My first bream on plastics!

hi everyone. Today I went to the canning system next to the old shelly bridge and managed my first ever bream on plastics!

i saw a nice drop off, then a gutter sort of thing near the bridge and thought "this is good for tarwhine in the beach, so it would have to work for black bream". So I had a couple casts, feeling nothing. Third cast I went to do a little twitch and BANG, I had hooked the bream. It was a nice bream, and fought well, more than what it should have for its size and I was sooo happy with it but I couldn't take a pic of me holding it because I was on my own. It went 27cm

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then I had another cast into the same spot, with the lure fully intact and had a huge hit. I let the lure sit there, n another twitch and more bights came. Then I twitched again and nothing. I thought that they would come back but they didn't. When I got the lure in I had a look and the tail was gone. Bitten off clean, which I thought was very wierd because firstly zman grubz are really strong, I can stretch the tails about 30cm and also I didn't think that blowies came that far up river. Never catching one on bait anywhere near there before. So I think that it was either a big bream, with sharp front teeth which can get like tailors teeth or it was a soapie? Could someone please tell me your thoughts because I really don't have any idea.

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i had a few more casts in the area, but I think that I had spooked the school, because the next plastic that I put on didn't produce any bights or anything. I stayed for a few more hours trying a few different spots but didn't end up getting anything else and decided that the fish had gone off the night.

all in all is was a great day that I will always remember!


Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

Justin M's picture

Posts: 1207

Date Joined: 14/01/13

 Well done mate, good first

Wed, 2014-12-10 21:00

 Well done mate, good first fish on plastics.

MandurahMatt's picture

Posts: 613

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 Well done on your catch

Wed, 2014-12-10 21:56

 Well done on your catch mate. I grew up around Shelley area, you will get blowies down that far in Summer, I've also caught Tailor that far down. A friend Of mine even caught a 3ft shark near the pipe line next to Shelley bridge once many years ago. 


 Bewdey Fellaz

lachieH's picture

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 Awesome, that's interesting.

Wed, 2014-12-10 21:59

 Awesome, that's interesting. I'm starting to think it was either a blowie or tailor, it must be pretty strong though to bight off a zman though


Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

Hutch's picture

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Top effort, a great first,

Wed, 2014-12-10 22:01

Top effort, a great first, you worked hard for it.
Was most likely a tailor that bit your tail off if you felt a hard hit, otherwise blowies

Callum24's picture

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stoked for ya mate the old

Wed, 2014-12-10 22:37

stoked for ya mate the old saying effort=reward ,bream are a hard 1 to tempt on artificals


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rob90's picture

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 Good job buddy, i like to

Thu, 2014-12-11 08:28

 Good job buddy, i like to think that it was all that advice i gave ya. Haha you'll be smashing 40s in no time keep at.


 Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic

lachieH's picture

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 Yeah and thanks for the

Thu, 2014-12-11 09:25

 Yeah and thanks for the advice aswell 


Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

devhay's picture

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Nice one mate! gotta be happy

Thu, 2014-12-11 09:38

Nice one mate! gotta be happy with that


grantarctic1's picture

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Thu, 2014-12-11 11:55

Nice job mate, now you got your first i'm sure there will be many more to come, keep at it and move around as much as you can.

I have had Tailor chop my plastics as far up as Guilford, and blowies can mess up your lures too .

tadpole's picture

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Nice catch Lachie. A couple

Thu, 2014-12-11 13:49

Nice catch Lachie. A couple of years ago I was catching juvenile tailor up at castledare so they go up quite a distance

lachieH's picture

Posts: 1126

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 Thanks everyone for the

Thu, 2014-12-11 15:05

 Thanks everyone for the comments. Does anyone think that using a motor oil grub instead of a bloodworm grub would work aswell? The bloodworm ones mix in really well but I think that if I change it up every now and then, it may produce better results?


Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

Posts: 360

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 if u want to have a go at

Thu, 2014-12-11 15:46

 if u want to have a go at differant soft plastics try the squidgee wrigglers in red and black also the squidgee paddle tails they work well for bream and flathead the flattys used to hammer squidgee wrigglers in dark green 70mm.

jump on utube check out starlo & buschy's bream fishing you'll get sum top info aswell as feedback from fw members on here.

keep going with the zman grubs theyre a top s/p.

GGs's picture

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+1 for the squidgee pro

Thu, 2014-12-11 16:34

+1 for the squidgee pro wrigglers in the blood worm colour (red and black). The only problem is that squidgees dont use RST plastic like the zmann plastics so if your fishing in areas where there are blowies you will go through a pack of squidgees pretty fast.

As for zmann grub colour motor oil is definitely a top choice... im pretty sure its a UV colour and you will notice the colour is slightly different underwater.


lachieH's picture

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 Yeah I thought I would give

Thu, 2014-12-11 16:40

 Yeah I thought I would give a motor oil one a shot today because the fish didn't seem to be biting and it looked really bright more green not much brown at all


Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

lachieH's picture

Posts: 1126

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 Yeah I thought I would give

Thu, 2014-12-11 16:40

 Yeah I thought I would give a motor oil one a shot today because the fish didn't seem to be biting and it looked really bright more green not much brown at all


Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

GGs's picture

Posts: 330

Date Joined: 06/09/14

Catch any bream today?In the

Thu, 2014-12-11 16:50

Catch any bream today?

In the closeup photo it looks like you tie your jig head on with a uni knot? Another little tip is to tie your jig heads on with a loop knot. It allows the head/plastic to move a little more freely when you twitch it. Not a necessity but i find it helps work the plastic better.


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 yup go the loop knot but not

Thu, 2014-12-11 16:53

 yup go the loop knot but not a big loop otherwise it will get tangled in the jig head

lachieH's picture

Posts: 1126

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 Ok, i do it usually for hard

Thu, 2014-12-11 20:17

 Ok, i do it usually for hard bodies so I will do it for plastics from now on. I have only tried hard bodies once trying a uni first then loop. I could feel a difference and it looked better.

and I didn't get any fish


Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

Fisher Kid's picture

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motor oil is one of the most

Thu, 2014-12-11 15:06

motor oil is one of the most popular colours, the only thing wrong with the 2inch ones Is I find flatties wont touch em when I use em.


Fishing and catching are two different things. But i want to learn how to catch.

grantarctic1's picture

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Motor oil

Tue, 2014-12-16 13:31

Motor oil just seems to be popular because every one uses that colour . I find the stores are usually sold out of it and get the Amber instead, there realy isn't much difference betwen the two in my opinion.

My favorite colour last season was the clear minnow. I started using it cause i thought it represented the glass shrimp very well . However i have had most of the colours work on different days and found one colour on one day works better than others.

One thing with the Zman i found, was don't store different colours together , they tend to leach colour into each other. They also don't like being left in the sun and will melt togeather into a big mess.


lachieH's picture

Posts: 1126

Date Joined: 02/03/13

 Awesome thanks for the

Sat, 2014-12-20 16:08

 Awesome thanks for the advice


Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession