Graphite rod users



Does anyone have any advice for a new graphite rod user? like what not to do (obviously dont bend the rod when trying to get out of snag) 


my biggest concern is casting the rod then having it snap it half because im using such a heavy setup 



sstevee's picture

Posts: 472

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DO NOT high stick it!! It'll

Mon, 2015-03-16 21:29

DO NOT high stick it!! It'll snap

ranmar850's picture

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Rule #2

Mon, 2015-03-16 21:37

 Refer to rule #1 above--do not high stick it. this is not your old ugly stick, those bloody things ingrained bad habits in a lot of fishermen. Bend 90 degrees MAX.

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 stupid question but would a

Mon, 2015-03-16 23:48

 stupid question but would a rod ever break from casting it with a heavy sinker? 

grantarctic1's picture

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Not a stupid question

Tue, 2015-03-17 01:13

 Not a stupid question mate, yes for certain they can break if casting with too much weight. Has been a quite a few threads posted with busted rods while casting.

Graphite or Carbon fibre rods are great to use but are easy to fracture if used wrong, ie: Hight sticking and over casting with heavy baits/rigs.

Daneox's picture

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Have seen it happen

Wed, 2015-03-18 12:47

Have seen it happen when a bloke was casting a heavy slice to try to reach a salmon school that was clearly out of reach.

Not something that you like to see but at least he learnt his lesson (even if he did ignore all the warnings lol)

lachieH's picture

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 Yeah also if a line wraps

Thu, 2015-03-19 07:52

 Yeah also if a line wraps around one of the eyes, and you cast a heavy sinker or lure, you will rip the eye clean out. 

but I love my graphite rod, and I bet you would to if you get one.


Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

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try not to bang them on

Tue, 2015-03-17 06:38

anything. Try not to drop them or anything on them and no samurai fights with your mate and his rod.



Paul H's picture

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Love my graphite

Tue, 2015-03-17 07:52

Love my graphite rods.

Casting too heavy weight results in the same as highsticking - too much bend -it's just applied from the weight.

Car doors and any impact (rocks, side of boat) etc. can also break them.

They are great if you look after them and don't lend them to mates.

Only other thing would be don't use in a lightning storm - they make good conductors........


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crasny1's picture

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When there is lightning around DONT use them

Tue, 2015-03-17 07:59

Best conductor for this. Otherwise as above. I would start with a light graphie flicky and get a feel for the action of casting. Compared to the old heave ho with glass rods its a lot more nimble, and you dont need the heave, just a good action with a little wrist "flick" at the end. I cast a well balanced flichy the same distance with half the effort as an old glass. You wont look back. BUT as mentioned dont overload the rod - either with terminal tackle to heavy, or high sticking. I learned the hard way on an expensive ATC rod years ago, when graphite rods werent as cheap as now in comparison.


EDIT: I saw something very funny but sad the other day at the cut. A chap with a graphite rod was snagged. He followed the rule to perfection. He didnt high stick at all, but he thought it ment only upright, so tried to unsnag sideways, and "bang". So it means all angles. Had such a chuckle when he said to his mate " But I didnt high stick it!!!!"


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Tue, 2015-03-17 14:58

 Don't leave them leaning against the arse end of a mates ute. If he needs to go to the bakery in a hurry odds are that he wont see it will run over it. Experience talking ;-)

(It happened to be a custom US baitcaster that was gifted to me and worth four figures....)


Posts: 95

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key word here is gift 

Tue, 2015-03-17 16:53

key word here is gift 

Posts: 790

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 Also if fishing from cliffs

Tue, 2015-03-17 16:15

 Also if fishing from cliffs or high platforms don't be slack and try winch up to big a fish  use a gaff 


gav1970's picture

Posts: 153

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Cars. 8 out of 10 people I

Tue, 2015-03-17 19:29

Cars. 8 out of 10 people I hear of breaking graphite rods have done so either slamming a car door or boot lid on them.


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for the night. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

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 Even a scratch can result in

Tue, 2015-03-17 20:11

 Even a scratch can result in a weak spot. Don't break through the top layer of graphite as you can weaken the blank considerably.

Posts: 42

Date Joined: 17/08/11

 Have a read of

Tue, 2015-03-17 20:23

 Have a read of this


When I bought my first "expensive" graphite rod I was told not to bang it around because the graphite can "bruise" creating a weak spot which will end up becoming the failure point. I bought a S.W.LAB hard case which holds all 5 of my rods. Best thing I ever did. Keeps all of my rods safe and in the one place. Take my rods out as I need them and put them back when I'm done. No chance of snapping a tip when transporting them around!


And always freespool when netting or gaffing a fish. Excitement of the moment this is usually forgotten and results in snapped tips = expensive fish!

Posts: 95

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 where did you get the case

Tue, 2015-03-17 22:59

 where did you get the case from?

Ambiance's picture

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Complete Angler

Sat, 2015-03-21 20:40


Complete Angler Rockingham has them in stock



Hutch's picture

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 Graphite rods are great as

Wed, 2015-03-18 20:48

 Graphite rods are great as long as you don't slam them in doors, stick them in fans, drop them off balconies or smash them on rocks. Give heaps more sensitivity and feel and are overall more pleasant to fish with 

Posts: 42

Date Joined: 17/08/11

 Oneh I got my case from

Thu, 2015-03-19 17:00


I got my case from Whitey's Tackle in Australind. It a semi hard case with a zipper on the front which protects the rods fine but maybe not as good as a solid case or a lenght of PVC tube if your planning on carring your rods on a plane. The S.W.LABS case has tie down points inside the case which stops the rods from moving around too much during transport. Can't remember what I payed for it but it was good valve especially since it keeps my rods safe from inadvertant damage during transport. It's on the S.W.LABs web page. I've got the shorter 200cm one. Fits my rods fine and has a side pocket for one of my rods which is a two piece and has a detachable rod butt. 

Posts: 177

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learning daily :)

Fri, 2015-03-20 07:14


for a newbi what does the expression "high stick" mean ? ? ?



  Maîneÿ . . .


Hutch's picture

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 When the rod is under load,

Fri, 2015-03-20 08:15

 When the rod is under load, don't lift it so the bend is more than about 90 degrees, that's highsticking

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Fri, 2015-03-20 09:08 


this link gives a better indication of high sticking

Diesel80's picture

Posts: 196

Date Joined: 29/08/13

this is it in action

Fri, 2015-03-20 09:28

heavier rod though, same result.

Few good highsticks in here too:



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