Dont Take Our Fishing Freedom - Sign the Petition Have your Say
Submitted by Jenkos on Thu, 2022-03-31 16:29
Just Sharing, surely a better way than just believing West Coast Demersal Scalefish Resource (WCDSR) Harvest Strategy Reference Groups recommendations immediately being a 50% reduction.
Our WA's great fishing community who the vast majority 99% do the right thing to date and will contiune to do so demand better research and better data presented for consideration.
Penalising Recreational Fishers is not the answer to sustainable fishing so many factors are at play including but not limited too, commercial, increase shark populations, environmental considerations etc.
cheers Adam for sharing !
Posts: 1342
Date Joined: 05/05/06
More the merrier. I thought
More the merrier. I thought that more people would have signed up tho. Im going to get my family to sign up.
Bend over
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Vote for hunters and shooters party
It’s good people are trying to prevent bans . It’s not fisheries or minister . It is all these vegans doing it ( hot one at that on news tonight) why get naked with only g banger on . I’ve always said with these types of people . What do they use each month . Where does it come from? .do they shower ? Do they wash ? It’s all a stunt . Veggies have feelings also . You will not beat them no matter how hard you try . Put them all in a paddock . See how they go . No clothes exposed to the elements . Hypocrites. That live in houses. Like normal people list goes on . I will stop there ( hunters and shooters party ) way to go . IMO
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Ha ha yep LJ that skank is
Ha ha yep LJ that skank is only doing it for publicity for her Only Fans account.
Love the West!
Posts: 25
Date Joined: 15/05/13
ha classic, yeah lets just
ha classic, yeah lets just "mandate" everything seems to be to go these days too.
Posts: 9512
Date Joined: 10/02/07
Right on mate
Good laugh
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Posts: 398
Date Joined: 16/11/11
Politicians don't care about petitions. Ìt will go straight in the bin. Anyone who has any knowledge of hunting and firearms know's the attack we àre under. Now it's fishing. Write to your local member, plan some vìsible action in numbers and put all the major parties last at election time. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. All freedom supporting parties first and majors last.
Posts: 331
Date Joined: 03/08/19
A herring and squid future?
I'm happy most of the time with inshore species, but occasioally hanker for a solid demersal or two. Might ony target pinks half a dozen times a year, but even so I use a boat and the right sort of gear to get them. Likely many starting out would be reluctant to get the gear if they halve it. So they better get the science right before further reducitons, as the flow on to social and economic effects would be widely felt.
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Nah won’t be that bad
I hope. I just don’t understand there science . There figures don’t match up. Herring /tailor and gardies . Where not amatures . Crabs not amature fisherman . 99 percent of guys I know wouldn’t touch a female crab . Pros catch them all year round (24 hour traps) . I love a feed of blues . That’s an easy fix . Ban taking females all together . There numbers will come back in know time . Herring and tailor on the rise big time. ( Wasn’t reduction in amature limits) it was the ban on G netting . ( down south) stock looking good . Hence why some pros want to start again ( g/nets) hopefully it won’t be allowed . Anyway we will see what there study’s are soon . Hopefully won’t effect local businesses or tourists.. filled boat up today for local comp . Far out ouch . And I only have an 80 hp . Birds eye fish fingers looking good :)
Posts: 2630
Date Joined: 03/03/09
Nah fingers will never look good
And I am so glad I changed out the two stroke for the 225 yammy......larger motor but twice as good fuel economy.
Emission appare...
Posts: 30
Date Joined: 21/01/21
What LJ says is correct and
What LJ says is correct and labour is green friendly...rember roe 8 ...that's how they got into power siding with greens.
petions is a good way to start... but more needs to be done, they need to feel the pressure from the fishing public to take us seriously and not make rash decisions.
an election is coming up... we'd be more than happy to donate bumper stickers Like the I fish i vote ones back in the day
need to get the message out more to people who fish occasionally and would be out of touch with what's going on with fishery's management.
Posts: 187
Date Joined: 10/04/12
this needs to get traction
this needs to get traction soon. speaking to a couple of guys behind the push back, the numbers are nowhere near suitable to get them to take notice. puch out toevryone and get evryone to sign or else...
all might amount to nothing in any instance but gotta try.