Don't see this every day !

Got back to the Kalbarri ramp this afternoon to see a boat trailer on the ramp, in the water and upside down !

Apparently lady was attempting to launch the boat and somehow managed to launch boat, trailer and fourby.

Vehicle was in the carpark loaded with camping and personal gear, doors open and water draining non stop.

Would certainly put a downer on your holiday. Sorry about sideways pics, can't get them to load right way up.

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Auslobster's picture

Posts: 1901

Date Joined: 03/05/08

Anybody with a drivers licence...

Wed, 2018-05-09 17:30

 ...but not necessarily a brain and/or hand/eye coordination, can legally launch/retrieve at a public boat ramp. So yes, it is quite possible to see things like this every day.

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

I always feel for people who end up bad on a ramp

Thu, 2018-05-10 18:25

 Always sorry to see people end up in a bad way at a ramp what should have been a greatday on the water has come to a bad ending

The Saint's picture

Posts: 475

Date Joined: 30/01/13

Something else I noticed, QLD

Thu, 2018-05-10 19:42

Something else I noticed, QLD rego. on the car.

Young couple, car full of camping gear, probably going to need another car to finish their trip.

And I still can't work out how the trailer ended up upside down....................