Fads this Saturday! 9/05/2020
Hard to believe I am writing this when it sounds like my house is being hit by a TC at the moment (Tuesday)
But putting a calling out to the FAD regulars for a bit of advice for some first timers...
First things first, looking at the current predicted weather for rottnest both on ever reliable willyweather and windy. Am I right in thinking that the weather for saturday will be suitable?
Bear in mind we are small boat users, at this stage planning to take 2 for safety(reassurance) in numbers, a 6m glass and a 5.2m pressed ally (maybe)...
In regards to Launching, we are planning on driving up from south mandurah, looking to launch at point peron, Navionics suggests that there its only 3 or so km further. than if we were to launch at the likes of woodmans point.
Is this a smart thing to do? or should we be driving further northt?
Most importantly in regards to fish. Has anyone had much success this time of the year? What can we expect to catch and how should we expect to do it?
I usually take an array of stuff to play with, first thoughts is to mindlessly cast stickbaits around, hoping to spot some working birds...
Ive had some advice to stop in close to rotto (Not too close) and get some live herring to dangle around too...
Plenty of wrecks on the map, assuming most of those in that depth would hold a pretty healthy stock of samsom fish?
Thanks in advance guys!
luke george
Posts: 554
Date Joined: 13/04/07
The fads are mainly for one
The fads are mainly for one thing and that's dolphinfish. Should be the perfect time of year for bigger ones just make sure the fads haven't come in by then as they usually bring them in early May I believe. Weather looks good to me but its a bit unpredictable at the moment, I'd keep an eye on it and see if there's any changes by Friday. Plenty of sambos on the wrecks but also plenty of sharks, good luck
Posts: 1278
Date Joined: 16/04/12
Weather looks good for FADS
Weather looks good for FADS on Saturday and they've been fishing well.
Some unstoppable sambos on those wrecks!
•••••••• Electrical Contractor NOR ••••••••
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Going to be a car park out
Going to be a car park out there,
paul d
Posts: 255
Date Joined: 16/03/13
After this blow and the huge
After this blow and the huge swells some of the Fads may possibly have broken away or moved.
Posts: 86
Date Joined: 31/12/14
As first timers remember
As first timers remember the saying only fools rush in especially after a big storm
Chase the sun and living the dreams
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Agree with Paul
If they are there . I would be surprised if they are. Dollys will be big
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Predicted swell of 7 metres out there now
That will take a bit of time to subside good luck for Saturday
Posts: 1342
Date Joined: 05/05/06
When I used to have the nads
When I used to have the nads to surf I was always disappointed at how quick the storm swells faded. As soon as you got good winds the swell was gone. But the open ocean is an unpredictable woman so take care. No offence to the ladies Mother Nature is to be respected.
Bend over
Posts: 46
Date Joined: 09/01/17
As for catching them, best success is livies, followed by casting 4" plastics and also large pilchard cubes work too.
Posts: 2490
Date Joined: 08/09/16
If you use mulies the mutton
If you use mulies the mutton birds will give you hell. They dive down and grab the baits and then you have to unhook an angry mutton bird! Best sticking with lures or livies. I've always thoughts live yellowtail would maek great livies out there but don't know where you jig them up.
PGFC member and lure tragic
Posts: 4109
Date Joined: 24/01/10
Rotto is a hell of a detour
Rotto is a hell of a detour from Peron just for livies, much better to catch them around peron/garden island
Posts: 580
Date Joined: 23/04/14
My plan
Conditions on Sat look pretty good although still 2-3m of swell running from the SW.
When you run out to the FADs you want to make a day of it if conditions allow and hit a few FADs to maximise your chances.
My plan would be this:
Launch at Woodmans and head to the northernmost FAD first, round the north side of Rotto. From Woodies you can be protected from the swell all the way up the sound, maybe a bit lumpy past the gap between Stragglers and Rotto, then round the north side of Rotto in the lee of the island.
Work your way down to the southernmost FAD. From there you can hit the wrecks to try for sambos, or head into the 40's SW of Rotto to have a troll for SBT's - still a few around.
Returning home you'll have a much better angle on the swell and can head into Woodies either between Carnac and Garden or try Hugell or Lambert passage.
Should be able to pick up livies from around the channel markers up the sound.
Good luck.
Posts: 167
Date Joined: 07/05/12
That is a bloody long trip
That is a bloody long trip and if you hit the northern most FAD first you punch into the swell on the way south.
Better off straight out to the southern one and work your way North and don't even hit rotto.
Storyteller with a camera, check out my fishing movies
Jason P
Posts: 521
Date Joined: 16/02/13
Looking at going tomorrow as
Looking at going tomorrow as well, but probably will be at the southern ones.
I'm guessing they are still out and haven't been retrieved yet.
Posts: 2490
Date Joined: 08/09/16
We're heading out tomorrow
We're heading out tomorrow to the PGFC FAD's. We'll troll some big skirts in case there is a marlin to be had. Hopefully pick up dinner from one of the FAD's along the way. As far as I know they are all still out, subject to any lost in the storm.
PGFC member and lure tragic
big john
Posts: 8768
Date Joined: 20/07/06
How did you go lads, any nice bulls?
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
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Date Joined: 30/11/09
You didn't go out today BJ?
You didn't go out today BJ?
Love the West!
big john
Posts: 8768
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10 hours of jig making under the belt so far.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
Posts: 15049
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I wasn't the only one
Love the West!
Jason P
Posts: 521
Date Joined: 16/02/13
Rough trip.
It was a rough trip out and back, bloody easterly blew much harder than predicted. Saw one dolly caught, only went to the southern Fad, cause by that time a threw my ring up for the first time from being seasick. Tried trolling on way back but was hindered by bloody albatross for about 10km, not hits there either. Long trip for nothing to show. Only highlight was the dolphins jumping in front of the boat.
Posts: 167
Date Joined: 07/05/12
What time did you get to No.
What time did you get to No. 5 and what boat? That fad got absolutely pumped.
Storyteller with a camera, check out my fishing movies
Jason P
Posts: 521
Date Joined: 16/02/13
I think we were there around
I think we were there around 10am, lost track of time as had old coords that were way off new position, and only noticed there was about 5 boats about 1km away, which was the spot. We were in a 5.1m Quintrex Coastrunner, same as avatar picture. When we arrived 2 had just left.
Posts: 167
Date Joined: 07/05/12
Yeh was pretty much done and
Yeh was pretty much done and dusted by about 8am from what I saw. Boats trolling in 100m arcs around and around the FAD continuously doesn't really fire the fish up haha.
Storyteller with a camera, check out my fishing movies
Jason P
Posts: 521
Date Joined: 16/02/13
Think, next time I try will
Think, next time I try will be a mid week day when conditions are perfect and less boats.
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Thursday mate, if I didn't
Thursday mate, if I didn't have so much on my plate I'd be out wide too.
Love the West!
Posts: 753
Date Joined: 21/02/11
I went. Got to #4 about 7am,
I went.
Got to #4 about 7am, the first of 4 boats.
FAD Position all good, despite storm.
No dollies, Caught a friggin albatross,and within 15mins the conditions turned to crap.
Bailed and cursed all the way through the washing machine ride back to 20km mark.
Wind died, had some lunch, flicked a few SP's and had to bail again to get my boy's mate home.
35kn for last 20km back to Hillarys.
Couldn't have timed the conditions any worse if we tried.
Sh!t day.
big john
Posts: 8768
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Always good to get an honest report though.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
Posts: 668
Date Joined: 28/11/16
Yeah you’re not the only one
Yeah you’re not the only one mate. I’ve had many a shite day. Even 60nm round trips and not a snagger
Posts: 753
Date Joined: 21/02/11
Yep, Almost 65Nm round trip
Almost 65Nm round trip for us.
Young blokes on board weren't keen on persisting with Shite conditions at the FADS.
Drift speed was ridiculous, and birds were a PITA.
There was only one other boat there by that time, so as a last ditch effort we trolled a couple of deep dive lures in a couple of NS lines past the FAD.
No Go.
Conditions got even worse, so we had a gutful and started the punch back.
Thank fark for the Deep V glass hull.
A bit rolly on the drift, but showed the benefits on the way back.
There were a couple of smaller ali boats about out there with quite blunt entries.
Our trip was pretty slow and uncomfortable, so they would have had a nightmare return trip.
Kudos for them even giving it a crack.
My biggest regret was leaving the clears off in anticipation of the mint forecast.
Cleaving that much water at slow speed into a headwind is gonna see some of it come back. :(
By the time we hit the 40's the wind had started to drop.
Had a quick feed, found a random lump and started getting some nice bites just before we left, teeth marks in SPs indicate nice size Baldy or similar.
Didn't have time for another drift, so belted it back for the last 11Nm / 20km back to Hillarys.
Passed a few with the same idea.
The only timing we got right was the return, as there were boats queued up well around the groin within a few minutes of us getting in.
Only positives of the day were :
- Testing the 2 boys' guts out, as they passed the seasickness test in crap conditions with flying colours.
- Tested new silk BigFatSnapper sea anchor in the 40's, nice bit of kit.
- Fuel Range proved good for slow, harsh return trip without having to resort to backup.
- Fun ride giving it a squirt back @ 35-40kn+ (especially after the slow trip through the crap)
Posts: 167
Date Joined: 07/05/12
Yeh was the hardest trip I've
Yeh was the hardest trip I've done, left in full darkness and was the 3rd boat there, surprised to say the least. Couldn't keep a fish on the line and boats trolling round in circles does nothing for the action. Bit of searching a found an empty FAD and fish were on for about 30mins though jumped off 5 fish in a row which is making me re-think the use of single hooks. Every good fish I saw was a female so till chasing the big bull.
Feel sorry for anyone who punched home around the same time I did, horrible conditions, was slow and got wet.
Still better than sitting at home.
Storyteller with a camera, check out my fishing movies
Posts: 9512
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those littlejigs of big johns
stick in like glue
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Posts: 753
Date Joined: 21/02/11
Willo, I think I just spotted
Willo, I think I just spotted you in this vid @ 2m58s mark ??.
These must have been some of the blokes that you mentioned were trolling.
Looks like it worked ok for them.
#5 must have been getting some shelter from Rotto, as #4 conditions looked way worse than that.
Posts: 167
Date Joined: 07/05/12
Yeh that's me, no doubt you
Yeh that's me, no doubt you get a few fish trolling as those guys did, haha it just doesn't help me specifically when 3 or 4 boats are doing it (just me being salty haha). I'll always claim casting lures is more effective.
Doubt it gets shelter from Rotto its like 35 km away, GoPros just make it look smaller than it is, I left and sat on 9 knots home, just couldn't be bothered bashing around and I'm in a deep v too.
What boat are you in? Can't tell from the pic, looks nice.
Storyteller with a camera, check out my fishing movies
Posts: 668
Date Joined: 28/11/16
Dizzy is your boat a baron?
Dizzy is your boat a baron?
Posts: 2490
Date Joined: 08/09/16
Late report but we got 4
Late report but we got 4 keepers including a bull. Got hit at all 4 FADs we went to behind Rotto.
We were one of those boats annoying you guys by trolling - sorry! We were trolling for marlin so when we got close to a FAD we just pulled in 3 of the big lures and ran 3 small ones. Probably had 12 - 14 hits for 4 fish! Almost all were on a little nondescript pink skirt. Williamson I think. Has a loose rig and I think that contributed to poor conversion rate.
No marlin but did get a big arch that came up to 20 metres but no strike. If not marlin maybe a big noah?
PGFC member and lure tragic