Best place to get Mercury Performance DFI Oil?
Submitted by t bone on Wed, 2014-07-23 11:22
Gday everyone.
Our local lads up in Geraldton no longer stock the DFI oil i use for my optimax. The missus contacted merc to get a list of agents and they gaveme the below options down in the big smoke.
I havent had much to do with any of these crew and was wondering if anyone from down that way could shine some light on who to deal with, and who not. plz, feel free to let me know via PM if need be
cheers :)
Dealer Name
Aquasports MarineMIDLAND6056
08 9250 3339
Mandurah OutboardsMANDURAH6210
08 9581 7224
Bluewater Marine BUNBURY6230
08 9791 1499
Hi Tech MarineWANGARA6065
08 9309 2888
Midway Marine ROCKINGHAM6168
08 9527 6963
The Boat Business HENDERSON6166
08 9410 2988
Posts: 1042
Date Joined: 22/03/13
Hi mate. Send
Hi mate. Send quobbarockhopper a msg. I think he has a couple of unopened 4 ltr Merc DFI bottles he wants to get rid of.
A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!