hypothetical on crays

 take a mate out to pull cray pots he has no license catch 8 ,give him 6 uncooked on his way home fisheries stop him , can he get done .

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Must be a good mate to only

Sun, 2014-10-19 07:47

Must be a good mate to only keep two for yourself 

Im not sure what the rule book says but I know you need a license to "catch" them but if it says you need a licence to be in "possession" of Crays then maybe you might have a problem... But I highly doubt that would be the case... 9 times out of 10 they will check you at the ramp when you have retrieved your boat anyway

outdoinit's picture

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That is fine to give him Crays to take home..

Sun, 2014-10-19 07:43

just as long as you haven't broken any other rules such as total pots pulled and or amount of Crays not exceeding the 24 daily limit.. And tails all clipped


 I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted.. 

Supafishall's picture

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One licence allows 8 Crays

Sun, 2014-10-19 07:54

 Should be ok once on land but spoze it depends if fisheries officer is hanging for a feed of Crays.


"If their aint no fishing in heaven, I'm not going!"

hezzy's picture

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saulty , NO he cant be

Sun, 2014-10-19 08:19

saulty ,
NO he cant be booked
so long as your licence is valid, pots are legal bait is legal , tails are clipped at landing , & crays are legal to take he doesnt need a licence to posses them once there landed



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Saulty2's picture

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hang on!

Sun, 2014-10-19 09:41

im  not with him , he has left the ramp and is on his way home,question could be asked how did u get them  {mate gave them to me!}  do you have a license? no! ,say he had 9 in his possession  ? reason i ask back last century LOL, fisheries had two vehicles blocking  wanneroo rd. perth side of two rocks and searched hi & low for crays ,i was well & truly in the clear because i was beach fishing & on my way home from lancelin,  think they must have got a tip off not sure,always wondered, another time we were  going to lancelin lady in a ute going opposite way had flat tyre { said no im ok thanks anyway }we stopped to help anyway  , noticed wheat bag chokkers wriggling  realized   they were crays ,she was very quiet didnt want to talk ,chainged the wheel, we looked at one another & then  she was on her way,if the same were to occur think i would  do differently 

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isn't it just the same as

Sun, 2014-10-19 10:11

isn't it just the same as transporting fish fillets.
ie you can have up to 20kg but don't need a fishing licence.
so you could have your limit of crays but havn't fished for them.
surely not illegal to go to Kalis buy your crays ....throw the receipt away in a bin in freo then drive home.

wondering about it now years ago working on one of the rigs in Dongara...got stuck up there for xmas went into town and bought 100 crays for all the rig crew.....is it illegal to transport that many ?

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 not if its commercially

Sun, 2014-10-19 10:20

 not if its commercially caught and you can prove it with receipt-which you would definitely need as the tails wouldnt be clipped either


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i remember that road block

Sun, 2014-10-19 10:13

i remember that road block fisheries had, was near the ocean view tavern, if i remember correctly they were after abalone. they removed my spare tyre, pulled all the seat covers of, pulled all my golf clubs out. i remeber this because it was a sun morning and i was on my way to golf all dressed up with golf shoes on and they still stripped my car. first and only time ive seen that before. 

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 yes he absolutely can

Sun, 2014-10-19 10:01

 yes he absolutely can possess fish/crays ashore without a licence.

He's questioned? "Ive been out with my mate Joe Bloggs, he gave them to me. Here is his number, ring him"

Luckily (though individual officers would maybe like you to believe otherwise) they need to prove you have done wrong.

If you are not bullshitting there is no problem, even if he has less than 25 (possession limit?) ashore and can account for them.



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What about posting crays

Sun, 2014-10-19 10:59

 Lets say I want to send some frozen crays that i caught on a recrational license to my son in kalgoorlie. Is that legal?

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 not via commercial transport

Sun, 2014-10-19 11:00

 not via commercial transport unless they are commercially caught.

But you can get someone to take them.


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carnarvonite's picture

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Sun, 2014-10-19 11:52

Regs say that they must remain whole until ready to be consumed, so cannot remove the heads until you are ready to cook them

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Sun, 2014-10-19 12:08


I was going to go down to Fisheries and ask, but, you blokes sound like you know what you are talking about so....

I have 4 pots and two sons, with whom I'd like to pull those pots. However, both my sons work FIFO (on different swings}, can each son pull the same set of (two) pots - both have licences, but, I assume I can't put two licence numbers on the same two pots?

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 just swap the floats over

Sun, 2014-10-19 12:28

 just swap the floats over when 1 goes away?


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MandurahMatt's picture

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 just dont let anyone see the

Sun, 2014-10-19 15:33

 just dont let anyone see the swap over, they may jump to conclusions! 


 Bewdey Fellaz

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 What's the age difference of

Sun, 2014-10-19 16:32

 What's the age difference of your sons?  There's no photo on a fishing license

carnarvonite's picture

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Sun, 2014-10-19 20:00

You age is registered on their computer when you sign up for your licence and on your gear ID on the floats plus you must have the card with you on board

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What I was saying was how

Sun, 2014-10-19 20:33

What I was saying was how would a fisheries officer know who produced the license.  Especially if their ages were close. There is no photo on the card,  you don't need to produce photo id to get the fishing licence or rec skippers ticket and you don't have to carry your driver's license with you on the way to the ramp. 

sea-kem's picture

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 I could theroretically do

Sun, 2014-10-19 20:40

 I could theroretically do that with my boys, they both have the same 3 initials and are only 18 months apart. So if one doesn't come out the other could  for the pull of 2 pots. They both have licences btw.


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 It wouldn't be that hard for

Sun, 2014-10-19 20:55

 It wouldn't be that hard for there to be one licensing agency in this state with all licenses having a photo on them. Would save on administration staff and allow more compliance officers in the field. 

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 Thatd be way to clever.I

Mon, 2014-10-20 18:46

 Thatd be way to clever.

I asked the cops why the drivers licence anf firearm id card cant be one, same licence number photo adress etc.

they said they dont want to "normalise" gun ownership


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Mon, 2014-10-20 17:16

Thanks gents.
I'll go down and ask the question (of Fisheries) and let you all know what the response was (although, I can guess...lol).
Billy69, I'm almost tempted (ALMOST but not quite)...lol.

little johnny's picture

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Mon, 2014-10-20 19:30

would like to see that saulty .you must be doing well, and no he can not be done,