Draft Website - Request for Comments


After posting about logo free fishing shirts (http://fishwrecked.com/forum/logo-free-fishing-shirts), Members responses gave me the inspiration to continue developing the small family business to service specialist fishing and aquatic related markets.  To that end I have now developed our web site to the point that it is ready to post in draft form for comment.

Let’s just say it has been an interesting journey.  Having never developed a web site before but having some degree of computer literacy, I must say the attraction of learning how to use a website builder was too good to pass up.  I have heard a lot of stories about big bucks being handed to “computer geeks” to develop websites and then you pay again every time you want something to change.  The service is crap, the cost is high and they never really understand exactly what you want.  At least with doing it yourself, you control the content and the timing although I’m not sure you can get the true professionalism that you would from someone trained in design.

That is not to say it is easy.  I must admit I felt like a bit of a geek myself spending so long playing with content, format, navigation, codes, etc.  Add in trying to build a shop with inventory, pricing, terms and conditions, mailing costs and other assorted stuff, including PayPal accounts, was a little mind numbing.  I tried to make it easy to navigate with buttons that get you around as I hate going to sites and getting stuck.  Also, being a complete social media “midget” I had to get my head around Facebook and Twitter of which I had no clue – lucky I have some kids that I could ask questions.  Anyway, I did the best I could and if you like the site please “like it” on the home page – I have no idea what the consequences will be but I have heard it is the done thing.

I am really only asking for comments at this stage – does it all work ok, is it easy to use, does it work properly on tablets and mobiles, have I got all the links right, are the products fair and reasonable, etc, etc, etc?  You will note I have also linked a selection of FW fishing stories, mostly about pinkies, to put them in one place and add some interest.  Any comments at all would be appreciated and you are welcome to PM me.  Any comments on other products and services you would like to see would also be gratefully accepted.

I have been discussing FW sponsorship with Adam and will take this up whereby the link to our business will be available on a permanent basis.  We are likely to include discounts to FW members and will advise how to get reduced prices on the shirts with the sponsorship text.  Hence, the site is being published to seek comments at this stage.

The address is: www.shorecatch.com.au

Thanks, your interest is appreciated.



Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it - LH.


z00m's picture

Posts: 1086

Date Joined: 10/05/14

 The site is looking really

Thu, 2015-07-02 18:08

 The site is looking really good. I like the way it wants you to participate rather than just trying to sell you something.

quadfisher's picture

Posts: 1146

Date Joined: 28/09/10

Well done mate

Thu, 2015-07-02 19:12

Always happy to support local businesses when I can , specialy when you know the guy(s) are top blokes

that are just like us.

Remember mate , the customer isnt always right, but your approach and attitude should be.

Had a quick flick around the site , and it looked good, not too polished , but thats great , cause

there plenty of classy sites that deliver squat.

Can see that burley selling like ---- er hot burley cakes!




Jackfrost80's picture

Posts: 8156

Date Joined: 07/05/12

Very interested in having a

Thu, 2015-07-02 22:32

Very interested in having a chat about the Minn Kota


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

Madmerv's picture

Posts: 672

Date Joined: 24/01/15

Web site

Fri, 2015-07-03 06:30

 Had a good look around and it all worked good on my laptop using crome.

Your size guide was a good idea as net buying is always a bit dodgy. I noticed that there are a stack of size references in the guide but a lot less when you go to order the shirt. Not a biggie but i thought Wow i can really order the size i want and then felt a bit disapointed when i saw the available options. Or in other words you got my hopes up and then dashed them. Now that is a bit of an over exageration but the feelings people get from a retailer are important.

I noticed there is no price references for the custom shirts. Was that deliberate to get them to contact you first?

Good job in all.

Now get that burley up and running...Lol



 Sometimes when the water is quiet, you can hear the fish laughing at you !

Mick C's picture

Posts: 608

Date Joined: 26/12/13

Good Point

Mon, 2015-07-06 11:48


Thanks for the comment.  It is a good point about the size availability.  We can make the shirts to those size dimensions but the demand is likely to be low so you will hold stock for a long time.  That said, your right about the customer impression and it is important to ensure that the customer can buy what they want, even if you have to tell them it is going to take up to 6 weeks to deliver and see if they are happy with that.  Holding a few of the "abstract" sizes is probably a good idea though.  I'll answer the custom shirt price query below.  Thanks again.





Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it - LH.


sunshine's picture

Posts: 2629

Date Joined: 03/03/09

Brilliant......no more walking bill board

Fri, 2015-07-03 08:41

 and pay for the privilege ........let me know when you are up and running, can you add names ?

Mick C's picture

Posts: 608

Date Joined: 26/12/13

Names on Shirts

Mon, 2015-07-06 11:51

Yes, should be able to add names to the shirts but there would be a delay in delivery due to having to make the shirts from scratch.  You could add a patch but this would give a substandard result on a sublimated shirt.  I will make some comments to that effect on the site.  Thanks for the valuable input. 


Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it - LH.


Hutch's picture

Posts: 2221

Date Joined: 21/04/13

 Looks great, works nicely

Fri, 2015-07-03 08:44

 Looks great, works nicely both on my phone and computer. Has a nice simplistic feeling about it, very easy to navigate

Posts: 67

Date Joined: 13/03/13

Looks good and easy to

Fri, 2015-07-03 10:16

Looks good and easy to navigate around, you have done a great job will be following your endeavours with interest.

Paul_86's picture

Posts: 1449

Date Joined: 27/03/09

 Site looks great mate well

Fri, 2015-07-03 10:26

 Site looks great mate well done! Keen to get my hands on some of that burley :)

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15044

Date Joined: 30/11/09

Looks great Mick Definitely

Fri, 2015-07-03 10:46

Looks great Mick 

Definitely interested in the shirts and burley


Love the West!

johno's picture

Posts: 468

Date Joined: 20/07/08

Looks great! very

Fri, 2015-07-03 10:55

Looks great! very impressed... like the sizing chart.. and would be keen to see some pricing... at least a base guide for customs. Might be keen to get a few made myself



Cockburn Power Boat Member (CPBA)


Mick C's picture

Posts: 608

Date Joined: 26/12/13

Base Guide for Custom Shirts

Mon, 2015-07-06 12:00

The actual cost of a custom shirt depends on quite a few things: how many ordered; the amount of design required; the need to purchase images; the number of variations in the individual names etc.

The idea of a base guide is very good however as at least it would give people something to work with and thus "no surprises" when a quotation is received.  As you can imagine, the price for supplying 5 for a "boys" trip would be a lot different than 150 for a fishing comp but we could set out these scenarios plus or minus depending on the requirements.

It's a great point, thanks.  I'll start to work something up for inclusion on the site when it truly goes live. 


Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it - LH.


hezzy's picture

Posts: 1521

Date Joined: 27/11/09

mick your site looks great

Fri, 2015-07-03 13:39


your site looks great and easy enough to use ,
as above id be interested in the shirts , id reckon they would be great xmas/bthday pressies,

one thing comes to mind though , how are you placed in relation to the name ''shore catch ''is it too clsoe to the other big tackle rat ''sure catch '' can they give you any grief ? via brand /trade marks etc ?

one local company down south here recently has had issues in this respect where brand/name was similar

best for the future with it



OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


Mick C's picture

Posts: 608

Date Joined: 26/12/13

Shore Catch

Mon, 2015-07-06 12:15

Not sure about the name although I know I did all of the required things with ASIC to get it registered.  I'm also unlikely to sell the same products so I guess it is a fight that will have to be had if anything ever happens.  Thanks for the comments, they are appreciated.  


Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it - LH.


Quobbarockhopper's picture

Posts: 392

Date Joined: 28/05/10

you really need some new male

Fri, 2015-07-03 13:51

you really need some new male models... black gen just doesn't do the shirts justice....

Mick C's picture

Posts: 608

Date Joined: 26/12/13

Ha Ha

Mon, 2015-07-06 12:01

Funny one.  I'll phase them out over time, but I do like the quality of the fish they caught. 


Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it - LH.


Posts: 55

Date Joined: 16/03/09

Nice Work

Mon, 2015-07-06 14:03

Easy to navigate through the website and the Minn Kota service (whilst being a bit of niche market) will definitely attract some attention. Once you've got everything settled in and are ready to start work in that area I'm keen to get something sorted for my boat. I'll flick you a PM


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