Night Fishing
Submitted by devhay on Fri, 2015-02-13 09:45
Well the missus has told me to get out of the house and go fishing tonight, and who am I to argue with that haha
Only problem is I've never been out to much past sunset around the metro, winds looking a bit average so I'm thinking river is probably a safer bet than beach or jetty..
Not after any spots, more so just what fish are about
What stays on the bite after dark in the swan?
Was thinking of going after squid, maybe herring or other baitfish if there are any about
anything else worth chasing at night?
Posts: 613
Date Joined: 18/09/13
Mulloway. Eshed has been
Mulloway. Eshed has been getting a few latly live scallies are the go from what ive heard.
Bewdey Fellaz
Posts: 328
Date Joined: 27/10/14
Yeah that was my first though
Yeah that was my first though but I'm not really setup for mulloway haha only got a couple of light 1-3kg and 3-5kg combos or my 12ft beach get up haha
Thinking of heading east freo way anyway so I'll probably swing past eshed and have a look
Posts: 465
Date Joined: 06/02/14
Catch some tailor on your
Catch some tailor on your light gear & then throw a live one out for mulloway on your beach gear. Black wall reach is the place to be.
Posts: 328
Date Joined: 27/10/14
Yeah ended up in east freo
Yeah ended up in east freo just up from the red herring, managed to get a pretty consistent bite on bream, trumpeters and a couple of small cobblers.
Hopefully get out a bit before sunset next time and chase some tailor too and give that a go