BCF Kelmscott strikes again

SO I had to slum it today an go into BCF for bait, an decided to just window shop on what sort of gear I would need for boat fishing.. STUPID!!!... this big guy with a huge beard says to me. "heres the catalog, this is might be ok...."


I said to him "Does it matter if I use differnt rod size, hand lines,reels , etc etc where you go fishing. Any info is good at this point or you dont know ?"

an that was end of his customer service. I put the bait back an walked out LOL... Oceanside I'm a comin for yo tomorrow :D


BCF if you read this, you need some major sackings an hiring of people who actually know something...Ones you have, couldnt organise a egg an spoon race :(


fixed now...


Five bream an counting
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he may not have understood your question

Wed, 2015-02-18 15:31

"Does it matter rod size, hand reels reels , etc etc where your fisihng. Any info is good at this point or you dont know ?"


Its got me stumped.



Bruce's picture

Posts: 527

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 As much as I like BCF, I

Wed, 2015-02-18 15:37

 As much as I like BCF, I have had to put my stuff back and go to another shop because it is completely and utterly frustrating when there is NO ONE on the checkouts and NO ONE as far as the eye can see. I've had to walk up to them and ask if they could serve me before! Also had to cut my own carpet because the employee didn't know how to. I have applied so many times at my local store but have been rejected which is disappointing because I think I have more of an idea than they do and would actually enjoy working in that sort of shop. Not saying their employees are bad people, some of them are just clueless! 

Have started shopping at Whitworths in Mosman Park and get all my boating equipment from them!

Billyfish2's picture

Posts: 45

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 Sorry don't want to hyjack

Wed, 2015-02-18 16:20

 Sorry don't want to hyjack this thread but in general are all the big stores, BCF etc not worth shopping at ? Sorry to sound dim but i don't live in Oz but visit regularly from Uk to see family. Next time im over going to be buying some rods reels and tackle for surf/rock fishing,wont be top end gear as sea fishings all new to me (i coarse fish in UK) Maybe looking to spend about a grand on getting kitted out. So my question is where would you recommend i shop, ill be based at Ellenbrook but dont mind going into Perth if i can get a good deal and the right advice. Cheers.

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 site sponsor Oceanside

Wed, 2015-02-18 16:34

 site sponsor Oceanside Tackle is great, but like you, I am near ellenbrook and it is on the otherside of town....  Hence I don't get there.  all boats and caravans is closer in Kingsley. again very good for fishing gear....  nothing out ellenbrook way.  I shop mainly at campbells pro tackle in leederville near the city because I can get there easily from the office.  They are owned by bcf but they are a speciality tackle shop and staffed by fishermen, not part-timers.  it's my go to shop.  When you come out do you stop overnight in singapore?  I can point you to a good tackle shop that's half the price that we pay!


Fish! HARD!

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 You tried fishing WA in

Wed, 2015-02-18 16:56

 You tried fishing WA in Wangara? 

Posts: 6454

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 been in there once and I am

Wed, 2015-02-18 17:46

 been in there once and I am sure they know their stuff, just don't have a massive range yet.


Fish! HARD!

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cool, will have a look myself

Wed, 2015-02-18 17:49

cool, will have a look myself soon enough

Wazza79's picture

Posts: 315

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Singapore Fishing Tackle

Thu, 2015-02-19 07:32

Hey mate!  Heading to Singapore in July!  Still trying to find the ones I need to go to.  If you know of a few, please let me know.  I've found one call Sabre Strokers.  They seem to stock a fair bit of Japanese jigs, but still pretty pricey.





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Sabre strokers, or Sabre

Thu, 2015-02-19 12:17

Sabre strokers, or Sabre tackle us the shop I go to. sells halco lures almost half the price of what we pay here.


Fish! HARD!

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Sabre strokers, or Sabre

Thu, 2015-02-19 12:17

Sabre strokers, or Sabre tackle us the shop I go to. sells halco lures almost half the price of what we pay here.


Fish! HARD!

rigpig's picture

Posts: 508

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shop around for best prices

Thu, 2015-02-19 09:15

 Mate, do your homework on line before going into one shop and buying everything from them. The site sponsor is a great shop and you can get great deals and advice from them but I very recently bought a Diawa Saltist 4500H reel from them which turn out a lot more expensive than I could have got it for at BCF. A mate told me BCF had them for $269 and I paid heaps more for mine. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bagging them but its the luck of the draw, I should have done my homework before hand.

rigpig's picture

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shop around for best prices

Thu, 2015-02-19 09:15

 Mate, do your homework on line before going into one shop and buying everything from them. The site sponsor is a great shop and you can get great deals and advice from them but I very recently bought a Diawa Saltist 4500H reel from them which turn out a lot more expensive than I could have got it for at BCF. A mate told me BCF had them for $269 and I paid heaps more for mine. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bagging them but its the luck of the draw, I should have done my homework before hand.

Posts: 372

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BCF mate is like Argos only

Wed, 2015-02-18 16:25

BCF mate is like Argos only worse. Imagine Tesco's an Argos partnaship. then you have an idea :(.  (NW London boy <--)


Five bream an counting
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Belly Fish's picture

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If you don't like it.....

Wed, 2015-02-18 16:26

Jeepers Tassy, you bleat on about how bad BCF is in previous threads, then you go back there.   Beats me!


Posts: 372

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I went in for bait mate.

Wed, 2015-02-18 16:37

I went in for bait mate. I needed 2 bags of river prawns, so I should travel 1 hour an spend alot in fuel just for 10$ in bait?.... Hence why I only go to Oceanside in southstreet for things that cost. I had no intention of buying gear there. I was simply window shopping while I was wasting a bit of time.


Five bream an counting
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Billyfish2's picture

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 Cheers Randall ill check

Wed, 2015-02-18 16:47

 Cheers Randall ill check them out next time im over, dont normally stop off anywhere just get connecting flights then end up feeling shite for days probably should consider it really.My other thought was maybe buy travel rods and bring them with me but i really need to get to know a localish tackle owner and get some advice as so far my efforts have only produced small fish on my limited amount of tackle.

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 Do your research first tassy

Wed, 2015-02-18 16:59

 Do your research first tassy then when the time comes and bcf are reasonable on price go in pick up leave. Simple really. My research says pfluger salts are around 170 at bcf but 126 from eBay through ottos tackleworld enough said really.

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 Bloody whinging pom 

Wed, 2015-02-18 17:00

 Bloody whinging pom 

Posts: 372

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yer I bought my Trion at

Wed, 2015-02-18 17:03

yer I bought my Trion at Oceanside an am well happy with it. Plus the guys down there will tell you to buy X instad of Y even thoufg Y is more expencive. That earns my trust an respect straight off. Know what I mean?...

LOL  wingin pom, hardly, I havent been back since 1981. UK isnt what it was now, an isnt my home for a very long time:)


Five bream an counting
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 Maybe a different opinion,

Wed, 2015-02-18 17:32


Maybe a different opinion, but my dad took up a job at BCF as a move into semi-retirement. My old man is a passionate and knowledgeable fisherman... he taught me pretty much everything I know.  

He had high expectations of the fun that he would have talking about and providing fishing advice all day. Well it couldn't have been further from the truth. The Super Retail Group, is just that a big retail group. They don't care about giving advice, they only care about sales.
It may be the case that the people who work for BCF do actually know a lot about fishing and could provide great advice, except they are not given the opportunity to do so. In my old man's case he spent more time re-arranging stock to "plan-a-grams", stocking shelves and cleaning the store than actually serving customers. 
I think the differentiation needs to be made between BCF/Super Retail Group and the people who work there.
Hutch's picture

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  Agreed I was "employed" by

Wed, 2015-02-18 17:44



I was "employed" by BCF part time during the holidays, organised my payroll account, etc. but never ended up getting me in for a shift. I called and showed up at the shop at least 5 times and then just gave up after about 2 weeks

Posts: 16

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I've had no proem with the

Wed, 2015-02-18 18:54

I've had no proem with the one in mandurah, guys there fish the local waters regularly.... Generally I've done my research before I've gone in and know what I want... Will usually use their prices and get the other stores to price match or do better. 

Posts: 372

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 Yer i only use bcf for bait

Wed, 2015-02-18 19:25

 Yer i only use bcf for bait now. Even they cant screw that up. Theres also a pace called complete angler in midlands i think. I need to go check them out when up river


Five bream an counting
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 i think you need to get used

Wed, 2015-02-18 19:47

 i think you need to get used to long drives tassy, sometimes i can do over 100km just for a deal (remember WA is the biggest and best state going). iam going on a trip just a small one after easter where the family and a mates family will cover over 1200km in 7 days for beach fishing and rock fishing leaving both our boats at home (family time ) these are very easy trips to do in WA. 


so if you need to drive 30km for a sale on bait then i suggest you buy double, if you see a sale on gear you want up in northern suburbs feel welcome to give me a yell and we can work something out.


Posts: 16

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 Yep, I'm off to port gregory

Wed, 2015-02-18 20:12

 Yep, I'm off to port gregory tomorrow for 6 days... Be doing around 1800km total towing the boat :) then back up to shark bay in April... Be covering around 3500km in the 20 days away for that trip... Long drives but I love em!!

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 see this tassy, this is

Wed, 2015-02-18 21:06

 see this tassy, this is living in WA when you do it the first time youll love it. like nothing else, never felt so alone as when you have a busted trailer 300km from anywhere

Posts: 372

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 Lol ill pass ate my

Wed, 2015-02-18 21:34

 Lol ill pass ate my arthritus in my neck doest allow me to drive all ay long. Sadly rough lifeat work put piadto that :)


Five bream an counting
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Posts: 6265

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 dont drive all day long.

Wed, 2015-02-18 21:37

 dont drive all day long. stop enjoy the coast or inland WA its all there to be had

Posts: 372

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 I have wondered about

Wed, 2015-02-18 21:43

 I have wondered about traveling up to shark ay. Heard bout that pace for years. But we will see. Have to buy a decent car for hat lol


Five bream an counting
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 no need to go that far,

Wed, 2015-02-18 21:49

 no need to go that far, start of closer. say jurien, bunbury, busselton, geralton, dongra, kalbarri, walpole, albany you live south yes. try some of the places close to home mandurah, harvey (nice place) , bunburry worth a stop, busselton jetty the list goes on. all iam saying is WA is big bud. the swan is SMALL

Posts: 372

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 I drive to busso now.. I am

Wed, 2015-02-18 22:05

 I drive to busso now.. I am addicted to those whisky icecreams from kiosc down near jetty lol. Kalabarri is 8 hour drie from armadale. An my fishing car is an old bomb pulsar from 1990 heh it wouldnt make it. But i often take a drie to margretriver an have beenthinking it might be nice to go fishing somewhere down old coast road somewhere..


Five bream an counting
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 Your halfway There. fish

Wed, 2015-02-18 22:13

 Your halfway There. fish everywhere you can. without the whinging 

Posts: 372

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 Lol if im not winging im not

Wed, 2015-02-18 22:19

 Lol if im not winging im not happy. You know theres trouble if i stop :)


Five bream an counting
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Wed, 2015-02-18 19:58

Really? You reckon they can't screw that up?  I can assure you they do and have  

Grabbed a box of Lunds squid once and it was off. Worst smelling bait ever. And to top it off the whole box fell onto the deck of the boat when shifting spots. Can still smell the stink weeks after. Needless to say not much was caught on it either  

Went in there a couple of weeks after and just mentioned it. Reply was "Yeah we've had problems with our freezers over the last couple of weeks"

I buy elsewhere now  


sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

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 Yep their bait is shit!

Wed, 2015-02-18 20:25

 Yep their bait is shit!


Love the West!

Billyfish2's picture

Posts: 45

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 I dont mind a drive into

Wed, 2015-02-18 19:54

 I dont mind a drive into Perth, after all I'll be on holiday so can check out the sites, so given the choice then would you say Oceanside is the best tackle shop around to spend my hard earned ?

Posts: 6265

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 feel free to correct me lads

Wed, 2015-02-18 20:05

 feel free to correct me lads but i think you get 15% off for being a fishwrecked member. also the lads from oceanside fish all over WA and are happy to add info to this site. i think you can PM them if you want to ask questions

Posts: 6454

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 If Ryan is in store he is

Wed, 2015-02-18 20:16

 If Ryan is in store he is exceptionally knowlegible.  and i am sure the others are too.  Ryan presents a locally produced fishing show on tv and is also on this forum.  He has answered many of my questions via private message.  You can be assured you'll get good advice and good service!

The shop is in O'Conner.  About 10 minutes out of fremantle, so if you are heading to the sights of fremantle, it isn't far out of the way. :)


Fish! HARD!

Posts: 372

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 Oceanside is the best. I

Wed, 2015-02-18 20:21

 Oceanside is the best. I just have to drive in rush hour traffic most days so i try to limit my distances when possible.as i am sure weall have to endure :)

But i think your right, buying bulk when i go down there.


Five bream an counting
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One jetty.

Billyfish2's picture

Posts: 45

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 Oceanside it is then we go

Wed, 2015-02-18 20:36

 Oceanside it is then we go to Fremantle at least once when we're over so can tie in it no probs, I'll send them a PM before i go the 15% discount won't go amiss :)

big john's picture

Posts: 8766

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Good fella

Wed, 2015-02-18 20:44

He's a good fella Ryan, very helpful.


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

Jackfrost80's picture

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BCF is more expensive than

Wed, 2015-02-18 20:48

BCF is more expensive than local stores, they always seem to have stocking issues and their staff (for the most part) don't know anything about fishing. The mandurah store is the exception to the last part though, those guys know their stuff about fishing the local area.

I only use BCF to price match rods and reels from online stores or when they have specials on items I want otherwise it's Tackle HQ for me as I'll get advice, tips and a cheaper product.


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

Posts: 327

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Bait from a tackle store?

Wed, 2015-02-18 21:44

 cheaper and better quality to buy fresh fish or even frozen from fishmongers IMHO.


Posts: 372

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 I hadent thought of buying

Wed, 2015-02-18 22:21

 I hadent thought of buying fresh fish from mongers. Trouble is if i buy it night before, an keep in fridge its not gonna be that fresh... But its a good idea. One i will try out on weekend.


Five bream an counting
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One jetty.

Madmerv's picture

Posts: 672

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Fresh is best

Thu, 2015-02-19 04:05

 The local fish shop is generally the only place i go to buy bait. If i have to buy because all the stuff that has been caught is used up.

The price for occy and squid is within $1 Kg of bait prices and you know it is of a much higher grade. 

You can get the prawns on special, yes they are closer to expirey date but still better than bait prawns that generally mankie like they have been left in the sun for hours.

That brings me to the Fridge comment. You might be a bit surprised to realise that a lot, most, of the seafood products in WA shops has been frozen at least once. The transport distances dictate that fresh just wont make it.

They thaw it for your convenience and then keep it chilled. If it is not sold today then it will be offered up tomorrow and if stored properly, 4 Deg C, will last for many days.

Any seafood if treated properly and stored cold will keep "Fresh" for days.


To support an earlier comment. FWA store in Wangara has ben a wealth of knowledge for me. The stock is low compared to other stores but if you want Giggy gear then it is all quality and the blokes there will sell you a cheaper priced item if it suites you. Good to support a local shop but for the SOR guys the site sponsor Oceanside is the way to go.



 Sometimes when the water is quiet, you can hear the fish laughing at you !

Posts: 372

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yer thats fair comments

Thu, 2015-02-19 06:27

yer thats fair comments mate.  I am going into Armadale tomorrow morning an get some prawns an whatever els from the mongers. Will try it out.


Five bream an counting
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Posts: 55

Date Joined: 15/02/12

Good bloke working at Rockingham BCF

Wed, 2015-02-18 21:50

 I'm wasn't a great fan of BCF but as other shops down this way have dropped the ball a bit I have been in to BCF few times lately.  There's a young bloke (pommy accent but been in Oz for more than ten years), at BCF, he knows a fair bit and provides good advice wit a lot of enthusiasm, a few of the others in the shop do their best as well, unfortunately there's still a few oxygen thieves ducking and weaving between the aisles........I don't think their stock policies help the floor staff out much, must be frustrating for them to keep telling customers the items aren't in etc........




 Acceptance is the key

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Know what you want!

Thu, 2015-02-19 11:52

Common sense has to come in to play....if you walk in to any large retailer shop you are going to struggle to get specialist advice. If you know exactly what you want, chances are you will get it at a cheaper price than elsewhere though. BCF in general have great prices.

Local tackle stores won't have the same buying power and generally employ people who are not 14 years old and know the products....half of the time you will be talking to the owner who has a vested interest in serving you well so you come back again. If you don't know what you need and wan't that advice...be prepared to pay a little more for it. But also know you are supporting a local business.

I goto BCF for specific items....hooks, lures, terminal tackle. Grab the things I need and get the hell out of there. Would buy bigger tackle from them if I know what I want...but if unsure or custom order I would go to a small retailer everytime for the sake of a few bucks. 

devhay's picture

Posts: 328

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 That pretty much sums it

Thu, 2015-02-19 12:55

 That pretty much sums it up 

I go to BCF and the like for any consumables and basic stuff that I need, if I want something specialized and a proper opinion I'll go to the local shop and happily pay a little extra to get exactly what I want


Posts: 626

Date Joined: 27/11/09

Know what you want!

Thu, 2015-02-19 11:52

Common sense has to come in to play....if you walk in to any large retailer shop you are going to struggle to get specialist advice. If you know exactly what you want, chances are you will get it at a cheaper price than elsewhere though. BCF in general have great prices.

Local tackle stores won't have the same buying power and generally employ people who are not 14 years old and know the products....half of the time you will be talking to the owner who has a vested interest in serving you well so you come back again. If you don't know what you need and wan't that advice...be prepared to pay a little more for it. But also know you are supporting a local business.

I goto BCF for specific items....hooks, lures, terminal tackle. Grab the things I need and get the hell out of there. Would buy bigger tackle from them if I know what I want...but if unsure or custom order I would go to a small retailer everytime for the sake of a few bucks. 

Posts: 812

Date Joined: 09/10/06

 Why do you need to go into

Thu, 2015-02-19 13:35

 Why do you need to go into tackle  stores these dsys for knowledge and  info. Everything you need to  know is right here by either asking a question or just searching for it. If lm buying l usually know what l want before l go in.

I shop for gear at different stores depending on what lm buying .Oceanside for bait and the odd smaller stuff but When buying reels and rods l will go to the cheapest which for me is usually complete angler in rocko. 

One example l was going to buy a saragosa 20000. Looked on line and most places there base price was $390. I walked into oceanside had a play wirh it and looked at the price tag $475. Handed it back and l went to complete rocko and payed $360. 

Other example . Spent weeks researching beach rods . Decided l Wanted a assasin rod. Looked at prices online. New the average price. Went to 3 stores to get the best deal. Ended up paying $50 less than the average price. 






Billyfish2's picture

Posts: 45

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 I hear what you're saying

Thu, 2015-02-19 15:33

 I hear what you're saying guys and agree i do the same here in the UK but its always good to strike up a good rapore with you're local tackle shop, i fish for pike, chub and wels catfish here so i know what i want when i walk through the door. The problem i have when i come over is i have hardly any knowledge of the sort of gear i want or spots to fish so I'm starting from scratch. I need a place to start ive done alot of homework on the internet and had great tips reading this forum but it doesn't beat talking to some one face to face. I think i need maybe a rock/surf set up maybe a lure fish set up aswell but i also need to find somewhere to use them, ive been down to albany and up to sandy cape? Near Jurian but failed because of my lack of knowlege. I know it all takes time and I'm looking forward to putting the time in and i look forward to many more conversations on here. Cheers lads