Little sh$&s part 2

 Hi guys as most of you know I got broken into in January on Aussie day wk end, all my fishing gear stolen, now I have sorted my gear out again slowly thanks to the help of a bunch of good fellas on here, anyway me missus and kids plus my father inlaw n his family decided to go for a fish last night, we went to Pinaroo point north of hillaries the weather was awesome slight breeze and yeah beautiful weather,  after a few hours of fishing for half a doz nice herring my lil bro in law started to pack up, he comes running back from car yellin my name out and what's happened the little shi$s decided to smash my quarter glass they took my handheld led spotlight which was there since my hands were full otherwise I would have taken in down in case we got a decent fish n needed light. They also stole my CDs, all this and all I can say is what is wrong with people Hillaries is by no means a lower class suburb and since we are on school holidays how the hell can we go out for family fun if every time we go something happens. The gov need to think about this and open a few more beaches up so I can park my car next to me I'm over this sh$t my car must have a invisible sign to me but visible to thieves that say this car is free for break in. 

Anyway even though I got done over they never touched my father in laws car which was right in front of me.

so yeah now that I have finished my minor rave stay tuned because little sh$ts part 3 can't be far away



Cheers cell



fisheater's picture

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Mon, 2014-04-14 08:17

damn that would be harsh

uncle's picture

Posts: 9507

Date Joined: 10/02/07

bloody low lifes

Mon, 2014-04-14 11:50

there every where,they know how to spoil your day, their too smart to pick on judges though,maybe judges don't go out!!


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

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Date Joined: 06/02/14

how unlucky can u bspewin

Mon, 2014-04-14 12:42

how unlucky can u b

spewin mate. bloody crooks. cant go nowhere these days without havin to worry bout anythin..

goodluck in near future

stevebw23's picture

Posts: 155

Date Joined: 12/11/11

The world would be a much

Mon, 2014-04-14 15:54

The world would be a much better place without thieving pieces of s**t like that. I have to lock/unlock my toolboxes on my work ute countless times each day (6 padlocks in total plus 2 car doors) it pisses me right off that people have the time to break in and steal stuff but
they don't have the time to go out and earn an honest dollar like the rest of us


Symes Plumbing & Gas. No job too small, servicing all northern suburbs 

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mate of mine got done over

Mon, 2014-04-14 17:48

mate of mine got done over in in k town a few years back , he had a gym set up on his back patio , they pinched all his small weights , when the cops turned up my mate mentioned it was strange they had only nicked the small weights, cop replies to him yea they are probably going to build themselves up and come back for the big weights later , my mate failed to see the joke at the time but I did

tim-o's picture

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Tough trott thats for sure,

Mon, 2014-04-14 18:04

Tough trott thats for sure, ken kuntz. Ep3 will hopefully be a mulloway stealin a tailor you catch and you land the mulla


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

cell's picture

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Date Joined: 06/07/13

haha tim-o i sure hope so and

Mon, 2014-04-14 21:40

haha tim-o i sure hope so and i will definately call the cops on the mulla lol.

i recon steve i think i need to make something up, kinda like they do with the excavators and put panels up on my windows...mind you i will prob lose my mickey t's then, my light bar n spotties will be next lol, i know i rant on but how unlucky can one bloke be.....



woftam's picture

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Trunk monkey could be your

Tue, 2014-04-15 19:29

Trunk monkey could be your answer.

Posts: 40

Date Joined: 10/02/14

sorry to hear

Wed, 2014-04-16 12:19

all the metro beaches that have carparks away from sight are well known to crooks. they usually sit and watch somewhere so they know you will be gone for a while and when u walk off they strike.

you could go there again and pretend to walk off and hide and wait for them to come out but judging by the luck you have had they probably wont come out.

the other thing is as much as youd like to wrap ur hands around their neck i am not condoning this behaviour as it could become a much worse situation. best thing is to let the cops handle it or else it could be you going to prison for doing something any other bloke would have done and the little f*#kwits walk free and possibly get a gift from the taxpayers too.

reminds me of when my rotweiler nabbed some pr!ck trying to break into the back bedroom where my little brother was sleeping. dont mess with a big dog's family is all i can say. he got away but definately with some substantial wounds judging by blood smears and bits of torn clothing in the dog's teeth. never had trouble again.

bless her sleeping soul


Give me a fish and I will eat for a day, teach me to fish and I will starve to death.

cell's picture

Posts: 215

Date Joined: 06/07/13

you hit the nail on the head

Thu, 2014-04-17 18:33

you hit the nail on the head Fausto79 i never bothered with the police as all it would have been would be a headf&*( from now on im taking bolt cutters with me and no gate is safe i dont care about rangers im over it first gear now tunes n light enough is enough, if police wanna tell me off and rangers go for it coz they can pay my bill for everything i got a new window for car today and that cost a small fortune too i didnt know a lil window would be so expensive
