Jurien bay
Submitted by black gen on Wed, 2017-02-08 17:32
I have had a search of the site and compiled some info but was wondering what's the consensus on heading out from Jurien Bay. North or south passage?
I'm aware there are two banks up there are we best scouting around on them for fish
not looking for spots by any stretch just a bit of a point in the right direction
Posts: 125
Date Joined: 16/01/12
Depends on the swell.The
Depends on the swell.
The south passage can break on the lead lines anything over about 2.5m. The north passage is ok most of the time.
I have caught good fish in less than 15m of water out from the northern passage,.
Just fish the drop offs.
My first dhufish was in less than 10m northwest of north head.
Posts: 196
Date Joined: 03/02/11
Outta bank is good, had a
Outta bank is good, had a good lump in the 50s but the fucken bronzies have called it home and like munching on dhuies while trying to get em in ya boat..
black gen
Posts: 762
Date Joined: 13/04/11
What's the distance to the
What's the distance to the outer bank? Would it be 35km?
Posts: 1901
Date Joined: 03/05/08
Out through South Passage...
....12-15 nautical miles (from marina) on sou'westerly heading, say around 230°, will put you over flat coral, 45-50m deep...plenty of dhuies and baldies, and they LOVE artificials!
It's also worth having a good squiz around cray floats as the water gets warmer out there...quite common to bang into dollies in that neck of the woods...
Posts: 2632
Date Joined: 03/03/09
And roughly three miles further
Puts you on the drop off 100m+.......that edge crawls with huge schools of pinkies ! South Passage can be a bit iffy and locals often place occy pots on long floats there so you really need to keep an eye out
Posts: 1247
Date Joined: 31/05/07
Hey blitzed
if that's the case with the Sharks up there, it should be bronzie and chips for dinner I reckon!
dont get mad, get even!
Posts: 196
Date Joined: 03/02/11
I gave up on that spot after
I gave up on that spot after three different trips, pretty high lumpy ground, big basterds, if i go again the shark gear mite have to come with us, like exmouth all over.
Posts: 128
Date Joined: 07/12/15
South Passage Tip
There's 2 passages South. For the true South Passage, you turn to port pretty hard after passing the last channel marker. Come out south of the Boomer. This is good for swells up to 3-3.5m. Middle passage is the other option when heading out south. My tip is to line up the channel markers so they're slightly offset (to the south). This will take you perfectly out north of the Boomer and south of 3 other breaks. Good for 2.5-3m swell.
The main danger when the swell is up is actually between the channel markers. That's where it closes out first. Taken a few of these on the bow in the dark when i was skippering. If this is dodgy, run back inside Favourite and then follow the leads out north.
Drift over the first and second banks to cover ground and you'll pick up a bit of everything. As Sunshine said, head out the back of the second bank and over the hill and you'll find some pretty decent drop-offs with schools of snapper.
Distance - 12nm first bank, 15 nm second bank