Rottnest Island Boaters Facilities - have your say
Submitted by PerthBoat on Wed, 2012-06-20 22:15
If you own a boat and you do not currently visit Rottnest Island on your boat the Rottnest Island Authority would like you to complete a survey to provide your views about Rottnest Island.
The results of this survey will be used to identify priority areas for future development and improvements on Rottnest Island.
Posts: 2539
Date Joined: 26/09/09
what a joke!!! yeh i am going
what a joke!!!
yeh i am going to reply....
how dare they charge the amount they do for what you get, who the f*$k are they????.. god!!!
i have paid the yearly fee many times and now they can go f**k a duck as far as i am concerned.
i have paid the fee for many years to have access to the island and not once have i stepped foot onto the island itself from my own boat.
i have a 6.55mtr and many many times we have pulled up at various bays around the island, swam, enjoyed the views, even stayed the night on many occasions in the boat and never gone to shore.
so what am i paying for????
i do agree.. if you visit the island, go onshore, use the public facilities, you should pay!.
yeh i know its hard to police , but c'mon, its getting to be the rich mans playground only.
how many people pull into say,, parker point...... then go to shore and head to the pub for a beer??? none if any and thats a close bay.
they need to bring in a boat pass only.... just so you can pull into a bay for a overnighter or so with no access to the shore or any facilities.
you never know, they might make money out of it?
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
totally agree
the island board charge like a wounded bull and the facilities are grubby, unclean and very restricted in choice, build a decent marina and small boat day stopover facilities keep the pricing competitive and not regard everyone who lands on the place as a victim to charge outrageous prices to and a little bit of a smile from rangers etc and more people might go. as for going on the ferry i'm not asking to be transported on a world tour just over to an off shore island for hell's sake. clean the place up a lot, get rid of the beer swilling yobs and loud mouths, book a few for being drunk and in charge of a vessel and the place may get a few more people going over to there
Posts: 546
Date Joined: 20/02/11
Totally agree guys. $40 to
Totally agree guys. $40 to go within the reserve for two adult and a child is rediculous. They are pandering to the very wealthy and overseas holiday makers and say the fee is for the upkeep of the Island, which is a dirty tourist s**thole and on top of that they want to build a resort on it. I thought it was a national park?
Posts: 1555
Date Joined: 28/08/07
Done the survey. My summary
Done the survey. My summary is its great place to vist once, then after that its all the same. Easier to just take the boat and expore around without making contact with the land. The facilites i found there to be very basic and expensive. And definitly not worth the landing fee. If i was rich i would probably go over and book the most expensive accomadation available........... Nah if i was that rich i would just go overseas for a holiday instead. So for now though i'll stick to my local weekend WA holidaying up North or down South.
Also didnt like the fact its crowded with heaps of very big and expensive boats which are driven by owners that must think they are speed boats and that because they have the bigger boat they have the right of way and dont have to follow rules. Think an underwater drill could solve alot of the big boat snob attitude over there, plus making a few artificial reefs.
Have had some incidents/seen some incidents in the few times i have been over there close to the shore involving big boat heroes. I find it much easier(and cheaper) to just do a day trip to Carnac or Garden island if i want an island experience.
Toby Roe
Posts: 118
Date Joined: 01/02/10
I must be visiting a
I must be visiting a different Rottnest because I think it is great
. I admit that it is quite expensive and climbing (what in Perth isn't expensive) but I think that it provides a nice bit of boating variety to an otherwise fairly barren coastal region (features not life). I go there regularly for all reasons and I like taking vistors there as it is probably the nicest touristy thing close to Perth once you have done the main ones like Kings Park, Zoo, Freo etc.
Posts: 247
Date Joined: 09/03/08
Perhaps worth mentioning that
Perhaps worth mentioning that you are unhappy about the areas closed to fishing as well...