skippers ticket

Sorry if in wrong section but just wondering, I did my skippers ticket on the 1st November 2014.
It is now February and still no ticket in the mail after 3 months of doing it . Any one know why there is such a long delay.
Cheers and keep fishing

Posts: 159

Date Joined: 03/12/13

Thats normal, I did mine in

Thu, 2015-02-05 07:26

Thats normal, I did mine in Oct and only got it in the mail the other day. Your dealing with a govt department remember so nothing happens in a hurry.

devhay's picture

Posts: 328

Date Joined: 27/10/14

Not to hijack the thread, but

Thu, 2015-02-05 08:39

Not to hijack the thread, but who did you guys go through?
I've been putting off getting my skippers for to long, need to book in and do it already aha


Posts: 159

Date Joined: 03/12/13

I went thru Greg May from

Thu, 2015-02-05 12:37

I went thru Greg May from Mandurah Boat School, he offers a no frills package for $150 which was what I was after. Other places in Perth I spoke to wanted you to do courses and pay top $$ for it. his No. is 0419914651

Posts: 218

Date Joined: 15/01/10

Point Peron Sea rescue

Thu, 2015-02-05 14:25

I did mine at Point Peron sea rescue purely for the reason to support the local rescue mob.



uncle's picture

Posts: 9507

Date Joined: 10/02/07

Couple work

Thu, 2015-02-05 15:38

 Out of hillarys marina


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

Posts: 98

Date Joined: 05/05/11


Thu, 2015-02-05 17:06

LOL post thread this morning and got it in the mail today .
I did mine at the Perth Boat School out of Cockburn .