Missing Kite Surfer Last Night?

 was a big search last night for a suspected missing kite surfer last night off Woodman Point / Coogee. Does anyone know if he was found or if he was already in? 


His mate came up to us fishing asking if we had seen a kite surfer alone out there as his friend was missing.. Told him not to take chances like that and call police straight away. If he called earlier they would have had some time to search during daylight!


Quick response from emergency services boats, cars, choppers and a plane all looking straight away.

Iceman's picture

Posts: 747

Date Joined: 17/03/09

Yep Found

Fri, 2015-03-13 15:48

 Yep found on shore. 

Unfortunately Kite Surfer (not all)are a pain in the arse for rescue services. We average a dozen call over summer for someone missing or reported in trouble.

There are strict guideline now for what they have to carry as far as safety gear if going more than 400mtrs offshore such a PDF and flares but many are not aware of the regs.

Most time by the time we get out there to search they are onshore and not even aware we were looking for them.


Smartline Personal Mortgage Advisers - Level 1, 11 Hobsons Gate Currambine 


burnz's picture

Posts: 152

Date Joined: 19/02/15

 suspected that was likely

Fri, 2015-03-13 17:31

 suspected that was likely the case, which is why the guy hadnt reported him missing yet. We told him to call police right away just incase.

Posts: 2946

Date Joined: 03/03/10

do they have "road rules"

Fri, 2015-03-13 19:16

i have seen up to 40 may be 50 tearing around the bay near bent street , it is a spectacular sight with all those kites up , what I don't understand is how they don't prang into each other , its something I would love to able to do