Eco Beach Trip

Wife, midget (7 months old) and I took a trip up to Broome and out to Eco Beach for 4 nights in Late August for my 30th.

The tides for our trip didn't equate to good fishing though I opted to take a few lures and my reels knowing that they had rods there.

We landed in Broome Airport and headed over to BAS for the 15 minute flight out in a little 5 seater Cessna.

After a few hours sitting down, we arrived and watched the world go buy.

Due to the big tides I didn't put too much effort into getting out but managed take a 4wd ride up to the creek, about 11km away, for a low tide flick. Due to getting bogged, the next hour was spent trying to dig the car out of a sand dune and then snatching the recovery car, so we had 10 minutes to watch sunset then had to head back.

On our 3rd day we managed to get out on a boat for an afternoon session. With a little bit of chop about, we motored around looking for bombies for a couple of hours, and after finding a likely spot, anchored up. After a couple of quick monster runs, all went quiet and we moved again. Once again, a few monster runs then nothing.

Final spot is where I had fished before, catching GT's, mulloway, big cod and Many others, though on this day it only gave up a Bluebone grouper, and a hand full of small ish cod which went back.

That was our last day in Eco and we headed back into Broome for a night at the Mangrove hotel.

On the way out of town, I forgot that I had packed my lures and knife in my hand luggage and security were nice enough to take it from me. Hopefully the local charity has a bit of fun with my gear.


in closing, the trip the trip was pretty relaxing. Last week,the fishing charter out of Eco picked up 20 sails in one session, so pick your tides if you decide to go up. The best fishing I have ever had was out of there, on small tides.


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Posts: 6265

Date Joined: 26/04/14

 Still looks like an amazing

Sun, 2014-09-07 20:47

 Still looks like an amazing place to visit even if the tides were wrong 

Swompa's picture

Posts: 3912

Date Joined: 14/10/12

 Extremely  photogenic spot,

Sun, 2014-09-07 21:25

 Extremely  photogenic spot, and not hard to get a resnoble photo of something, without the need of photoshop.

Kiddo didn't sleep too well and ended up in bed with us most nights, so plenty of lazing about.

Water temperature was 17 in the bay so no too much swimming