River tailor advice
Submitted by Kezza5203 on Wed, 2016-07-06 09:55
Hey all I am fairly knew to the site,
I am just wondering if some one could share some info on where to catch tailor and the rigs or lures to do so. I have a Malibu fishing kayak so not restricted to shore based fishing. Also I have a few repala diving Minos and a few halo poppers I use down south to catch monster tailor. When does the season start?
any advice would be appreciated,
Posts: 116
Date Joined: 23/08/14
i generally pick them up trolling between narrows and canning bridge on a yak with rmg scorpions
Posts: 10
Date Joined: 28/03/16
I'll certainly look into that
I'll certainly look into that I've seen posts of certain times of the year tailor flood the rivers is that true and if so are still here.
Posts: 257
Date Joined: 01/03/10
Look for the birds
A good stretch is from the Swan Brewery rock wall up to and all around Matilda Bay. Many times driving past you'll see birds diving. Just troll a metal slice will do the trick.
Posts: 376
Date Joined: 21/11/14
Depends where you live.Mosmans is good for tailor.because I lived in Beaconsfield I would launch the tinny at leeuwin and troll slices or wonder wobbles behind the sand bar
just do it.
Posts: 1534
Date Joined: 06/02/13
With the dirty fresh water
With the dirty fresh water coming down the river this time of year your probs best to focus on the shoreline down river from say claremont jetty to the blackwall area. Once you find where the bait is schooling or holding there will definately be tailor. Iver heard there are still some lost salmon cruising that area too, you never know what you'll hit. Through summer the brewery stretch holds some monsters.
Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic
Posts: 10
Date Joined: 28/03/16
Thanks for the info
I might head down to around point Walter ish and see what's around look for the diving birds like you said and have a crack.