Transportation of fillets
Submitted by dano83 on Mon, 2015-10-05 14:23
Hey guys,
just reading up on transportation of fillets/ possession of fillets
Hyperthetically. My mates are going up north for a few weeks fishing,
i can can only go for a week. So have to fly up and back,
do i
(a) take my fish back on airplane
(B) leave the fish with them in freezer labelled and with all my details of flights ect ect
the way I read it it says it can't be taken back by a commercial courier
And also that who ever is in charge of freezer/vessel what ever the fish is stored in, is deemed owner of fillets. unless otherwise proven ( hence the leaving of details/proof )
any help will be much appreciated
Posts: 40
Date Joined: 03/07/09
My advice would be to contact fisheries, explain your situation and get a ruling (preferably in writing) before you go.
Posts: 2751
Date Joined: 02/04/11
For $25 just deep freeze it
For $25 just deep freeze it and bring it back on the planein a styrene box. Remember no ice!
Posts: 15044
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Yep, I'd do as Vin suggests.
Yep, I'd do as Vin suggests. Like you said whoever is in possession is the owner, fisheries won't give a shit who's name is on the box etc it's all about possession. I asked them this on our last trip.
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Transportation of fillets
pretty sure you have to be accompanying your own fish, so that means taking them on the plane with you. They could come back with your mates but would count as their fish and cut into their bag limits.
Just read the rules and it clearly states you must accompany your fish if transporting it by land, sea or air.
My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !
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Right on sea-kem
If you are in possession of the fillets. -you own them.
If you are in a following car to that which is carrying the fillets and you stick close to such car and the fisheries stop the car carrying the fillets you had better arrive where the fillets are within a couple of minutes or who has the fillets is toast.
Posts: 790
Date Joined: 25/05/12
thanks guys I did read the
thanks guys
I did read the rules before I asked,there's a bit of a grey area that's why I was asking,
I'm happy to take them on the plane it, was more for the convenience,
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What makes you think youre
What makes you think youre gonna catch fish anyway dan
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Date Joined: 25/05/12
I'm a man ! that's why haha
I'm a man ! that's why haha
Posts: 755
Date Joined: 29/03/13
also virgin don't allow fish
being transported anymore
Down the Line
Catch the Experience
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Date Joined: 29/03/13
actually ignore that comment
they do i just phoned to confirm.
Down the Line
Catch the Experience
Rob H
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was gonna say, I was on a
was gonna say, I was on a Virgin flight a few weeks back and there was a hold up as a guy confirmed whether he had ice in it or not but it certainly travelled
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Here's an interesting
Here's an interesting scenario.
You catch your allowable bag limit including a couple of huge cod, some nice KGW and a few tailor on the way back in. You put in to the ramp and fisheries check your esky which is all good. You go over to the table and fillet all your fish and you are now in possession of more than 20kg of fillets and fisheries come back over and weight them. What happens there?
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
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Well then you're F$&%ed.
Well then you're F$&%ed. It's up to you to ensure you aren't over. The rules are in black and white and quite clear.
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It's why the possession
It's why the possession limits state that you can have 20kg fillets OR 10kg fillets plus 1 bag limit whole fish. As Sea Kem says it's up to you to adhere to. (which is pretty easy though) fillet at home or have someone else at the public fillet table to "give" the fillets to......(once landed you don't need a fishing licence to be in possession of 20kg fillets.)
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easy dont fillet at the ramp
Go home and do it
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Date Joined: 17/06/10
Your toast
You are over your 20kg allowance end of story.
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make sure you get it right
Driving south of Carnarvon a short while back and in the middle of nowhere was a Fisheries roadblock. Every car was pulled off the road and eskies checked, didn't have to have been fishing. They're very serious.
Posts: 15044
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Yeah they usually setup at
Yeah they usually setup at Wilbinga grove along with the cops and dept immigration so they cover the lot.
Love the West!
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Date Joined: 09/03/13
Hope they have a skip- bin set up
Have only had good dealings with fisheries but would be supremely pissed off with dragging two weeks of fillets out of the eskies on a 45 degree day on the side of the road 12 (sometimes 24) hours from home !!!