Pe3 v Pe2 on holding bottom

Just wanting some advice from those in the know about jigging and using sp's.

It's a new world to me which I'm keen to get involved in and I was curious to know if the line diameter plays a big part in trying to get your sp down to bottom. I seem to need to use a 2 ounce jig head min in 40-50m of water on an okay drift and even then I find my line is way out and off bottom in no time. I'm using tuffline xp pe3. Would I be better off using a pe2? Would that help at all with keeping it on bottom for longer? 

Cheers guys, any input appreciated. 

unhurry's picture

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Date Joined: 23/10/12

line diameter

Sat, 2014-07-26 10:52

Hi Byrnedo,


I am by no means as experienced as many of the punter son this site but I can attest that the drag coefficient of the line is directly proportional to the diameter of the line.


There may be some finer nuances realting to different coatings of lines and different line structure - perhaps one of the buffs in this are will be able to shed some light on this?


Happy fishin mate! 

Auslobster's picture

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Is Tuffline...

Sat, 2014-07-26 11:04

...the "thinnest" PE3 available? Or there may be PE2 diameter line that actually has the strength of PE3. I use Varivas Big One PE3 which is rated to 48 lbs, although it's used only for metal jigs 80 grams and above...twice the weight (or more) of your jighead.


Possibly a dumb question, but are you using a sea anchor?Obviously goes a long way towards holding bottom, or another option is to keep the boat positioned in the one spot, using gears/throttle. But yes, you're right, the thinner your line diameter, the better off you'll be.

byrnedog's picture

Posts: 41

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 Yeah, definitely use sea

Sat, 2014-07-26 11:36

 Yeah, definitely use sea anchor. 

Tuffline xp pe5 was the braid I bought for bottom bouncing so I bought the same pe3 for my soft plastics set up so didn't give it too much thought at the time. Was contemplating a pe2 sun line 4x4 with is rated around 30 pounds I think. So wasn't sure if changing the braid over would make a difference or not. I appreciate your input guys, cheers. 

Posts: 6265

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 when i get out to 40m with

Sat, 2014-07-26 14:30

 when i get out to 40m with the plastics i start to go smaller plastic bigger jighead, i find the 5 inch plastic are better then say an 8 inch. might help a little  

beau's picture

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From my experience that's

Sat, 2014-07-26 13:28

From my experience that's pretty normal. Anything deeper than 40m I'll usually put the plastics away and use metal jigs as it's much easier to stay connected to the bottom, and they get down a hell of a lot quicker


Posts: 327

Date Joined: 18/10/10

Big difference byrnedog

Sat, 2014-07-26 19:03

 Thicker line will take more weight to get down and hold bottom. Same action as a sail, larger sail will pick up more wind and push faster. The deeper you go the more line out, the more more drag on that line in the drIft and the greater a weight to hold bottom. 


Check out the paullus website for actual diameters and breaking strain of different braids, it's a real eye opener. I use xp but it's thick for breaking strain and underrated too therefore I run lighter to compensate

byrnedog's picture

Posts: 41

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 Thanks again for the advice.

Sun, 2014-07-27 09:45

 Thanks again for the advice. So at 50m I should really be using jigs then I guess. Cheers nightfish for the sail analogy, works for me, I'll check out that website too. So if you go lighter braid in the xp do you mind telling me what rating you use?

chilie's picture

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 Hey byrndog, Are you giving

Sun, 2014-07-27 12:43

 Hey byrndog,


Are you giving your sp a good cast into the direction of the drift? That gives your paccie more time to get to the bottom before your over the top of it, with out having to go a bigger jig head. I usually use a 2oz jig head with 7 inch placcie in 40m. give it a cast works fine, usually holds bottom longer than my jigs.


byrnedog's picture

Posts: 41

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Yeah chille, I'd normally

Sun, 2014-07-27 16:01

Yeah chille, I'd normally give it a cast ahead of the drift, just figured I wasn't spending as much time as I thought I should on the bottom before my line was out and I was off the bottom. After being a bottom bouncer for so long it's all new I guess. Ha. Thanks mate.

Brock O's picture

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July edition

Sun, 2014-07-27 13:57


Of Fishing Western Australia has an article on SP, doesn't mention much on line weight but he puts a scale on weight to depth.

"rule of thumb" 10m of water use 10gm jig head, 20gm in 20m and so forth, fixed head reaching there limits around 30m due to angle of the line. Articulated jig heads after that.

byrnedog's picture

Posts: 41

Date Joined: 03/12/08

 Cheers Brock I'll check it

Sun, 2014-07-27 16:02

 Cheers Brock I'll check it out.

chilie's picture

Posts: 60

Date Joined: 06/01/11

 with that said, I've had

Sun, 2014-07-27 16:05

 with that said,


I've had just as much success, with my placcie rod in the holder while im jigging, and the placcie just drifting along.......