Off to Ningaloo
Off for the annual pilgimage early am Saturday, for a whole month. Prep all done, now to pack. Having a son with a new Hilux will take aboout 400kg off my load--he can take the fuel, firewood, some water, and all his own crap A large Madfish bag from Oceanside
has replaced the big icebox, taking a hundred-odd kilo of ice and box off the boat, we are going to keep swapping out frozen containers from the camp freezer to keep the retained catch cold. 320 w solar array to pour the power in to the dual camp batteries, and a big charger for the cloudy days. Rain is clearing Friday ( glad I'm not there at the moment), moon is waning, all the stars line up.
I made noises about keeping people updated last year, but I was too busy.(mainly catching fish) The crew drive me like a dog. Maybe this year....
looking forward to this...
and this
Posts: 1449
Date Joined: 27/03/09
Lucky bugger! Can't help
Lucky bugger! Can't help with you with the river crossing tho, I always take the safe/long way back out and up the main road. Don't like the idea of coming unstuck there is all.
enjoy your trip, I'd kill for a month up there!