Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2014-09-01 14:15
hi guys,
i have put in about 90 hours at eshed trying for mulloway and only having a couple runs. Is the narrows better than eshed? whats the best time to go at the narrows?
Posts: 1015
Date Joined: 24/06/12
mate your not alone i fished
mate your not alone i fished it for years and landed every thing but a mulla at eshed been next to several crew who have landed them but hasnt been lucky for me best time for the narrows is when the tailor are running mosman bay is aldo worth a try find bait tailor scalies yellow tail and youll find a mulla looking forward to seein ur first mulloway post!
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kingfisha1 (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
thanks, is riday night good?
thanks, is friday night good? if i catch a 30cm tailor, do i put it out live or fillet?
Posts: 749
Date Joined: 22/08/12
For me point walter jetty was always way way better than the
narrows. Get to the jetty around mid to late afternoon. Claim the right corner of the jetty. Catch a tailor and put it out live cast it straight out as far as you can be careful not to rip the little tailor off the hook when casting. then wait. Its a great spot cause as it gets darker the light comes on behind you and you have a constant supply of small chopper tailor you can catch by baitcasting whitebait out at the edge of the light over the water in front of you. This time of the year is a bit early for the river to fire for mulloway (thats only my opinion i might be wrong) but if you do all of the above from say December onwards you will get a mulloway its all about putting the time in as you probably already know. We only ever got them from about 11pm onwards usually 1 or 2 in the morning. While youre wating for a mulloway theres plenty of flounder just in front of the jetty catch them on whitebait with a small ball sinker or you can drop crab pots all around the jetty plenty of big blue manners use chicken wings wired into the base of the pot. If you can go with an adult do so cause you do get alot of friggin dickheads down there late at night. Good luck and look forward to seeing you holding a big mulla in the "Brag" section here.
kingfisha1 (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
thanks heaps guys
thanks heaps guys
Shark B8
Posts: 152
Date Joined: 10/01/13
I would go live but I'm no
I would go live but I'm no expert
Go big or go home..
Posts: 641
Date Joined: 11/06/10
ive fished point walter alot
ive fished point walter alot and never had a run there for a mulloway
Posts: 9507
Date Joined: 10/02/07
used to get a few off claremont jetty and nedlands jetty
what about the jetty in front of the old brewery, would be worth ago
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Posts: 282
Date Joined: 13/10/12
I think you'll have more luck
I think you'll have more luck in the ocean. Swanbourne September to December is a good bet if you put in some time
Posts: 360
Date Joined: 06/02/14
yep spot on
yep spot on