Somebody is gonna get hurt one day
I have seen it for years now but today I seen it all. We were fishing landbased for salmon at Eagle Bay. There were boats everywhere with keen landbased fishos at every point and every beach waiting patiently for fish to swim past. Why do so many skippers need to drive so close to shore to spoil it for the lb fishos. I have written a post in salmon thread with my run in with them today(please read if interested) but this thread is about what I seen today by others.
First of all I do not condone what your about to read. A group of Landbased fishos were so frustrated with the dickhead boaties that they were casting sinkers at the boats. If one of those sinkers hits someone in the head there will be a possible death. Nobody wants this but imagine when this happens.
Why do boaties show no consideration for lb fishos? What are the laws with driving boats near coastline?Why would you bother with salmon off your boats anyway. If you want to catch salmon why not do it landbased it's so much more satisfying. I do own a boat but am not interested in catching Salmon in it.
What's everyone else's opinion on this. I would especially like to hear from boaties who do this and what they have to say. I am not saying all boaties do this but there are a lot who do and you know who you are. I reckon I would have seen over 100 boats today within casting range of a star sinker for someone with a good cast.
looking forward to hearing people opinions on this one
Posts: 15043
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Ha ha ha Shows my age Dumper
Ha ha ha Shows my age Dumper I've done all of that.
Love the West!
Posts: 728
Date Joined: 03/02/12
That was entertaining. Whoever says fishing is boring should catch up with you guys.
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
and i thought snapper fishing was silly season.
Handi 1
Posts: 151
Date Joined: 27/06/11
A little bit full on . I've
A little bit full on . I've been an avid fisho since I was just a kid and ever since , just love doing it , whether it LB or on a boat . All about the serenity and just being out there enjoying the moment . I don't think once I have ever come across agro fishing , doesn't seem right . As most have said , respect and enjoyment will follow !
Dhui on river to sea jig a few years back , 16 kg ! PB for me .
Posts: 1521
Date Joined: 27/11/09
having learnt how to fish in
having learnt how to fish in the drain and then the jetty in busso from a young age we progressed to the capes fishing /diving as we got older,
back in the day [70s] it was pretty normal to back the trailer down onto either eagle bay or meelup beach and launch the older brothers/dads boston whaler into the water , row out and start up our little 4.5 hp mercury outboard and hug the coast spinning around to bunkers bay ,chancing for a herring or salmon usually or pit stop and catch skippy etc
the usual rule was to hug the shore , as close as your dared if the swell was up , with a heavy handline out , dragging a smiths jig, if we saw landbased fishos along the way we veered out and around them , giving them plenty of space , same with other boaties
this was an unwritten rule for eons between boaties and shore based fishers , our dad taught us this along with most of our other values,
it wasnt hard or difficult ,if we came around a bay and the pros where there , then we just headed out wide as well until we moved into another bay
thing is in this day and age of self entitlement all aspects of decency , courtesy have gone awol
people need to get grip , and have some manners for each other , SIMPLE AS THAT IMHO
I still fish from the shore a lot, but I love the boat as well , personaly I hat it when iv just burleyed up a school of herring and some boatie or kayaker/jetskier decides to slide on in and buzz through them , same as when another fisho pulls up within 10 feet of me nd starts throwing across my oil slick
have some respect and either go wide or ask if I mind you joining me , most time I don't mind at all , but its good to be asked first
OFW 11
evil flourishes when good men do nothing
Posts: 109
Date Joined: 25/06/13
Attempted murder ? lol
I can't cast accurately as some claim to be able to do.
I will of course cast towards the Salmon.
And if a boatie gets my metal lure in the face it will just be an unfortunate accident, not attempted murder or assault.
Posts: 670
Date Joined: 05/01/12
I wish Perth people would
I wish Perth people would leave their Perth attitudes at home, just come down,relax and enjoy your holiday.