The Shredder gets a Mate - The Sucker
Following the successful construction of the Shredder (see: (although a new and improved larger Shredder is on the drawing board), it was time to get it a mate. I personally hate buying fish products in shoddy packaging that have suffered freezer burn from being stored for excessive periods. Also, if we are going to make the Shore Catch Fish Product Burley for commercial sale then we need a good packaging method to ensure it is delivered in a premium state. We also plan to commercially import (from other Australian States) and sell some select baits (especially for pinkies and cray pots) so we needed a way to pack these as well.
Welcome to “The Sucker”. We purchased this item at auction today and it is ideal for the job that we want to do. This “beast” has a 470 x 630 x 235mm chamber size and can suck 63 cubic metres per hour. The double chamber also allows setting up one while the other is vacuuming and sealing. It was quite an investment but our business is about suppling quality products so an item like this is really a necessity to do the job properly. We want every fish product purchased from us to be properly vacuum sealed.
In other developments, we received positive feedback from the City of Wanneroo regarding our planning application to allow multiple uses at a premises in Buckingham Drive Wangara – it’s a good thing I have written technical reports to gain development approvals for land use projects for the last 30 years. This approval will allow other permits from the Department of Fisheries and WA Police to issue and ensure that everything we want to do is lawful under the relevant planning scheme. Having had to learn the requirements of the planning scheme, I must admit I was amazed by the number of businesses that are actually non-conforming uses. This is a matter for the City however and none of my business, but an interesting observation that I think is due more to a non-flexible scheme rather than the business owners that are just giving it a crack in difficult circumstances. We hope to open our premises in early November and I will keep Members updated regarding progress and the products and services we will offer in due course.
Whilst I am on the “soapbox”, what is the go with vendor’s unrealistic expectations in relation to price of second hand goods? In the same auction, I also had the winning bid for a commercial mixer/mincer. The final price was not trivial and actually amounted to 34% of the new price. This for something that was used, you could not test and was put on the market through a reputable auctioneer. There were a lot of bidders and I do think that my winning bid was a bit above wholesale value as it was not a product that I was seeking to buy and on-sell – as many dealers do at auctions. The “Sucker” was actually about the same % and it sold. The old adage that “something is only worth what someone is prepared to pay” applies here. Anyway, I can buy a similar product for less from various other outlets so I guess it is their loss. I just need to think of a “S” name for that machine as well .
Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it - LH.
collin g wood
Posts: 313
Date Joined: 18/04/11
Are you sponsoring fishwrecked yet?
Rob H
Posts: 5819
Date Joined: 18/01/12
you'd only need to move your
you'd only need to move your eyes about 15 degrees to the right without even twisting ya neck to get the answer to that
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
Posts: 1086
Date Joined: 10/05/14
Are you reading your signature yet, Colin?
Posts: 914
Date Joined: 23/02/12
collin g wood
Posts: 313
Date Joined: 18/04/11
R u Oceanside tackle and marine?
Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
shore catch
shore catch
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Great to hear things going well for you
I am surprised that the police became involved in the planning process, you are not planning on putting bodies (human) through the shredder are you.
I have been to a number of auctions over the years and I am continually amazed at how much people will pay for some items. The prices paid by some people who have not done their home work is incredible.
It seems that the auction process brings out the tribal competitiveness in some people and the "I am going to have it no matter the cost" attitude prevails.
Many a time people have paid a price that is just below full retail amazing stuff.
Mick C
Posts: 608
Date Joined: 26/12/13
Police and Planning
Ha ha - no bodies in the Shredder. We are planning on operating a service for the showing and supply of second hand fishing and boating equipment - more on this to come a bit closer to our opening. For this there are lots of rules and regulations (and fees) and you have to obtain a licence from the WA Police. One of the many requirements is that the premises has planning approval from the local authority for the conduct of the use. Hence the need for Police involvement (plus character checks, inspections, inventory supply, record keeping, etc). I bet lots of people that commercially sell on Ebay and Gumtree actually need one of these licences but don't get them.
Your right about auctions. You can't get wedded to the item. As you say, do your homework and know the maximum price before you go and be prepared to walk away if it goes past it.
Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it - LH.
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
Nice bit of machinery Mick. PM sent about a mixer .
Cheers Grant .
Posts: 1086
Date Joined: 10/05/14
Good progress
Good progress Mick. Good to see. Auctions are fun though aren't they? Nothing like the buzz when trying to buy something you want or need.
Posts: 881
Date Joined: 30/12/09
Yep sometimes you win and
Yep sometimes you win and sometimes you lose out but it does give you a good rush of blood when bidding.
Get busy living, or get busy dying!
Mick C
Posts: 608
Date Joined: 26/12/13
I don't like them very much at all - too much stress. Follow the "rules" and you do get good stuff for a good price though.
Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it - LH.
Posts: 44
Date Joined: 11/12/11
Burley Logs
Hi Mick
I have been following your posts. With the burley, what types of fish are using in the mix? and where are you sourcing them from?
Mick C
Posts: 608
Date Joined: 26/12/13
Hi Mate. I wrote a post about this a year or more ago and nothing much has changed (other than we have industrial gear now). You can find it here ( In relation to source, it is generally the waste from what we catch and clean, and old bait. We don't catch fish specifically for burley though and I haven't thrown any fish waste away for well over a year now. When we commence making the product commercially, we will source waste from fish processing, waste from Fisheries, collect frames from fishing competitions and even purchase some wholesale fish to use. Happy to answer any questions. Cheers. Mick
Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it - LH.
Mick C
Posts: 608
Date Joined: 26/12/13
Another Mate for the Shredder
What do you know, the vendor saw the error in their ways and accepted my winning bid for the mixer/mincer. Now this thing certainly is a "beast" as well. I now have a family of them
Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it - LH.
Posts: 33
Date Joined: 03/04/09
yep i was bidding on some
yep i was bidding on some things in the same auction and had a couple of call backs today on items that were referred because they didnt meet reserve. the prices the vendor wanted were ridiculous, like 80% of new price from a dealer?????
i wonder how many they actually sold???
Mick C
Posts: 608
Date Joined: 26/12/13
Auction Houses
I reckon the Auction Houses have got it wrong. If there is a reserve, set the minimum bid at that number and see if anyone bids. If no one does then the reserve is just too high so you have to consider that and do it again, with a more realistic reserve. If someone does bid then the item sells.
80% of new price is a joke and all that does is waste peoples time. The stuff I got was a bit over 30% of new, but that is what you should expect when you are the one assuming all of the risk in the purchase of second hand goods. The story I got was that the equipment was under lease and the payout figure needed to be achieved. Bad luck I reckon, the vendor should also assume some risk when they hand the goods over. Again, "something is only worth what someone is prepared to pay" and they care little about the particular financial deals the vendor may have in relation to the item.
Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it - LH.
Posts: 755
Date Joined: 29/03/13
hey mate looking at setting up my own business
in Broome something similar to what your doing and would love some advice in regards to how to set it up legally.
Down the Line
Catch the Experience
Posts: 2946
Date Joined: 03/03/10
I went to a woodside auction years back with Ken "Polly' Pollard (owner of site serve) years back in Karratha , Polly was bidding on this strange looking lifting bracket , I said why do you want that mate , he said that's been made up for a specific job they will want it back 1 day he got it for a hundred dollars 2 years later he sold it back to woodside for 25k