Submitted by dakka on Tue, 2015-09-15 15:05
I have the rest of the week off and want to take my 4.3m tinnie out as much as possible to the five fathom so what winds are favourable for me to look at to go fishing from warnbro sound or Cockburn sound tomorrow is easterlies in the morning I think I heard some where that easterlies are no good is this true if so what winds do I look out for being a smaller boat wanting to fish cheers
"If we all fish for the future now there will be fish in the future"
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
i know one thing...
the winds have farked up my gnaraloo cannonball trip this weekend...
winds thurs and fri morning are fine dinghying weather.
Posts: 749
Date Joined: 22/08/12
From what i can see of the wind forecasts for the rest of the
week I think going out there in a 4.3 tinnie is a bad idea. Seabreeze shows 12 knot easterly in mornings and yeh sure it will be pretty flat in close but as you go out it will be horrible in a tinnie. If you look at the "Meteye" sight on the BOM sight youll see the off shore winds are much stronger out there for the rest of the week, if you venture out i reckon youll end up turning back as it gets rougher better to be safe and stay in closer
Posts: 881
Date Joined: 30/12/09
Looking at the ocean now and
Looking at the ocean now and with tomorrow's forecast I would be heading out. Thursday and Friday are the days for me. I've got a 4.4 Quinnie. Might be a bit rough in the morning with the easterly but nothing to bad I reckon except the chill factor when heading out in the dark.
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Date Joined: 29/03/13
12 knt easterlies is nothing
head out from freo and if bom has got it wrong just stick close in and chase squid then when there is a patch of good weather keep heading out but if you are chasing pink snapper you don't need to go to 5 fathom
Down the Line
Catch the Experience
Troy Summers
Posts: 408
Date Joined: 14/08/11
Was bugger all today.. flat
Was bugger all today.. flat with a ripple from the east from woodie point.. was test n tune my boat otherwise wouldve happily gone out deeper
Posts: 578
Date Joined: 23/04/14
Not further out
Fished around Mewstone after lunch, whitecaps when we arrived and by 4pm there were consistent 1m+ waves coming through.
Wind had swung around to the south.
Posts: 578
Date Joined: 23/04/14
Your best bet is to monitor the BOM Meteye forecast as mentioned above. By far the most accurate, and unlike other sites it will show you that the conditions offshore can be much different to inshore.
Easterlies are good if you aren't going out too far, say within Cockburn Sound. Problem with easterlies is you'll have a nice ride out but you'll be punching into the chop on the way home. Also if you are out at the five fathom bank you'll have the wind chop pushing one way and the swell the opposite way, not real nice.
Friday is probably looking the best this week.