshore and beyond casting distance,anyone know what they are for? i wouldnt even bother to fish for salmon down that way until school holidays and Easter are finished,to many knobs around to be able to enjoy yourself, anyway they are starting to turn up further up the coast so why bother?
Call Sign - BZ785
Haynes Hunter Prowler CC
Posts: 486
Date Joined: 10/02/12
Those yellow markers are a no
Those yellow markers are a no boating area. From Gannet Rock to Sail Rock in Meelup bay and then theres another set around Castle bay.
I think they're to protect the swimmers rather than landbased fishers though.
Howard George
Posts: 544
Date Joined: 10/03/11
Meelup Bay and Castle Bay
You're right DTrain. Both Castle Bay and Meelup Bay are exclusion zones for boats that can be seen on the Transport Department Web-Site. Carnarvonite was correct also about when the pros were operating in the bay and rec-fishers could drive their boats straight into the beach and fish off the rocks but no trolling within 400 metres If we as a collective group can't get our act together you can see the Govt. wanting to get involved and sort it out.
Posts: 109
Date Joined: 25/06/13
Maybe off topic
Maybe off topic slightly, but the inconsiderate behaviour and total neglect of rules by skippers is frequently encountered by me when I am wading in the river up to my waist and a boat goes past me at high speed sending a bow wave over my head, even though they have seen me standing there from some distance. If they haven't seen me then they should not be on the water anyway.
They must also surely know that the speed limit on the Swan and Canning rivers is 8 knots, but they are so arrogant and selfish that they choose to disregard it.
To sum up, a large number of boaties are inconsiderate d*ckheads.
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
unfortunately across the
unfortunately across the board a large section of society has no idea and possesses tunnel vision, some have no concept of consequences of their actions and other simply don't care (unless it happens to them of course).
Skipper's and boat users are just a reflection of this fact. Still plenty of skippers that do the right thing though - they usually pass unnoticed.
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
Ethan A
Posts: 147
Date Joined: 26/11/13
boaties have a right to fish near shore
when ever i'm fishing from my boat near shore and there is landbase fisherman l just go around them but there is boaties that spoil the fishing and anyway the boaties should be going up and down eagle bay troling lures and you do get more salmon from boats if the landbase fisherman were casting sinkers at the boats they should have been reported
Posts: 3912
Date Joined: 14/10/12
I regularly race yachts out
I regularly race yachts out of Fremantle, and we have had people peg sinkers at the boat as we sail past North Mole heading to the start line.
I guess it is the same mentality as some boat fisherman when they bitch about you fishing in 'their spot'.
The beach and ocean is for everyone to use (much to the Greens objection)
Simple life rule. Dont be a dick and we will all get along.
Posts: 94
Date Joined: 02/04/13
+1 for lb fisho
i were walking along the beach at bunker bay last couple week... spotted a school of salmon, then those brainless boaties drive straight to the school and sit on top of the whole school, at some point they even drive in between the salmon school and the beach, it was just about 20-30 m off the beach!! then the salmon school just stop biting and swim out to the deep. really annoyed by those dickhead!!
Posts: 149
Date Joined: 25/09/08
Lead sinker
If boats come into the beach that close other than to pick up or drop off.I would cast a sinker directly at the boat,Fiberglass chips,and Ali marks with lead.
fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
Date Joined: 28/04/07
isnt that the purpose of the bring to the attention of the dickheads who cast sinkers at boats that its going to cause serious injury if not death! grow up for christ sake! yes they shouldnt get so close but you are a bigger cockhead than them for suggesting casting a sinker at them!
Posts: 3912
Date Joined: 14/10/12
I think it has identified a
I think it has identified a dickhead.
Posts: 465
Date Joined: 06/02/14
Reread the original post. I
Reread the original post. I think you will find the purpose is actually asking why the boaties feel the need to come so close to the shore when there are plenty of fish out of casting range of the LB fishos. There's a simple mention of the OP not condoning the behaviour of the LB fishos that cast sinkers at the boaties.
I've witnessed the boaties close to shore many times, even inside the yellow markers that represent the no-go zone. The behaviour of some of the boaties is downright deplorable with some of them going so far as to get between fishos on shore & a school & then herd the school further out so the LB fishers can't get to them anymore & the boaties have the school to themselves. Granted not all of the boat brigade are inconsiderate mongrels but there's a high percentage of them that are. I've asked a few politely to move further out because it's ruining the fishing for others & without exception have been given a mouthfull of abuse for my efforts. Heros on the water that I'm sure wouldn't be so brave if they set foot on land. It's not surprising that a few LB people lob some sinkers in thier direction, some of them are simply asking for it. If the boat fishos knew just how accurate some of us landbased mob are with thier casting (Whilst I don't do it I could hit an outboard cowling at 80m 10/10 times) they might think twice about getting into areas with 50g sinkers & metals flying around. Enter at own risk if your that bloody stupid. I'm not just singling out the boat brigade, I regard the behaviour of many of the LB fishos deplorable as well, leaving thier rubbish behind & frames laying around on the beach & rocks.
Now lets hear all the dickhead comments.
fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
Date Joined: 28/04/07
at or near
if you dont see the danger of lobbing a sinker at or near a boat then yes you are a dickhead, you may not do it yourself but you take pride in being able to do so and your quite understanding of those that do like it's ok, well its not, whether you do it yourself or not and if someone was able to identify someone doing it they could face serious charges espescialy if you hit your target....pull your heads in hurl abuse and shake your fists even wait for them at the ramp to have it out with them but dont risk killing someone thats just being a DICKHEAD!
Posts: 465
Date Joined: 06/02/14
You will find any half
You will find any half serious LB fisho pride themselves on their casting distance & accuracy. It's a vital part of being a successful LB fisher. I never said I didn't see the danger of casting sinkers at people, I'd appreciate it if you stick to what I actually said instead of making crap up. Not going to be driving 20-50km to get to the ramp to wait who knows how long for a person to show up so I can have a go at them. Thanks for the all caps dickhead, love it.
Please sir....
Can I have some more?
red dawn
Posts: 104
Date Joined: 29/11/10
dickhead indeed.
I would say that if someone else is doing something stupid and you reaction is even more stupid by potentially injuring them and getting yourself in the shit is a fair indication of being a dickhead.
Posts: 465
Date Joined: 06/02/14
I assume your making a
I assume your making a general assessment rather than one directed at me, seeing I clearly said I'm not one to cast sinkers at people. Never said they weren't dickheads, just said that I can understand why they do it. Not really any different to the boaties that want to take vigilante action against people that are pinging 'their' spots, except the boaties responses are usually more violent & endanger more people.
Glass houses
red dawn
Posts: 104
Date Joined: 29/11/10
Yep it was
My comment was directed to those who think it's fine to risk causing serious injury to someone. I'm with you on the boaties that want to do stupid things to pingers. I just think anybody that thinks violence will solve anything needs to think about consequences.
Posts: 42
Date Joined: 03/12/07
Just to clarify this thread has 2 parts to it. But they are obviously linked. Somebody will get get hurt if boaties continue to come so close to shore chasing salmon. What worried me was the teenaged kids casting the sinkers were not doing this to hurt the Passengers on the boat I am sure. But if one of those sinkers were to hit someone in the head it could kill. Then there could be serious charges laid for a spur of the moment act.
perth fisher
Posts: 132
Date Joined: 02/06/11
while i dont condone people
while i dont condone people aiming sinkers about boaties, if they drive their boat that close too shore and get in the ways of lb fishers then they are asking for some stupid responses....
whatever we say will make no difference to young lb fishers, anyway the boaties are asking for it, and provoking stupid behaviour by coming in so close..any skipper that does stupid behaviour like that is asking for his boat or crew to get hurt....
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Lack of self control
I'm primarily a boat fisherman who will some times fish from the beach when conditions dictate that this is the best way to get a feed of fish, like when they are hugging the shore line. This applies to a lot of different species of fish ,salmon and yellow fin whiting to name just a few.
Quite a few years ago it was unthinkable for a boat fisherman to take his/her boat so close to the shore that it would interfere with the activities of shore based fishos.
It was quite simply was not on.
Unfortunately as society has become disorderly and self centred the same attitude is visible in some of the newby boat owners who demonstrate the attitude of "self self self" and to hell with what is right morally or indeed lawful I'm going to go and do what I want on the water. Steal crays from other peoples pots run in to the shore and break up schools of fish that the LB fishos have some times waited days to come in close enough to be in casting range so they at least get a chance of catching them.
It seems to me that the sight of a great sporting (and eating fish if it's to your taste) on the end of a fishing line destroys some peoples self control and regard for other peoples enjoyment. To take a boat of any size into a school of fish close to the shore is a absolute selfish action and there is no excuse for it, and I believe no need for in so far as salmon are concerned.
To the land based fishos going down south this Easter I have no doubt that unfortunately you will see these selfish boating bastards bringing there boats into schools of fish and doing other stupid and (to the majority of boaties) quite un aceptable things. Please show that at least you know what self control is and refrain from throwing lead projectiles at boaties, as has been said most LB fishers are quite capable of placing a sinker pretty close to where they want it. In doing this they are effectively firing a gun at someone and the end results could be the same. Take their boat rego get the owners address from DPI if you can and pay them a visit and explain just what effect their actions have had on your valuable pleasure time.
Posts: 1042
Date Joined: 22/03/13
Very well said mate.
Very well said mate.
A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!
Posts: 1126
Date Joined: 02/03/13
On the flip side of this
On the flip side of this argument, wouldn't the boaties get more joy with catching the monsters out in the sea than stealing the pride of the lb fisho's and taking their fish just to annoy them. Also the boat fisherman could just buy a surf rod and enjoy the fishing lb if they have to. Their should be a rule that boat fishos can only anchor at least 300m from the shore and if they don't they can expect what they get from the lb fishos.
Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession
Posts: 31
Date Joined: 30/03/13
Super peg
Posts: 760
Date Joined: 02/09/12
I am guilty of casting lures
I am guilty of casting lures at boats, let them know that yes I can cast that far and yes your too close, also people that look at you then loose there gear and decide to swim in the exact place your fishing, I have cast at then also,
used to be placid mild tempered fisho but these days fuck the rude! I'll respect you if your deserve respect and show some etiquette,
little respect goes a long way.
The boaties don't have a shred of respect for the scores of fishos with granite and sand under their feet,
if they had any idea they would hook a fish and keep it in the water to fire the school up, not troll through the middle.
some boaties I've watched know their shit and have even hearded a school in close for the waiting LB crowd, but these moment this season especially are few and far between,
I will continue to cast lures at boats of they get too close, won't aim for their heads, just a warning shot or two normally works
Don't care if none of you agree.
The art of fishing consists of casting, winding, trolling and jigging
while freezing, sweating, swatting and swearing.
Posts: 228
Date Joined: 13/05/12
Weather you landbased or
Weather you landbased or boatie no one owns the ocean. If i wanted to fish a salmon school from my boat thats sitting less than 50m of the shore i will. noone can stop you from doing that. Either way its only a stinking salmon
Posts: 465
Date Joined: 06/02/14
None of the following is
None of the following is directed at you Dhuvinile & in no way is meant to imply that your one of the inconsiderate boaties that get too close & ruin it for the LB crew. I'm simply addressing the points you raised.
No problem with any boatie fishing 50m from shore so long as there aren't any LB fishos in the area. If there are people fishing LB, stay the hell away, you have access to pretty much the entire coastline & it isn't the only school in the ocean. If your within 150m of anyone LB, you risk wearing a twisty as facial jewelry. It's just common sense & a bit of courtesy really. As for it's "only a stinking salmon", that displays perfectly the difference in what's available from a boat compared to the shore. Salmon are highly prized from shore while the boatie regards it as a shit fish with better things on offer. If there's better on offer & it's "only a stinking salmon", bugger off & leave the salmon for the LB guys.
I do find it very ironic that boaties bitch & moan like it's the end of the world when another boat anchors 100m from them but many of them think it's perfectly ok to get 50m from somebody fishing LB & completely ruin the LB fishos trip, which may have been months in the planning & cost several hundred (or thousand) dollars. Seems to me that most boat owners have forgotten what it was like when they didn't have that precious tub. I know none of you will admit it but most boat fishos on this site look down thier noses at the LB fishos & think they are somehow superior. It's a shame that it's an attitude that is carried over into the actual fishing.
Posts: 1358
Date Joined: 13/04/11
"I know none of you will
"I know none of you will admit it but most boat fishos on this site look down thier noses at the LB fishos & think they are somehow superior. It's a shame that it's an attitude that is carried over into the actual fishing."
err....righteo then. I am some how superior to anyone because i own a boat? or i saved hard and worked hard to own a boat? maybe its you with the attitude problem dude. That comment is a joke. Honestly , us boaties look down on you LB fishos? seriously what have you been smoking!!!!!!
guess you just gotta look at your signature to realise, your one of the clowns me vs the world issues.
a hard days fishing still beats work
PGFC member
GCGFC memberSuper peg
Posts: 760
Date Joined: 02/09/12
And just like that... I
And just like that... I would be tieing on a raider,
if its just a stinking salmon mate go catch something else
The art of fishing consists of casting, winding, trolling and jigging
while freezing, sweating, swatting and swearing.
West Coast
Posts: 332
Date Joined: 10/12/07
Well done Super Peg. Now there is a record of your intentions should someone in a boat get too close to you. Both sides want to be careful threatening people on social media. Didn't work out too well for Murray Newman from the Eagles!! I think if you injured someone, and then they saw your post...they would throw the book at you.
Anyway peace to all. All you land based fisho's work hard, save up and get a boat.
Posts: 145
Date Joined: 26/03/14
Many land based fishos like
Many land based fishos like myself have boats but enjoy the experience of salmon from the beach.
Posts: 465
Date Joined: 06/02/14
Does it occur to you West
Does it occur to you West Coast that many of us don't want a boat? You must think all LB fishos look upon boat owners with envy. I for one look upon boat owners with pity, but if you enjoy paying huge amounts of money, getting stressed at the ramp, worrying about pingers etc just to catch a few fish, good luck to you. 99.9% of boat fishos have no natural instincts for finding fish, they rely on thier electronics. No talent, no instinct & no idea.
big john
Posts: 8766
Date Joined: 20/07/06
What a croc of shit Shimka. Maybe you need to change your user name to 'The High Horse Rider'.
Lots of different ways to catch fish, land based or on a boat. Lots of morons doing each of them as well.
No one's in the right but plenty of hotted up 4wd driving, rubbish leaving, dune destroying, beach closing land based fisho's around.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
Posts: 465
Date Joined: 06/02/14
Says the bloke with the 4b &
Says the bloke with the 4b & boat. You might like to think of the amount of rubbish that boaties leave in the ocean before throwing stones. Your one of the worst "high horse rider" types on this forum. You can stick your attitude up your khyber pass BJ.
big john
Posts: 8766
Date Joined: 20/07/06
LOL, For a bloke who's been a member for maybe 10 weeks you know a fair bit.
So out of curiosity, what percentage of land based fisho's always do the right thing?
I don't condone boat fisho's getting in the way down south but IF a boatie has found a school in close and is fishing it by himself, should he have to leave if a shore based fisho show's up?
Yeah I've got a 4b and a boat, what about it?
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
Posts: 465
Date Joined: 06/02/14
Apparently you don't realise
Apparently you don't realise that people can read these pages without being a member. 10 weeks a member, about 2 yrs just reading. On top of that I searched your history. Pretty easy to track you & see what your overall attitude is like.
Percentage of landbased fishos doing the right thing? How am I supposed to know? Can you tell me the percentage of boaties doing the right thing without just making up a number? The only answer is that there's not enough on either side of the fence doing the right thing.
No the boatie should not leave the school to the shore based fishos if he was there first. If he's polite he might consider moving to the ocean side of the school so the LB people can have a crack at the same school but I wouldn't hold it against him if he sat on the school all for himself. First in best dressed.
Your taking cracks at fishos with 4b's leaving crap behind, chewing up dunes & causing closures. Truth be told it's not usually the fishos doing these things, it's teh 4b clubs & weekend yobos that chew up dunes & leave crap behind. I'm betting your 4b has seen it's fair share of time on the beach so probably best not to cast stones at those that do the same thing you do. The boat? A simple observation that your one of the stuck up boaties that has forgotten what LB fishing the ocean is like.
big john
Posts: 8766
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Shimka, your profile (and signature) says everything I need to know about you. Any chance you might post a fishing report one day? With your wealth of LB experience it should be a cracker.
Keep on trolling.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
Posts: 465
Date Joined: 06/02/14
I could post up a report BJ
I could post up a report BJ but I won't. Your right I do have a wealth of LB experience, over 30 years of it actually, it's extremely rare for me to miss out (FIGJAM). I worked long & hard to gather the knowledge I know & I don't share it in reports. I'm more than happy to pass along hints & tips to people that ask questions I feel I can answer but they still have to put in the hard yards themselves to hone thier instincts & find the best times & places for the methods I suggest to work.
You get a 10/10 for working out what I'm up to but I'm reducing it to a 7/10 because it took you 3 replies to work out I was hanging a lure out.
big john
Posts: 8766
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Yeah but what's the bloody point?
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
Posts: 465
Date Joined: 06/02/14
Personal enjoyment &
Personal enjoyment & expressing my genuine point of view on boaties too close to shore. Boats can go anywhere on the ocean, LB fishos only have access to a tiny little strip of the ocean. Reckon it's not unfair to expect the boaties to leave close to shore for those who don't have access to the territory boaties do.
Posts: 145
Date Joined: 26/03/14
I love fishing from the
I love fishing from the beach and fishing from my boat. Everywhere you go there are going to be knobs who have no idea, just a bit of common sense wouldn't go astray. 99% of boaters would agree going within 50 meters of the shore is arrogant and rude to land based trying to fish. It's the 1% that have no idea!!
Posts: 15043
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Totally agree with your last
Totally agree with your last line BJ, sick and tired of the dickheads up our way trashing the beach, and speeding through where the swimming beach is. Back to the issue respect from both sides is required, the way I see it first in best dressed. It's nothing to do with being a boatie Shimka it's all about being a dickhead on land or at sea.
Love the West!
West Coast
Posts: 332
Date Joined: 10/12/07
Come on guys....
That envy will end up killing you. Keep your head down. Keep working hard and we might see you out on the ocean one day.
Posts: 145
Date Joined: 26/03/14
Your passive aggressive
Your passive aggressive comments don't help the situation west coast.
Posts: 145
Date Joined: 26/03/14
Yeah you can fish 50 metres
Yeah you can fish 50 metres from shore if you want, but why do it when fellow fisherman are fishing from land in the same vicinity. As for salmon go, no one has ever said they are great eating, but pound for pound they are a great sport fish for shore based fisherman in the south west. I hang out every year for them.
Posts: 169
Date Joined: 14/10/10
well the way I see it, I own
well the way I see it, I own two boats, but weather and sometimes not having a deckie doesn't always see me out on the water. Hence the reason I LB fish as well (to be honest more so than on the boat). I enjoy all aspects of fishing, whatever it may be. The problem I have is the fact that little to no respect is shown for any form of fishing as long as that other person is getting fish. What happened to the days when you were on a beach and gave the person next to you at least 50mtrs either side of space, not like now where they will park and setup in your pocket, just cause you may have been there awhile and they think you are onto fish. Same can be said while out on the water, you may be drifting around and someone sets up on your drift line 10-20 mtrs in front or behind. Sinkers being hurled at boaties is far too common, simply for the fact that some boaties don't give a rats arse what is happening around them. Just like no nav lights or any lights at all in the sound when there is a Snapper run at night (one of the most dangerous I think), I would prefer that all boaties take regard to what is happening on shore, if there are LB fishos getting into fish, don't come close, how about doing everyone a favour and herd them closer to shore and sit on the outside and peg away at them along with the LB fishos. Would be a win win situation in my mind. I take my boats out to target specific critters I am likely not to get on the shore, and shore fish for the comfort of being able to sit back and enjoy our beaches and rivers. Same thing happens year in year out, the Snapper are in the sound you see 10000 boats on one lump and agro is flying everywhere with spearguns being fired at boats too close, Salmon start their run and you hear of fist fights cause someone cast over someone else and boaties coming too close...blah blah blah. everyone should just enjoy their fishing addictions and be respectful of others around them. I could keep going but that should be enough for now.
to fish or not to if there was an option.
Posts: 472
Date Joined: 15/11/11
Totally agree!! This isn't a
Totally agree!! This isn't a boaties vs LB thing it's a RESPECT thing. Unfortunately the times have changed where it's rare to see respect but common to see agro, often resulting from a 'I don't give a shit, ill do what I want' attitude
Posts: 114
Date Joined: 24/07/11
This is stupid.
Do lb fisherman honestly think that they have a right to throw sinkers at a boat if it is fishing the same spot???
Also do lb fisherman think that there is some magic barrier protecting them from sinkers coming back at them?? what do you honestly think is going to happen if you throw sinkers at a boat? surely you are going to expect some coming back at you?? Is it worth it???
Oh I forgot, you guys are using the argument that only LB fisherman know how to cast accurately therefore you are safe. Because someone from a boat has probably never cast before have they????
I am glad some of you are such believers in lb fishing because the last thing the world needs is more of your kind in a boat competing with us normal people who are respectful and courteous
2006 Sea Hunt 23 Walkaround w/ 150hp Yamaha 2006
1989 Haines Hunter Legend w/ 225hp Pro XS Mercury 2013
2006 Savage 14ft w/ 30hp Yamaha
1990 Zodiac 12ft w/ 4hp Mercury
Posts: 145
Date Joined: 26/03/14
I think it's wrong to cast
I think it's wrong to cast sinkers at someone, potentially causing harm. Do you think it's wrong driving your boat in close where people are setup and casting from shore?
Posts: 465
Date Joined: 06/02/14
Do boaties honestly think
Do boaties honestly think they have the right to shoot spearguns at each other & ram each others boats? Yeah, it's the LB fisho kind that are so terrible. If the boatie can cast a sinker back they should probably realise they are too bloody close to the shore based people & piss off instead of being a complete tosser.
Posts: 12
Date Joined: 29/08/11
Well put tombstone
Well put tombstone
Andy Mac
Posts: 4778
Date Joined: 03/02/06
Natural Selection
Isn't this one of Darwin's theories being played out for all to see.
Stupid boaties with no respect driving through schools of shore line fish, getting killed or injured by stupid LB fisho's with no respect casting sinkers and lures at them. Stupid LB fisho's with no respect being locked away for years for violent assault with a deadly weapon (sinker).
Seems to me we should stand back and watch them eliminate themselves from our society.
Simple... if you are a boatie have some respect for the LB guys (I dare say every boatie was a LB fisho growing up, I know I was and still am) and stay casting distance ocean side of the school and share the resource safely.
..... If you are a LB fisho, practice your casting but quell the urge to chuck a sinker in a boat's direction or suffer the potential life changing consequences.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
Posts: 1490
Date Joined: 07/10/11
Well put Andy
The south coast is usually a quiet place until school holidays ,easter break ,xmas etc.Then the invasion begins and all respect goes out the window,i reckon its got plenty to do with people trying to get the most out of the limited time they have on the coast.Personally i avoid the place at these times as i cant handle all the crap.Shimka,i have owned boats for the last 20 years ,learned how to catch fish during salmon season from the stones and wont chase them from a boat at all.Although i have expierienced boaties encroaching near shore there is no way i would be be throwing anything there way apart from a few choice words,i would recommend an attitude adjustment on your own behalf mate. No talent,no instinct and no idea LOL what a crock of shit wake up mate,it takes two to tango.RESPECT is the key word,doesnt seem to be to much of it about.
Call Sign - BZ785
Haynes Hunter Prowler CC
Posts: 465
Date Joined: 06/02/14
Guess you should actually
Guess you should actually read everything I wrote Willo. Not once did I say that I cast anything at any person anywhere so change what attitude? The one where I reckon most boaties are arrogant pricks? Tough banans pal, I call it the way I see it wether it's a popular opinion or not. If you think most boat bound fisher folk can get themselves a feed from shore everytime they go out when they don't have the benefit of thier sounders, gps etc your kidding yourself. Electronics has taken away the need for boat fishers to rely on thier instincts, something the LB fisho has to rely on completely. Perhaps you should do some research into the subject of hunting/gathering instincts & you might be a bit more informed on the matter.
Posts: 15043
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Well my boat's outta action
Well my boat's outta action for the weekend so I'll be land based. Let's all see if I can get a feed or do you think I'm kidding myself and have no chance being a boatie? I'll be starting tomorrow morning
Love the West!
Posts: 465
Date Joined: 06/02/14
Don't know Sea-Kem, depends
Don't know Sea-Kem, depends how regularly you still LB fish & how much LB fishing you did before concentrating your efforts mostly on boat based stuff. Hope you get into a feed any which way.
West Coast
Posts: 332
Date Joined: 10/12/07
Instinct of the LB fisherman....
...well here is a nice car...oh there's a parking bay...park car.....oh there is a nice track leading down to the beach...walk down to the beach....might sit on that rock over there.....sit on rock....tie lure to end of rod....smoke a rollie and crack a can of bourbon and wait for a school of salmon to swim salmon....crack another bourbon and wait a bit longer....someone else tries setting up with 50m of you...O' piss off this is my beach....crack another bourbon.....shit the salmon are all staying out wide....wish I had a boat....go home leaving someone else to clean up your mess....
Posts: 465
Date Joined: 06/02/14
Sure some people do it that
Sure some people do it that way & maybe that's your lazy approach when LB West Coast but some of us are active hunters that seek fish out on instinct & knowledge alone & I'm not just talking about salmon. The instinct to move from calm water like geographe bay to somewhere with swell just because the wind is coming from a certain direction or there are a few clouds in the sky. The instinct to cast into a bit of reef that you know will hold fish even though you can't see them there. The instinct to know what tide is going to produce & when to change the type of lure your using. The instinct to know that the wind, tide & waves don't add up to tailor, they add up to a red hot bream session in the river or whiting just behind the breakers. Decisions made by using instincts that most are not even aware of. The people that have regular success don't even realise they are doing it, it just something they do. Yet these instincts can be consiously developed if you pay attention & get in tune with your environment. Instincts I doubt a snob boatie like you ever developed in the first place.
West Coast
Posts: 332
Date Joined: 10/12/07
No you got me wrong...
I must have instinct. Whenever I am in Dunsborough I hop in my car. Start at Castle Rock and then drive towards the Cape. When I see a moving black blob I park the car and throw a $5 bit of metal at it. Hasn't failed me yet. Bit like taking candy from a baby....but as you say - it must be instinct I suppose.
Posts: 1027
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Posts: 1490
Date Joined: 07/10/11
Yeah fella i read what you
Yeah fella i read what you wrote,wasnt accusing you of casting at boats just your general us v them attitude,which helps no-one.By the way i started fishing boats before all the electronics came out and still managed to catch good fish as i did from shore.Wasnt to bad with a rifle in the bush either.I think your monika says it all mate (the world can kiss my ass).
Call Sign - BZ785
Haynes Hunter Prowler CC
Andy Mac
Posts: 4778
Date Joined: 03/02/06
Whilst you are right in that electronics advancement has made life a hell of a lot easier for boaties to catch fish over the years, the sheer numbers of boats out there have also depleted the number of fish significantly, so back in the good old days we could take line of sight and fish productive areas within a hundred meters out there and still catch fish, whereas now if you aren't right on the spot you won;t catch jack.l personally like to think some of us old timers BJ, Uncle, Canarvonite and the like still use a lot of our "instincts" in looking for fish and the electronics simply help to validate those instincts.
Interestingly in my youth I spent many a year studying and reading beaches to find the best Mulloway and Tailor haunts, reading wave formations and watching gutter formations at different times of the year. I read every fishing article I could get my hands on to work out best times, tides and the like. Lots of hard work rather than my god given primordial hunter gatherer instincts went into getting those early fish.
These days shore based anglers tend to read forums (weren't around in my day) and download apps to know tides and weather weeks in advance. They know up to the minute reports of where the fish are biting based on social media and mobile phone coverage, none of which existed in the old days (did I tell you my first job was a telegram delivery boy)
. They still pull up at popular beach carparks just as anglers have done for many many years and if there are a heap of fisho's fishing a school, then they run down and join in the fray.
Its a fallacy to think that more "instincts" are used by land based guys over boaties. Granted its much harder to catch a fish from the beach or stones than a boat, but having done both in abundance I think you are taking a bit of a hollier than thou stance in relation to any LB versus Boatie discussion. I respectfully suggest that this is the "attitude" others are referring to. I don;t think anyone thinks you are one who is advocating sinker target practice.
Its no longer about "instincts" wether you are a LB guy or a boat guy in any case, its all about "Knowledge". And that my friends you get from being respectful, courteous, a lot of reading, a lot of trial and error, a lot of experience and being open to the ways of others.
If I got marooned on a desert island its not my instincts that will get me by it will be my knowledge.
Finally, in contrast to your view, I see most LB guys as being wonderful passionate anglers that love the feel of sand between the toes, always willing to chat about what they have in the bucket or the "you should have been here yesterday" stories. I haven't met many arrogant fishoes at all, wether they be boat orientated or not. Sadly I have seen far too many keyboard warriors that fail to show respect for one another on this forum and sadly that is a reflection on society in general these days. As we have said on here countless times, you cannot substiture face to face communication, as tone is extremely difficult to express with a keyboard.
A great topic and worthy of healthy debate. Hopefully both sides of the argument will see the light and we will have a far safer and enjoyable salmon season in years to come.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
Posts: 465
Date Joined: 06/02/14
While I don't agree with
While I don't agree with everything you just wrote I reckon that you have just put up the best post in the whole thread
Posts: 2925
Date Joined: 27/12/06
even though it contradicts alot of the dribble you have posted on this thread
I will be back in a minute, ran out of pop corn
Posts: 224
Date Joined: 19/09/12
Best post I have read in a
Best post I have read in a long time Andy. Your articulation and respect shows much of what is missing in society today and unfortunately on this forum as well.
Burley it and they will come.
Posts: 1901
Date Joined: 03/05/08
Consider the penalties....
...the LEGAL ones:
Driving boat to close to shore...either no penalty or a small fine/slap on the wrist if inside the yellow markers.
Casting sinkers at boats, even if they miss...ASSAULT CHARGE.
Posts: 3912
Date Joined: 14/10/12
Attempted murder if said
Attempted murder if said asshole actually hits someone I would have though?
Anyone that thinks that it is ok to peg sinkers at someone needs to climb back into the trees.
Posts: 9507
Date Joined: 10/02/07
awesome read,theres lots of cockheads out there
a bit of curtosy and respect for all fellow fishermen is whats required,[everybody to respect each other] but to find these things now in this world I think we are pushing shit up hill, its great to remember the good old days before the net and when people respected each other, sadly most of you will not experience such a thing,hang on I'm off for more popcorn!
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
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well, I really like mashed potato.
big john
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WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
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Happy with response
Well I am glad that my thread has generated so much response. Very interesting to hear people's opinions on this. I think more respect as pointed out by others is needed. A little respect goes a long way and it seems this is lacking these days
Super peg
Posts: 760
Date Joined: 02/09/12
This has gotten way out of
This has gotten way out of hand.... I'll still cast a lure at some fool in a boat if he is indeed a fool and is way to close to shore and is being a knob,
i don't keep a rod in my car rigged up incase I see a boat close too shore while I'm driving down west coast hwy or just cast at boats if I see them,
you've gotta earn the right to have lures cast at you.
as mentioned above we can be accurate , very accurate, yet I never willingly aim for a person,
just enough to let them know...... Sorta like a bowmen would fire a warning shot over the prow of a boat.
People need to chill out, the only people that need to be angry are the people doing the shit antics in the boats down salmon way,
And If that is you.... Don't get pissed off just don't be a knob and learn some ettiquette and some respect
The art of fishing consists of casting, winding, trolling and jigging
while freezing, sweating, swatting and swearing.
Posts: 1358
Date Joined: 13/04/11
big man.
big man.
a hard days fishing still beats work
PGFC member
GCGFC memberSuper peg
Posts: 760
Date Joined: 02/09/12
Not trying to sound rough n
Not trying to sound rough n tough mate, just casting a lure to let them know they are too close. I'm not lobbing sinkers at people's heads.
The art of fishing consists of casting, winding, trolling and jigging
while freezing, sweating, swatting and swearing.
Posts: 9507
Date Joined: 10/02/07
and I would suggest, follow your own advice
chill out one and all
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
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(No subject)
big john
Posts: 8766
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Bit harsh, takes instinct to light that cone in a fluctuating breeze.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!