First time up at shark bay as I always drive past to Exi was happy with the outcome fishing out of Steep Point and did my first overnighter up at Turtle Bay .
We had awesome conditions caught approx. 25 different species over 7 days . Highlights included pinkies in 16m water one after another for 4 fishos over about 1.5 hours with all released . Catching a good feed of crabs over at monkey mia chilli crabs that night yum. deckie Pauls big 840mm coral trout in 12m water .Deckie andys robbo sea bream /first ever/.
Deckie Qs 1.2 m Cobia in 100m of water at steep point.My catch of a very lost Break sea cod in 100m of steep also.

all in all was very relaxing crabs beer / fish beer/ weather beer/ and the fishing comp which we did not enter was well organised and what an after party /BBEEERRR.

See you again SHARK BAY.



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Rob b's picture

Posts: 211

Date Joined: 04/02/13

 Looks like a great trip and

Wed, 2015-06-10 09:58

 Looks like a great trip and some great fish. I head up there on the 10/7/2015 for a week can't wait.

Posts: 6454

Date Joined: 08/08/11

The conditions look

Wed, 2015-06-10 11:48

The conditions look awful!


nice fish.  good to know the crabs have arrived at monkey mia.  they weren't around in april.


Fish! HARD!

Posts: 6265

Date Joined: 26/04/14

 Nice one bloke 

Wed, 2015-06-10 11:57

 Nice one bloke 

Posts: 34

Date Joined: 14/09/13

shark bay

Wed, 2015-06-10 17:08

Will be there on Saturday for a week. Weather looking good so far, hoping to get out past Steep and out from Dirk Hartog. Cant wait looking forward to some good baldies and some beers and it,s better than work.



Pedro the fisherman's picture

Posts: 125

Date Joined: 04/04/13

Shark bay

Thu, 2015-06-11 19:14

hey Randall you may have been their when we were we left to come home 13 May .WE got the crabs 7 days before that .We couldn't even catch a maki all week yours is a pearler though .Cheers GIlly  



timboon's picture

Posts: 2961

Date Joined: 14/11/10

I'm heading to Tamala in the

Sat, 2015-06-13 10:14

I'm heading to Tamala in the school hols, has anyone caught crabs over in the western gulfs?