National Day of Protest

It's time for us fishers to organise a national day of protest across Australia not just for the lock outs that have hit us in every state but the whole argument the Greens have been using is horribly flawed and doesn't help world fish stocks that would most probably be decimated in those countries that are not as heavily regulated as our fisheries are here in Australia and they will rape the oceans to meet the shortfall in the availability of fish for sale in the local shops. While the big 3 will only sell fish from sustainable fisheries there is no doubt smaller retail outlets will capitalise on selling a cheaper product to the public. The whole Greens argument is fish stocks around the world are in decline and this decision by Tony Burke and the Federal Labor Government doesn't help save fish at the global level.Exactly the opposite.  

davidbland50's picture

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Here, here

Sat, 2012-06-16 17:32


I couldn't agree more. We need to start showing the government of the day that what they are doing will have a detrimental effect on the future fo recreational fishing. We need to organise a flotilla of boats synchronized in every major harbour in every capital city in Australia to get the attention of the pollies and people of Australia.


Wherever you go, there you are

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here here

Sat, 2012-06-16 17:54

i agree what is needed is a nation wide day of protest i don't know about doing it on the water but i think if it is done outside a sitting federal members office along with a sign i fish and i vote and have a celeb or big name sportsman (Danny Green) present it could have some pressure on the mp. or a sticker campain starting now and keeping up the presure untill the next election,changing the stickers often this way it will constantly be noticed.whatever is decided on by those who can organise these things it needs to happen a soon as.

just my thoughts

sea-kem's picture

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If anything gets organised

Sat, 2012-06-16 18:47

If anything gets organised I'm in. It's the only way these self serving pricks will listen.


Love the West!

crasny1's picture

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But the Question????

Sat, 2012-06-16 19:02

I would be the first, and being a bit off a senior with a bit off mongrel from Rugby days left I'll vollie to attack this.

Just how as such a diverse group do we do it? If we do do this with unity!!??. It is just what we would like (scientifically) vs What they propose (scientifically).

And I certainly admit that they (greens, Pew) have more ammo, but IT IS FLAWED.

I read science papers often (as little as needed) and it is piss easy to add some "flawed" interpretation to any scientific paper.

So Sea-kem etc - if there is something to be heard, lets Fng stand up and be heard- As fisher FOLK.

F Im pissed at all this Fng poo(sht) flung our ways just to have a bit off fun/feed.

What is the stats? 30% of people like to fish????

Make my day!! Let rec fishing in all forms survive.



"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

sea-kem's picture

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You should be a polly Crasny.

Sat, 2012-06-16 19:22

You should be a polly Crasny. I like that 'fisher folk'


Love the West!

UncutTriggerInWA's picture

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Out Numbered

Sat, 2012-06-16 19:28

I hear and listen and agree. This shits me too. The truth is folks that the numbers seem to be agianst us. IMO the best we can do is behave as we do and promote sustainable rec fishing. The wankers have has their way.


Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.

beau's picture

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HERE HERE! Always wanted to

Sat, 2012-06-16 20:41


Always wanted to say that


SABRE's picture

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Sat, 2012-06-16 22:45

Count me in time these pricks got shown the way


If fishing is a sport I,m an elite athlete

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If this is to happen, we need

Sun, 2012-06-17 08:33

If this is to happen, we need thousands of anglers to turn out around Australia. Not just a few hundred here and there. People on here are more likely to show up, but will others also make the effort?

Past history suggests this is unlikely.

However, maybe this could be the catalyst for anglers to finally rally as a group?

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

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Plenty of angry anglers here

Sun, 2012-06-17 09:07

Plenty of angry anglers here is SA as well and all are prepared to march on Parliment House here too.  I can organise something here to coincide if given a date (shit fishing weather ATM so many have nothing better to do and will get more response than a nice summer day...).

Just let me know and I will spread the word on SA forums..

Anyone else here from the other states????




Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions

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Paul,I have been speaking to

Sun, 2012-06-17 09:40


I have been speaking to Shane Mensforth from SA Angler about this and he's keen.

If we do get this off the ground, we need anglers to turn out in their thousands in each state.

The question is, will YOU (FW readers) turn up, even if you have to take some time off work? Will you bring family and friends? Will you spread the word?

We need thousands of people, not hundreds. If it is the latter, we are doomed as it will prove fishos don't care.

If it is to succeed, it is up to all of us, not just the usual suspects.


Paul H's picture

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Cheers Scotty,I'd be there

Sun, 2012-06-17 11:14

Cheers Scotty,

I'd be there with bells on mate and so would many is SA.  Apart from the federal parks being brought in we are also in the final "consultation" process of our inshore state marine parks and no go zones (which will affect the rec anglers in this state even more than the fed ones), so now would be a good time (if we wait much longer it may be too late).  Had over 1000 turn up to the burnside town hall meeting most of them couldn't even get inside the hall - it was packed.  I would imagine the turnout in SA would be fantastic its a huge issue here ATM and has been for some time.

Must be on a weekend when most don't have work commitments though.

Tackle shops and marine businesses also should get on board and spread the word afterall it will affect their bottom line.

Boat show is in Adelaide next weekend as well - wonder if they will have a pro-marine park stall??  (if they do there may be a lynching).....



Cheers Paul



Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions

joe amato's picture

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just got a link on face book,have a read.......

Sun, 2012-06-17 09:17

just have a read on this link i got on facebook,it should disgust you and give you the courage to protest about the current marine park proposals,lets all get together and oppose the so called marine park leggeslation,i hope some1 can organise this,so we can all be heard before its too late



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Well all I can say

Sun, 2012-06-17 09:45

is to all you people who voted for the ALP what did you expect from a green leaning party.

Paul H's picture

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Not me - Ex- labour voter and

Sun, 2012-06-17 11:09

Not me - Ex- labour voter and voted fishers and shooters party at last two (state and Fed) elections.


Labour are stuffed its going to be a while before any fishers (and many others) vote for them again.  Labour were gutless in the way they caved into the greens to form goverment - they didn't have to - the greens were never going to side with the Libs anyway.

Greens - I cringe anytime now when I see any thing to do will animals or the enviorment and I gather many others feel the same - I wonder if these enviormental groups realise they have lost the support of many fishermen and will never get it back -  once screwed always angry


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions

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Exactly true mate.  I used to

Sun, 2012-06-17 11:17

Exactly true mate.  I used to follow some green initiatives in my workplace etc, but now totally avoid it.  A bit like the way they try to push gay marriage.  I dont really give a rats arse if gays want to get married - but if the greens are so keen on it, it must be wrong and I will not support it as I wish to see the greens fail.

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Barnaby Joyce

Sun, 2012-06-17 15:10

Barnaby Joyce has just made a statement on" ABC.Net.Au/News " basically saying much the same thing as the original post . He says we are just exporting the problem overseas and he will fight it in the senate. I'll get an e-mail off to Tony Abbott's office to see if he'll make a similar statement which will add more credability to our cause. 

Posts: 544

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Tim Nicol Conservation Council.

Tue, 2012-06-19 09:29

Just heard Tim on ABC Radio and he is saying that Tony Burke caved in to public pressure with the extentions to the marine park plan. So now our oceans are being managed by public opinion and not science based. Bloody hell. It just gets worse.

Posts: 247

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Victory for people power he

Tue, 2012-06-19 09:43

Victory for people power he says. People power if you are happy with people from elsewhere in the world and with no actual idea of the issues telling us how to run our country.

It is not a victory for people power, it is the silent majority being bent over by the vocal minority.

The big problem is it is easy to say "less fishing means more fish".

It is far more difficult to unravel that lie, even though it can indeed be disproven.


Willlo's picture

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Was at the Freo Rally and

Tue, 2012-07-03 16:02

Was at the Freo Rally and would do it again.The Fisher folk at that one outnumbered the other protest groups and got  some news coverage as well.It was organized quite easily by another site and went of well.Need to get all fishing sites together on this as well.


 Call Sign - BZ785

Haynes Hunter Prowler CC


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Just an Update Willo.

Wed, 2012-07-04 01:14

I contacted the fishing reps in the other states and they suggested I get in touch with the newly formed national peak body" Australian Recreational Fishing Federation" ( ARFF ) who they take direction from which I did. I phoned Alan Hansard the CEO and mentioned that there was a lot of support for holding a national day of protest among fisho's and you'll notice that I left a post on their Web-site along the same lines to test the water. As yet not much action along these lines and I personally think that they are missing a great opportunity to cement their future in representing Rec-Fishers and time is fast running out for submissions to the Feds.but he has a board who he is answerable to and being based in Canberra they no doubt feel more informed and smarter than an old salt like me who lives in a back water like Busselton and having his fishing activities curtailed not by the things I'm doing but what is happening in other countries. You'll notice a lot of bitterness in this text and if you think I'm starting to get angry, you'ld better believe it. I hope every other fisher is doing likewise. 

Willlo's picture

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I was checking out

Fri, 2012-07-13 16:43

I was checking out southcoastfishing web site and the guys down in Albany look like they are going to organize some kind of protest as well, we need to take some kind of action , i dont think sending emails to the pollies has much effect they need something to be on the news to gain their attention. Angry is an understatement, i feel like we are being dictated to by foreign entities as to where i can fish.F%^ck that and the weak pollies that supposedly rep us.


 Call Sign - BZ785

Haynes Hunter Prowler CC


Perry Home's picture

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Hit the button and keep hitting it....

Fri, 2012-07-13 20:35

If you keep hitting the send button, not just once but every day, and everyone does that continually - you will start to weaken their resolve. This is about a test of character for each and everyone of us. Reminds me of "The Shawshank Redemption" - we need to be dilligent and not give up. Get those emails, send them and hit send repeat every day. Add a comment about the fragility of their position in the big white house on the hill and see if you get a response. I've seen this collapse an email system - that makes them think otherwise.

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We are running a Keep

Tue, 2012-07-24 13:42

We are running a Keep Australia Fishing Convoy on Wednesday, Aug 29, at 2pm and we need your support!!!
The convoy will start in Fremantle and head to a meeting point (destination still to be confirmed) at around 4pm, where we will hold a public rally, with keynote speakers, special guests, etc.
There will be opportunities to join the convoy along the way, or you can join us at the rally afterwards.
We want to see heaps of people towing boats in the convoy, and cars without boats as well.
We also want to see banners, placards, signs, etc.
Regional anglers should get involved too, I know of at one least one town that is already planning to run its own rally in conjunction with the main one.
We also want people to come up with innovative ways of promoting the Keep Australia Fishing message to the wider public. Post your effort to the Wangler Facebook page,, or Keep Australia Fishing Facebook page,, and we'll pick a winner, who will win a fantastic prize.
I will post more details as they become available at
It's time to make a difference!

SABRE's picture

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Tue, 2012-07-24 14:30

Scotty if we want more fishos involved in this protest convoy surely it would be a better idea to hold this on a weekend IMO

I'm all for the protest and would be there with bells on i just think for the majority of people a weekend is far easier


If fishing is a sport I,m an elite athlete

Posts: 247

Date Joined: 09/03/08

There are several very

Tue, 2012-07-24 14:41

There are several very important practical reasons why it needs to be done during the week.

We are trying to give as much notice as possible to give people a chance to plan for it.

We realise it's not perfect, but it's impossible to keep everyone happy.

The rally afterwards will also give people a chance to get there after work if they can't get away earlier.