diving the last couple off days
Submitted by Paul G on Sat, 2010-12-11 17:38
Been out friday and today for a dive .friday we dived the back off the three mile few crays but they have moved on for sure .ended up with 12 size but took the full dive to get them.
Today we went out deeper 28m and nothing 1 cray Kev stayed out and did a second dive in closer got 7 crays .I did not try for the crays been playing with the new camera .takes a great pic and a top vid .will put up some video during the week.heres a few pics .still trying to get the settings right .
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18090
Date Joined: 11/03/08
good to see your trying to
good to see your trying to get the new toy just right. cant wait to see the video of the dive. nice clear images
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 711
Date Joined: 22/09/08
new toy
Bummer bout the crays movin on, im stuck down south itchin to get back to perth and hit the water, good luck with the new toy will be good to see some new vids comin thru, i hate making the decision camera or crays!? life is full of hard choices:)
Dave J.
Posts: 648
Date Joined: 19/01/09
Your getting good with the
Your getting good with the pics Paul. I will have to get some tips off you because you seem to get consistent good pics mine are a bit hit and miss although i do use the auto settings because i dont know better