Carnarvon fishing question?
Submitted by Kelvin12 on Tue, 2015-06-09 11:13
Heading up to Carnarvon for our anual fishing trip at the end of the month, just wanting to see if anyone knows about fishing up towards Bejaling shoals & what it produces, never tried it but thought it may be worth a go. Also has ther Lady Joy been fishing ok? cheers Kelvin
It's been a few weeks since we got back from our annual trip to Carnarvon as usual we got amongst the fish after the long trek out to the islands, plenty of Pinks's , mackies & baldies. The good thing was my young bloke was able to come on his 1st northern trip & has only just wiped the smile off his face. The largest mackie would have gone somewhere around the 25-30kg mark?
Can't wait for next year, Cheers!
Posts: 191
Date Joined: 08/04/12
Plenty of pinks at the Lady
Plenty of pinks at the Lady Joyous, sharks can be an issue
float a mulie out the back and hope for big mackie or trevs
Shoals are okay but be very aware of swells as the reefs arent marked on the maps particularly accurately