Great night of snapper and a cameo great white appearance
Went out Saturday evening in my little 4.2m dinghy and WOW what a night out on the water. Took my old boy out for a fish and I am so glad I had a witness to what happened. Launched from Woodies, the southerly was around 10knts and forecast to increase and with a 2m swell it was going to be a sloppy trip however my snapper addiction and the hunt for a 1m pinky convinced me to get out there and to have a crack. Headed out, anchored up and got the burley started. Dropped a couple of slimy macks whilst I flicked around a soft plastic. It wasn't too long before the pinkys showed up, using my little Anarchy rod with a Stradic FK C3000 I flicked out a soft plastic that didn't even make it half way down before it got smashed by a pinky. At first I called the initial hit for an average pinky but then it took off on several decent runs pulling line which made me think hang on maybe its a bit bigger than I thought, the reason for why it ran so hard would soon become obvious. I managed to get the pinky to the side of the boat without much trouble and then the real fun began. With the pinky about 1m from the boat I noticed a big dark silhouette fast approaching from the depths below, my first thought was it's just a shark coming up to try and get the fish no big deal right? How wrong I was. It wasn't just any shark, it was a great white shark, now it wasn't huge, I am not one to exaggerate and claim that it was the generic 5m like all whites that get seen appear to be, it was realistically probably 2.5-3m. At speed it went past the pinky and then turned sharply to come back to eat it. My old boy offers to hand me the gaff but there wasn't enough time so I reached down and grabbed the leader and hauled the pinky into the boat just as the white came back for it. We thought we had won the battle with the great white but the great white shark wasn't too happy that we had denied him a feed and it barrelled at the boat, ramming the rear starboard quarter with such force that it caused me to fall flat on my arse and had a fair go at the leg of the motor. It hit the boat with such force that it made me fall flat on my arse, bloody glad it didn't knock me into the water as I would have shat. Water was splashing everywhere as the white thrashed it's tail around as it whipped around and came back to the boat to have a taste of my prop. The pinky was only 70cm but the fact that it had a great white up it's clacker explains why it was fighting above it's weight class. Not long after my old boy hooked up to a massive pinky which was hauling ass and pulling line like I've never seen on my rod and reel that he was using, I've caught plenty of decent pinkys mid 80's so I know it was big and probably 90+cm. My old boy got the fish mid water and started to gain back some line when suddenly the fish was gone....... My old boy had falling victim to the great white shark who managed to get a free feed after all. Straight after, I picked up the great white on my sounder a few times and the fish shut down and were nowhere to be seen so it was time to come home which was a good thing as the southerly picked up a bit and we got smashed coming home. It's a shame as I think we were about to have an awesome fishing session too. Get busy living, what an experience, I think my spear gun and dive gear can stay in the shed a little while longer.
Posts: 9512
Date Joined: 10/02/07
A night for
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Posts: 300
Date Joined: 04/01/12
Nice pinkies cobber, not keen
Nice pinkies cobber, not keen on the great white though..
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Solid pinks and solid bits on the pants too by the sounds.
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Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Very good size pinkies
No wonder the GW was a bit annoyed at being robbed of a good meal. First I've heard of one getting really upset at a boat, normally it's just a curiosity nudge and taste of the prop. But this one was quite something different by the sounds of things.
The yak people need to take notice of the new white on the block.
Posts: 308
Date Joined: 28/05/15
There was a yak guy at the
There was a yak guy at the ramp when I returned, South African fella he had caught a nice 75cm snapper, I told him about the white and he didn't seem too phased! Reckons he had a mate on a yak last week in the sound have a 4m white circle him, bugger that!