Charts for Furuno

 I recently acquired a 1971F.  I'm really happy with the sounder side of things, but the chart it came bundled with (CMAP 4D Australia Wide) is pretty ordinary, and seems tocontain much less contour detail than the navionics mobile app. 

Is there a better Furuno compatible chart out there?  I mainly fish August to Jurien.




Posts: 130

Date Joined: 23/11/14


Mon, 2021-05-17 22:45

 Go for CMAP reveal FOR w.A, as much if not more  detailthan  Navionics Platinum. Check with taylor marine to ensure it is compatable with your model. Cmap also have a bathymetric version and get the chart for W.A

tot's picture

Posts: 1162

Date Joined: 31/01/10

Bit pricey though don't you think?

Wed, 2021-05-19 18:16



EDIT - click the one for our coast..


Reverse cycle a/c supply and install - Ducted and wall splits

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Must be a mistake hopefully.

Wed, 2021-05-19 22:56

Must be a mistake hopefully. Seems interesting to be able to log your sonar readings and build your own chart. Anyone done this with CMap? 


Bend over

Posts: 32

Date Joined: 07/01/16

Hi Greg, I have the same unit

Wed, 2021-05-26 13:38

Hi Greg, I have the same unit as you and found the exact problem......I have the 4d chart aust nz version and so far I have been very underwhelmed by the contour details. To be honest I think my old gp7000 furuno unit had more detailed contours. I have tried adjusting the settings etc but as yet the level of detail is crap esp compared to Navionics on my phone etc. The Reveal cards wont work in the gp1971f unit. Far as I am aware you can only use the cmap 4d cards. I keep hoping I have a setting incorrect and it is actually better then what I see.....but no luck so far. Keeping an eye on this to see if someone else out there can help.

backlash's picture

Posts: 335

Date Joined: 12/10/10

unlock chart detail?

Wed, 2021-05-26 20:43

in the settings, have you deselected lock chart detail? 

Posts: 32

Date Joined: 07/01/16

I'll double check but pretty

Thu, 2021-05-27 05:36

I'll double check but pretty sure I have gone into most of the settings and drop downs, but having said that I don't think I saw that one anywhere. Will check thanks.

Browndog's picture

Posts: 590

Date Joined: 10/04/12


Thu, 2021-05-27 19:00

 Really interested to hear the end result here guys, was pretty much convinced on upgrading to a 1971F, but holding off to see how this resolves.



Posts: 32

Date Joined: 07/01/16

 Just an update.... I got a

Fri, 2021-05-28 12:51

 Just an update.... I got a new Aust-NZ 4D CMap card sent out the other day as I was having probs downloading the upgrade. I also downloaded and installed the latest Furuno GP1971F software upgrade and installed that on the unit. I checked with local shop about the settings and confirmed that the level of detail i was seeing was indeed correct. I was told that the extra detail seen when comparing it against Navionics is due to the CMap card only using surveyed depth points.....Navionics adds in a lot of data from other sources hence the finer detail/extra contour detail. Still not sure Im happy with the detail shown on the unit and the way it contours the information, when you look at things like 3 Mile in Navionics the contour information is really great for fishing etc and on this unit you h....Maybe I'll look at running a tablet on the side with Navionics to see the extra contour detail (though that seems a bit crazy having spent ~2k on a new state of the art chart plotter). was going to attach a pic but not sure how.....