Boat launching at Blowholes

Just wondering if anyone has had any experience in getting a 5m+ boat in and out at the beach launching spot near the Blowholes huts?

james1989's picture

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 yeah mate we got our 7.2

Sun, 2015-05-03 08:33

 yeah mate we got our 7.2 meter center cab I  the if you got any questions ask away

Posts: 2

Date Joined: 23/01/15

So how did you do it? What

Sun, 2015-05-03 08:45

So how did you do it? What were you towing it out with? Did you have any trouble getting bogged - the beach looks pretty steep and soft

black gen's picture

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 Ever since the cyclone the

Sun, 2015-05-03 13:22

 Ever since the cyclone the beach has become ridiculously soft, it was super soft already

and the sand hill at the water level is now rather steep

you will struggle to get that size boat in and out of there mate to be honest 

I watched a bloke with a 3.4m tinny get bogged to his doors last week

had 12psi in his car, beach was a just as soft as you have ever seen a beach

much easier options along the coast a lot less headaches 

good luck!

Quobbarockhopper's picture

Posts: 392

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Mate, I wouldn't recommend

Sun, 2015-05-03 19:12

Mate, I wouldn't recommend going near the bay with anything bigger than a tinny. I haven't been game enough to even try with my 5.7 glass tub for about 6 months- it's been boggy n chewed the crap out of for a long time. 

Think it's a combination of all the new sand that's been washed in there of late and theres a lot lot of people who are doing the wrong thing trying to launch big rigs and destroying the only viable entry point for everyone else. It's not like gnaraloo where it can be done without trashing the joint. Getting to the point where you'll need a tractor to launch anything there soon if it continues.

flexn's picture

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 I was there a couple weeks

Sun, 2015-05-03 19:55

 I was there a couple weeks back. Its easy to do, we were in a 5m tinny and heaps of bigger boats there. Couple of 7m boats.

There used to be reo-bar tracks there left on the beach for people, but they get buried when people forget to drags them back out. Just keep going backwards and forwards a bit and flatten the the sand. You will see other boats/trailers there.

black gen's picture

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 Yeh backwards and

Sun, 2015-05-03 20:17

 Yeh backwards and forwards..that's a sure fire way to fuck the beach up for everyone else

the tracks aren't there anymore

they got taken away because too many people were abusing the beach by not lettin tyres down and 'going backwards and forwards'

flexn's picture

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That's how most of the locals

Mon, 2015-05-04 20:19

That's how most of the locals do it. Thanks for your input though, you sound like a great guy.

Quobbarockhopper's picture

Posts: 392

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 1) never seen a local do

Tue, 2015-05-05 04:51

 1) I've never seen a local (I've only got 10 years here so don't made the grade to get that label) do that, probably cause they've got more respect for the place. Have seen them throw plenty of stink eye and more at the clowns that do

2) black gen is a decent guy actually, he just gives a shit about preserving the place... Although calling him "great"s probably going a bit far

3) if your boat is too big and u really wanna get there, do exactly as john said and drive her up from Carnarvon... That's how most of the locals do it...

flexn's picture

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When we went there was a

Tue, 2015-05-05 18:23

When we went there was a small ledge from the sand degradation/tide that would have bogged any car so I would like to have seen a better way to get in and out. Maybe it's better people don't roll backwards and forwards a bit then they can get bogged down to their chassis and then dig a trench to get themselves out. 



Quobbarockhopper's picture

Posts: 392

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 Yep. The locals are having a

Sun, 2015-05-03 20:49

 Yep. The locals are having a hard enough battle just trying to keep the shacks there at all at the moment and that sort of stupid stuff just gives dpaw n co the ammo they need, especially when it's them with half a brain not doing this crap

If these antics keep up, wouldn't be surprised if they shut the bay to boat launching all together and ruin it for everyone. 

carnarvonite's picture

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Mon, 2015-05-04 07:31

Launch the boat in Carnarvon and set up a mooring inside the reef instead of spoiling it for everyone by chewing the beach up.

hezzy's picture

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[Just keep going backwards

Mon, 2015-05-04 14:05

[Just keep going backwards and forwards a bit and flatten the the sand.]

i reckon flexn , meant by the above quote to let your tyres way down [8-15lb ] and make a track back and forth with the 4by in the same set of wheel ruts over about 20 metres or more from the waters edge to up high ,, back and forth to pack the soft sand down ,before and after you launch

this back and forth in the same wheel tracks actually packs the sand down hard , if done properly it does make a big difference in the ease of launch and retrieve on soft beaches i still do this with my beach launches

this was a very handy lesson learnt on the down south beaches when we commercially salmon fished , inji beach in particular was soft , but it helps on any beach .

no one condones the idiots who dont let their tyres down or cut beaches and access tracks up ,
reductions in tyre pressure make a big difference to the situation ime



OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


flexn's picture

Posts: 232

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 Yep thanks mate, exactly. 

Mon, 2015-05-04 20:19

 Yep thanks mate, exactly. 

Quobbarockhopper's picture

Posts: 392

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 Hezzy- agreed. But the only

Mon, 2015-05-04 17:01

 Hezzy- agreed. But the only section of the beach that is viable to launch there is very steep and very soft- especially in the last 6 months or so, it seems to be getting a lot worse. The steepness means that doing that just means u end up axles deep really quickly. Hence why it's a pretty poor idea to try and launch anything decent sized there- can't see a way to do it without destroying the Beach and making it almost impossible even for the tinny brigade at the moment. I won't take my relatively small tub anywhere near it now and that's out of both respect for the bay and the more likely than not chance of coming unstuck. I'll take a photo of it next time I'm up there and post- it's really quite depressing the state of it now, a beautiful bay with a pig ugly set of ruts and tracks

BigV's picture

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I asked the same question a

Mon, 2015-05-04 17:19

I asked the same question a few years ago and got some good advice and pics, had no dramas launching/retreiving a 5M glass boat, I  just let tyres on car/trailer way down and used the mesh. After reading the previous posts I don't think the beach is any where near as good now as it was when I done it but here's the link to my post anyway.


Always keen to fish 


hezzy's picture

Posts: 1521

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yes the key is when beach

Mon, 2015-05-04 19:15

good info and pics in this link big v

yes the key is when beach launching anywhere ime , is for everyone to use the same set of tracks onto and off the beach ,same when launching

when people start going everywhere and anywhere it makes it look like a bloody railway junction ,, then its hard going even with a small boat

it does depend on the skill of the driver and his gear and how it is used too

iv seen a lot of blokes get stuck when they needn't have ,

I used to launch my plate ally about 80% of the time of the beach down south , usually with bugger all issues , others in the same place would get stuck with a 4 metre tinny,

iv even pulled 4x4 guys out with the front hook with the cruiser when iv had my heavy rig on the back ...they look at you like htf did you do that ??



OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


carnarvonite's picture

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Beach Condition

Tue, 2015-05-05 06:35

Did a run up there a couple of days back and there is no way I would risk driving on it, even with the ute that I used to have when salmon fishing down south, big fat soft tyres wouldn't stop you from sinking in and chopping the beach up.
The sand looks like its been aerated, all nice and fluffy that when you walk on it you sink down to your ankles, definitely not for driving on.

As I said before, launch in Carnarvon and sail the boat up and put down a mooring is what I'd do if it was me.

Posts: 514

Date Joined: 23/04/11

 If you head up into the

Wed, 2015-05-06 11:49

 If you head up into the dunes, and cut down a heap of scrub/trees, lay it down in the ruts, it makes for a much better surface than just the soft sand. Personally, I just take a heap of old builders rubble from the Carnarvon Tip, and use that as my "Road Base" in the ruts. Old Asbestos sheets also work well (dont use hardieflex, its not as good as asbestos)

Never had a problem launching my 8000 Leisurecat from the blowholes like that........



sea-kem's picture

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 You are joking about the

Wed, 2015-05-06 12:58

 You are joking about the asbestos?


Love the West!

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Wed, 2015-05-06 13:24

there's always one joker !!!!

love it subaquatic