Tamala Report

Gday FW crew...

Just arrived home from a week up at Tamala... Stayed on the Prickly pt side and fished the gulfs and channels closest...

Plenty of Pinks of all sizes... Biggest went 83cms, didn't get a weight as wanted to get him back before the Dolphins gained an upper hand... Cheeky bastards!!

Ran a net out one arvo to chase some Mullet but only ended up with the one and a net full of Butter fish.... Fail...

I used placcys for the week and let the girls use bait ( butter fish :) ).... The most fun was some good sized pinks in about 80cm of water and a few times sight casting to them with the SP's... Managed one that went about 6kg ( no dolphins in the shallows waiting for an easy feed )...

Tried a few weed banks for squid but didn't have any success... Anyone done ok at Tamala on the squid??

Spotted a few Blue Bone in the shallows but being so clear and no live crabs/Occys we didn't get any hits...

Anyway all in all a good week away...

Recommend a trip for family's, a good place to dingi fish!!

Swompa's picture

Posts: 3912

Date Joined: 14/10/12

 Bucket list spot!

Tue, 2014-07-22 19:34

 Bucket list spot!

kirky79's picture

Posts: 1356

Date Joined: 13/01/12

 Hey mate, we were at Shell

Tue, 2014-07-22 20:48

 Hey mate, we were at Shell beach for the first week of the school holidays. First time there and really enjoyed it. Would be better if you could keep a Pink or 2 as we couldn't get past them. They are like blowies eh! My 6 six year old got the one and only size Bluebone on a piece of mullet. I also put the net out once and got a lovely flathead and 8 mullet. How clear was the water up there! Had a real crack at squid, got one small one within about 5 min. and didn't see another one for the rest of the week. Couldn't get over the cheeky dolphins, they have the pinkies wired eh! I was surprised how big they could take them, I released one around the 40 cm mark, within 30 seconds the mum had given it to its baby to play with on the surface. Great place but I really think it is time they open up the pink snapper rules a bit even if it is only one per day. As the pressure must be getting transferred to other species. JMO


Posts: 908

Date Joined: 06/05/12

,,, really ? Snaps in 80cm on

Tue, 2014-07-22 21:38

,,, really ? Snaps in 80cm on water ...sounds good for the fly !

jamey ford's picture

Posts: 174

Date Joined: 25/05/11

 Take crab nets catch blueys

Wed, 2014-07-23 02:01

 Take crab nets catch blueys , mash some up in an onion bag throw in water tied to rope ,put half a crab on a large hook ,running sinker handline or rod with minimal drag , esturay cod will come miles for this up there !


Far Quirk!

timboon's picture

Posts: 2961

Date Joined: 14/11/10

Sounds like a plan Jamey, You

Wed, 2014-07-23 06:32

Sounds like a plan Jamey, You talking Tamala?

From what I saw its pretty hard to get anything past the pinks...

Jaronimo's picture

Posts: 15

Date Joined: 26/03/10

this is good news any idea if

Wed, 2014-07-23 09:29

this is good news any idea if the cod would come in for a look from shore Im heading up to tamala in a few days,